Thursday, October 31, 2019

Changing Workplace Culture through team leadership Research Paper

Changing Workplace Culture through team leadership - Research Paper Example Workplace culture is a very essential factor in the success of organizations because it determines the levels of employee motivation, and performance thereby influencing organizational performance accordingly. It is in the least incentive of any organization to have employees that are unengaged and ill motivated because this inevitably leads to low organizational outputs. The organizational leadership culture, the system of unspoken norms and assumptions that govern how managers operate, is unescapably a powerful and distinct element in the organizational culture. The fast changing and complex business environment today requires organizations to operate at a strategic position that matches the complexities and uncertainties presented to them to ensure sustained growth and success. In this regard, every organization needs to thoroughly assess its strategic leadership culture as the first step in moving towards the establishment of a culture that powerfully steer the organizational goa ls and objectives against all odds in the business environments. ... This has led to the move towards considering a change from the current bureaucratic style of leadership to team leadership to improve employee motivation, engagement, and productivity while reducing turnover and attaining sustainability for the organization. Literature Review A considerable amount of research has been completed in validation of the relationship between organizational culture, leadership culture, and employee levels of motivation, engagement, productivity, turnover, and organizational sustainability. Largely, most of the literature available is consistent insofar as the subject is concerned, that leadership culture influences organizational culture, and a complex interplay of these two factors is more likely to yield either positive or negative outcomes on employee motivation, performance and turnover. McGuire et al 2009 contends that organizations seeking to adapt to turbulent changes taking place in the fast paced complex business world need a new kind of leadership capability to reframe dilemmas, reinterpret options, and to reform operations for sustainability (McGuire et al, 2009). Jones argues that inter-relationships between leadership team members and their behaviors with one another as well as with their staff have an influence in shaping the culture of their organizations (Jones, 2012). Corrigan et al (2002) examine the relationship between levels of transformational, transactional, and laissez-fare leadership and measures of organizational culture and burnout (Corrigan et al, 2002); leaders who rate themselves high in transformational leadership also rate their organizational cultures as transformational. Similarly, subordinates who rate their leaders high in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Single Parenting Essay Example for Free

Single Parenting Essay This essay is about why I disagree with Donald Pridemore’s statement that says â€Å"Being raised in a single parent home could be considered living in a abusive situation and because of that people should not jump into divorce and find alternatives.† Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child. Though it is true that children are more likely to get abused in single parent homes. I think that it was unfair and ignorant to make this statement because that is putting a class of people and putting the all in the in the wrong when many of them are right with their parenting. The first reason that I oppose against Mr.Pridemore’s statement is because some people do not choose to be single parents but are put in that situation. One way people can become a single parent is if your spouse or partner is deceased. Another way to become a single parent is if you have your child at a young age with someone who you did not plan to spend your life with. You may also be a single parent because the other person just walked out. Some of these situations you cannot avoid because you can’t make someone stay alive nor can you force someone to stay with you. The 2nd reason I disagree with the statement is because people get in two parent homes too. In his statement I think people forgot that all types of parents abuse their children not just single ones. Abuse happens every day in fact, 5 children die a day from child abuse but how many of those 5 kids were raised in single parent homes? No one really knows all they know is their own opinion. The last reason why I disagree with that statement is because alternatives are not always the best thing for the parent’s relationship. If you are a victim of domestic violence it is best to leave the relationship. In 2005 spouses or intimate partners killed 1,181 women, that’s an average of about 3 women a day. That just makes me think, how many of those women had kids and could have saved their lives by just raising that child on their own. People who agree with this statement are saying that it was their fault for being beaten, their fault someone died and that they made some one walk out on them. The reality is none of that was in their control. I don’t think anyone plans to be a single parent but at the end of the day even I would do what I have to do to raise my child. Our own president was raised by a single parent for a majority of his life, and that goes to show that his mother did something right she didn’t let the men in her life reprioritize her life she always put her kids first. I have made my argument and I hope I changed some opinions of people who agreed with Mr. Pridemore’s statement. More than anything I hope this essay made people take my ideas into consideration and take pride in having a single mother. I think that some people can relate and learn off of many parts of this essay such as statistics and facts.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Portrayal Of Drugs In Television And Movies

Portrayal Of Drugs In Television And Movies Television seems to glorify drinking alcohol and the use of nicotine whether actors are bellying up to Joes Emerald City Bar in Greys Anatomy or swigging a martini at MacLarens on How I Met Your Mother, (McKean, 2006) television seems to say drinking alcohol is sexy, popular and okay. Alcohol gets free exposure on prime-time television. In shows such as CBS Two and a Half Men, Foxs Happy Hour and ABCs Brothers and Sisters, cocktails and cigarettes have replaced the usual cup of coffee after work. These shows portray negative messages that drinking after work or at social gatherings is socially accepted. Reality shows such as Intervention and Celebrity Rehab depict the full range of alcohol and illicit drug use with real life footage of heroin, crack cocaine, meth and other addictions. These shows illustrate the physical and mental destruction of what can happen to a person when they use drugs. Shows such as Intervention and Celebrity Rehab show the downfall and the reality of drug use. While other shows seem to venerate the use of alcohol with humor and sex, these shows depict how strong addiction can be and how families are affected by drug use. Shows such as these send a strong message to viewers about the realities of drug use and the reality of treatment. There is no pretty picture painted about an easy recovery neither does it glamorize a cool picture of heroin, meth, crack, inhalants and alcohol. The reality is clear, it sends the message dont do drugs because this is what will happen to you, your family and your life. A positive aspect of the prime time television and alcohol use is that when an underage person is depicted as using alcohol they portray the consequences and turn into a positive learning experience. The negative aspect of alcohol and drug use in television is that it sends a negative message to teenagers, its says its cool to drink and smoke. According to Kids kids and teens ages eight to eighteen spend nearly four hours a day watching television ( The Nemours Foundation, 2010). This is about three times the time amount they spend listening to the radio. Children are greatly influenced by what they watch and many of them idolize stars from these shows and want the mimic what they watch, especially if the use of alcohol, nicotine and illicit drugs are glamorized. These shows depict unsafe behavior and often there are no consideration about the consequence of on the use of alcohol, smoking and use of drugs. Alcohol and nicotine seem to be a favorite among prime time shows; illicit drug use is mostly portrayed in movies. Illicit drugs use and alcohol are hyped up in movies more so than in prime time, but some movies also send a message how drugs can lead to destruction and the struggle to overcome addiction. In 1995, The Basketball Diaries staring Leonard DiCaprio portrayed the true story of Jim Carroll a teenagers struggle with heroin addiction whose only desires are the game of basketball and heroin. In The Basketball Diaries Jims the only escape from a best friend that is dying and a coach who is a child predator is heroin. In a downward spiral Jims addiction for heroin leads him into the streets where he steals, robs and prostitutes himself. It is only through a friend and his relentless pursuit of his desire for Jim to be clean that he overcomes his addiction and fulfills his dreams. The message in The Basketball Diaries relays how drug addiction can destroy your dreams lead you int o a path of crime and self destruction. The message in this movie was a detail of how a lifestyle can easily be misled through the use of drugs and the struggle a person will have to take to overcome that addiction. This move portrayed a very effective message; drugs can destroy all your dreams, lead you into a life where basically you would sell your soul to get your next hit. It also showed the struggles to overcome addiction and how positive your life can become once you decide to make positive choices in your life. As much as alcohol and drug use may be glorified in prime time television, there are also antidrug advertisements that try to educate parents and children on peer pressure and the effects of drug use. In 1998 Congress created The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign in collaboration with Partnership for a Drug-Free America the goal of this campaign is preventing and reducing youth drug abuse across the nation. The main goal of this campaign is to create advertisements that deliver antidrug use and the dangers of that behavior to youths. According to The Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS) 2009 there is a correlation between increased teen exposure to anti-drug messages on television and a decreased likelihood of trying drugs over the past ten years. Four out of ten teens agreed that anti-drug messages made them more aware of the risks of using drugs and less likely to try the drugs (Drug Enforcement Administration, 2010). In one of the many advertisement the campaign has pr oduce, The Human Puppet the advertisement depicts a girl is passed out on a chair with her friends gathered around her, they are painting her face and have strapped her arms with scarves and are moving her hands as she is a puppet. The girl is in an unconscious state and never reacts to what her friends are doing to her they make reference to the fact that she is passed out and thrashed and that she will have a major headache in the morning. Eventually they walk away from her, leaving her slumped in the chair (The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, 2009).This was an excellent advertisement, and depicted the reality of what can happen when you consume alcohol as a teenager and the embarrassing situations that you place yourself in. The advertisement also pointed out the reality of what your friends can and will do to you when you passed out from alcohol use. The one weakness that was noted in this advertisement was that some kids may think that it was more humorous than educati onal. There should have been more depiction of what can happen when a kid drinks too much alcohol such as loss of body function or alcohol related illnesses. Overall these campaigns have been shown to work The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign began in July 1998 and its primary focus was on reducing marijuana use among adolescents. The data collected from the beginning of PATS in 1998 compared to the data collected in 2008 shows that the use of the media campaign has significantly increased the teen awareness and decreased the use of marijuana in teens (Drug Enforcement Administration, 2010). The policies that are in place to deal with the portrayal of drug addiction are planned through The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the primary function of this office is to establish policies, priorities, and objectives for the Nations drug control program. The goals of the program are to reduce illicit drug use, manufacturing, and trafficking, drug-related crime and violence, and drug-related health consequences (Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2010). The policies that have been established for drug addiction are the following that were obtained from the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation: Americans For Safe Access (ASA) an aggressive grassroots campaign working to push the Bush administration off its anti-medical marijuana crusade and allow states the right to choose and govern medical marijuana laws. Common Sense for Drug Policy (CSDP) a non-profit organization dedicated to expanding discussion on drug policy and raising questions about existing law and educating the public about alternatives to current policies. Criminal Justice Policy Foundation (CJPF) a non-profit foundation working on innovative solutions to problems facing the criminal justice system. Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) the nations leading organization working to end the war on drugs. Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet) opposes the prison-building frenzy and supports rational policies consistent with the principles of peace, justice, freedom, compassion and truth. Human Rights and the Drug War a multi-media project that combines the stories and photos of Drug War POWs with facts and figures about the US Drug War, to confront the conscience of the American people and encourage individuals to take action for social justice. Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) a progressive think-tank with a project on U.S. drug policy and U.S. involvement in Colombia. Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative (IDPI) organizes people of faith to promote drug policy reform; i.e., moving from prohibition laws toward reasonable and compassionate drug regulation, education and treatment. Judges Against the Drug War provides an extensive online database of judicial opinions critical of the governments War on Drugs. The database represents judicial dissent against drug prohibition in state and federal jurisdictions from 1970 to the present date. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition. Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) works to minimize the harm associated with marijuana both the consumption of marijuana, and the laws that are intended to prohibit such use. Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) non-profit research and educational organization that assists scientific study of the risks and benefits of MDMA, psychedelic drugs and marijuana. National Drug Strategies Network (NDSN) coalition of organizations that offer information about drug control strategies. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) a nonprofit public-interest advocacy group that represents the interests of the tens of millions of Americans who smoke marijuana responsibly. Parents Ending Prohibition Parents Ending Prohibition is a non-profit organization, designed to bring together parents and other concerned citizens to protect our children from the devastating harms created by our nations war on marijuana. Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) working to involve youth in the political process, and promoting an open, honest, and rational discussion of alternative solutions to our nations drug problems. Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy Reform (UUDPR) a continental coalition of Unitarian Universalists leading the denominations efforts to develop and promote more just and compassionate drug policies (Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, 2010) In addition to these policies The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable (The Federal Communications Commission, 2009). The division of the FCC that administers policies and license is the Media Bureau. This office controls what is viewed on television and although there are some limitations due to the First Amendment Act. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is another office that regulates how drugs are portrayed on television. The FDA monitors how pharmaceutical companies advertised their drugs on television. Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to claim the benefits of their product but they must also provide a website or referenced publications where consumers can find out more details regarding the products (Mosher Akins, 2007, p. 345). In 1994 T he Dietary Supplemental Health and Education Act was passed, this act established policies on the sale and advertisement of dietary aides on television. The influence that television has on our youth today is overwhelming and it is important that use of drugs, whether legal or illegal are monitored and regulated. The government as well as parents and guardians have a responsibility towards our future generation and it is important that we influence our children in the right direction.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Henry Wiggen Novels of Mark Harris Essay -- Southpaw Drum Seamstit

The Henry Wiggen Novels of Mark Harris  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   There can be no question that sport and athletes seem to be considered less than worthy subjects for writers of serious fiction, an odd fact considering how deeply ingrained in North American culture sport is, and how obviously and passionately North Americans care about it as participants and spectators. In this society of diverse peoples of greatly varying interests, tastes, and beliefs, no experience is as universal as playing or watching sports, and so it is simply perplexing how little adult fiction is written on the subject, not to mention how lightly regarded that little which is written seems to be. It should all be quite to the contrary; that our fascination and familiarity with sport makes it a most advantageous subject for the skilled writer of fiction is amply demonstrated by Mark Harris. In his novels The Southpaw (1953), Bang The Drum Slowly (1956), A Ticket For A Seamstitch (1957), and It Looked Like For Ever (1979), Harris chronicles the life of Henry "Author" Wiggen, a great major-league baseball star. Featuring memorable characters and deft storytelling, these books explore the experience of aging, learning, and living in time, with baseball as their backdrop. Henry's first-person narrative is the most important element of these stories. Through it he recounts the events of his life, his experiences with others, his accomplishments and troubles. The great achievement of this narrative voice is how effortlessly it reveals Henry's limited education while simultaneously demonstrating his quick intelligence, all in an entertaining and convincing fashion. Henry introduces himself by introducing his home-town of Perkinsville, New York, whereupon his woeful g... ...ause they are so well written. The expertly devised narrative voice, easy humour, compelling characterization, and thoughtful, even philosophical storytelling combine to create a series of books which compare favourably to many included on the Modern Library's recent list of the 100 Best Novels of the 20th Century, which seems not to contain a single novel set in the world of sport. It is a curious prejudice, this apparent lack of respect for literature concerned with sport, to which these novels represent a pointed and hearty rebuke. Works Cited Harris, Mark. A Ticket For A Seamstitch. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984. ---. Bang The Drum Slowly. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984. ---. It Looked Like Forever. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989. ---. The Southpaw. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Funny Persuasive Speech

Evaluate whether it's worth it to lie to your teacher. If you are already at school and simply forgot to do it, then you're probably out of luck here. But if you are at home the night before and just don't want to do your homework, think about your options. Teachers are generally forgiving of those students who forget their homework on rare occasions; they get mad at those ones who repeatedly forget. So, before you decide not to do your homework and to come up with an excuse instead, ask yourself whether it's worth it to waste your teacher's patience on this assignment. After all, there may come a time where you really need to use an excuse.Don't just take the easy way out now if it will cost you later. But once you have decided that you need an excuse†¦ 2 Spend time thinking about possible explanations that sound believable. In other words, these will need to be things which could realistically and likely occur with anyone (regardless of whether or not they are actually true) t hat the teacher, who gave you the assignment, is not likely to easily dismiss away in their mind as nonsense. A good way to start might be to ask yourself what kind of excuse would personally sound believable to you, or alternatively ask a trusted person you know for ideas.Some examples of what might work include: The good old â€Å"My dog ate my homework† excuse. If you don't have a dog, this one certainly won't work, but keep in mind that you can use a friend's dog, especially if you had a friend with her pet come over the last couple days. Better yet, take a piece of scratch paper or notebook paper, and tear it up into a few sizes of chunks ranging small to large. If you really want to trick them out, go to a joke store and buy a package of fake dog drool, only fifteen cents cost worthy. Rub the drool over the pieces of paper, leaving it a little wet but not too soaked.If you don't want to buy the fake drool just use water. Tell your teacher that you had an emergency at yo ur house at the time you would have normally finished the work, and that's the reason why – on this occasion – it's not been done. Saying you've had other homework assignments which clashed with the deadline date for this one, and that this got in the way (it's advisable to ask nicely for a deadline extension after). Saying that you accidentally lost the homework instructions, and haven't realised it until now. For essays, say that you can't get it printed because your printer is running out of ink or you left it in the printer.For online assignments, tell them that your computer crashed last night or your internet got cut off. For homework assignment that requires a book, tell them that you left the book at home or in your locker. 3 Think about how your teacher could find out that you are lying. If you go to a smaller school, make sure not to use the same excuse over and over again, because it is likely that other teachers already know that you have used an excuse. Al so, think about whether the teacher could possibly talk to anyone else who could reveal your lie.For example, if you use the â€Å"family emergency† excuse, think about whether the teacher is likely to call your parents to confirm your story. Adjust your excuse accordingly. 4 Prepare to not be believed. Your teacher has likely heard a thousand excuses before, so prepared when he or she questions your excuse. Come up with an interesting back-story that is detailed but not too crazy. If you get nervous and stumble over your words when your teacher questions you, then he or she is not likely to believe that you are telling the truth. 5Prepare to come up with even more excuses. If, for example, you say that your printer was broken and you could not print your assignment, your teacher will probably ask you why you didn't email it to a friend and have them print it out. In this case, be ready to make up another excuse, and maybe a few more after that. This applies to many of the ex amples listed above, such as forgetting your book or having your computer crash. 6 Be polite and pitiable. When you tell your teacher that you did not do your homework, be as polite and regretful as possible.Offer to have it in ASAP, and beg for forgiveness. Also, portray yourself as the victim of the situation. Shift blame to your dog, computer, etc. , as long as it is shifted away from you. It may be helpful in this situation to cry, if you can manage good fake tears. 7 Stick to your story. Your teacher might not believe you, but if you are convincing and committed, it will be hard for them to know for sure that you are lying. However, be prepared to work extra-hard for at least a couple of weeks to restore your teacher's trust.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Twenty Years at Hull House

Twenty Years at Hull House The study of leadership and leaders has a long and multifaceted history rich in rituals, metaphors, symbols, and stories. As a field of scientific inquiry, leadership has intrigued scholars and practitioners from nay disciplines, as diverse as religion and political science, psychology and economics.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Twenty Years at Hull House specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In our everyday conversation, we talk about the lack of sound leadership, and the need for more effective leadership in the family, our organizations, communities, and nations (Fradin and Fradin). On the other hand, some of our greatest cultural, social, political, and artistic accomplishments are attributed to leadership, as have many political catastrophes and social ills. Leadership has been and is a cause and effect of greatness and success as well as insignificance and failure. Since recorded in history, ideas of leadership h ave been found in every culture and the literature of the oldest civilizations around the world. They are embedded in mythology, legends, sagas, religions, and social life of early and contemporary societies, in the past as well as in the present. Leadership has been vital in every historical period and in every culture. Historically, leadership has been conceptualized as the â€Å"man on the white horse,† that is, the study of leadership has been seen as the study of â€Å"great men.† Moreover, it has been primarily the study of political leadership exercised by privileged group of â€Å"great men† who defined power, authority, and knowledge. Although history has produced some great men, it has also produced great female leaders who have played a critical role in the well being of the human beings. Key among the lady leaders is Jane Addams. Today little is known about Jane Addams, however, in the early 1900s, Jane Addams was not only one of the two or three mos t famous women in the United States she was one of the most beloved Americans in the world. The young woman who emerges from these pages was not raised for female idleness but for community service; her nascent talent was less for friendship than for leadership and her first interest was less in plight of the downtrodden than in the potential powers of the elite (Addams). Her journey from that youth to Hull- House involved less invalidism and more religious questioning than the standard story allows, and much softening as toughening. Addams first gained fame as the head of Hull House – an institution offering educational, recreational, and other services to the needy people whom she and a friend founded in Chicago in 1889. During the nearly fifty years that she ran Hull House, Jane Addams improved life for thousands of Chicagoans, mostly poor and immigrant families, for her achievements at Hull House she was hailed as the â€Å"Angel of Democracy†. Jane also dedicated herself to another cause, which stirred up strong feelings both for and against her. She became a pacifist – a person strongly opposed to war.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As the head of the women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, she criticized America’s entry into World War I. Addams was regarded as one who could speak with authority on the distinction between being good â€Å"to† people and being good â€Å"with† them because she had demonstrated her capacity for cross – class cooperation in her daily conduct among her immigrant neighbors (Fradin and Fradin). Every week, a thousand of those neighbors visited Hull House for one activity or another, and that level of voluntary participation in clubs, classes and social events convinced sympathetic observers in the press and public that â€Å"the gentle, the earnest, th e noble woman† who presided over the Hull House must have been doing some great work. Essentially, the Hull House, which was Chicago’s first settlement, was established in September, 1889. It represented no association, but was opened by two women, backed by many friends, in the belief that the mere foothold of a house, easily accessible, ample in space, hospitable and tolerant in spirit, situated in the midst of the large foreign colonies which so easily situated in the midst of the large foreign colonies which so easily isolate themselves in the American cities, would so easily isolate themselves in American cities, would be in itself a serviceable thing for Chicago (Fradin and Fradin). Hull House endeavored to make social intercourse express the growing sense of the economic unity of society. It was an effort to add the social function to democracy. It was opened on the theory that the dependence of classes on each other is reciprocal; and that as the social relation was essentially a reciprocal relation, it gave a form of expression that had a peculiar value. Addams and Starr moved into Hull – House in 1889 and by 1891, they had added an art gallery, by 1893 a coffee house and a gymnasium. In 1907, 70 people lived there full time and by 1910, there were 1500 boys who were members of the Hull – house boys club and the house and its programs saw approximately 2000 guests. The first community need that she perceived once ‘settled’ into the house was the need for day care for young mothers and for structured educational opportunities for preschool age children. Jane Addams appeared on the Chicago scene in 1889, at the end of a decade in the city’s history marked by labor protests against employers’ exploitation and working class hostility to patronizing Protestant philanthropy. Addams introduced the British settlement scheme to Chicago labor activists, women reformers, and liberal clergy, who were hungry fo r practical, productive alternatives to the class alienation borne of laissez-faire capitalism and condescending charity.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Twenty Years at Hull House specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Those who became Addams allies in Chicago represented that vanguard of urban Americans coming to the fore in every major city, ready to challenge the economic and political rules that had dominated the landscape since the triumph of northern industrial capitalism in the Civil War. Addams described the ethnic makeup of the neighborhood around Hull – House in her autobiography, noting the gradual outmigration of the more prosperous Irish and German immigrants, and the slow influx of Russian Jews, Italians, and Greeks in their place. In the forty years that passed between her speech at New York’s United Charities Building and her death from cancer in May 1935, Jane Addams managed the ever expand ing, always esteemed program at Hull – House. By 1910, when she published her enormously successful autobiography, Twenty years at Hull-House, the settlement comprised thirteen buildings encircling an entire square block at Halsted and Polk Streets and served several thousand visitors a week, hull house operated as a meeting ground for working class neighbors, labor artists, ethnic club members, intellectuals, religions liberals, teenage athletes, and children in search of a music class, jungle gym, or free bath. It served, as well as a catalyst for social legislation, political reform, social science theory, and labor organizing at the city, state, and national levels. Addams was the steady arms at the helm of Hull House, attracting extraordinarily gifted, innovative women and men around her and adroitly leading them in the development of the social service programs and legislative agenda. Addams, Jane. Twenty years at Hull-House with autobiographical notes. Illinois: Unive rsity of Illinois Press, 1990 . Fradin, Judith Bloom and Dennis B. Fradin. Jane Addams: champion of democracy. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006 .

Monday, October 21, 2019

Alexander Graham Bell essays

Alexander Graham Bell essays Alexander Graham Bell was a man of great importance. He was a scottish-born inventor and educator, best known for his invention of the telephone. He invented not just the telephone but he organized and took part in inventing other things. He worked with many great people. Alexander would not start to work on the telephone until later on in his life. He was only 27 years old when he worked out the principle of transmitting speech electrically, and was 29 when his basic telephone patent was granted in 1876. Named after his grandfather Alexander Bell who also studied speech, Alexander Graham Bell was born a on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Alexander would soon get his name, Graham, from a friend of the family and relatives. He was one of three boys. He was born to Elisa Symonds, who was an artist and an excellent musician, and Alexander Melville Bell, who taught deaf-mute people to speak and he also wrote textbooks on speech. His father also invented "Visible Speech" or what we know today as sign language. Alexander Graham would soon take into the same skills as his father and grandfather. Bell and his two brothers assisted their father in demonstrating Visible Speech to public crowds. Graham enrolled at a school for boys, as a student teacher at Weston House, where he taught music and speech. After a year of studying at Weston, he became a full-time teacher at the University of Edinburgh. He used Visible Speech to teach a class of deaf children at the University of London, where he also studied. The idea of "telegraphing" speech came from a book he read on acoustics by Herman von Helmholtz, a German physicist, in which described experiments in combining the notes of electrically driven tuning forks to make sounds. Just reading the book , started gained the attention of Bell, who wanted to know more about electricity. Graham started helping his father in London in 1869. While in London Graham studied in the anatomy of ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Inverted Pyramid

The Inverted Pyramid The Inverted Pyramid The Inverted Pyramid By Michael Heres a tip from the newsroom: the inverted pyramid style of writing. It will help you to get your message across faster. It was developed by journalists for reasons that are completely irrelevant today or are they? The inverted pyramid principle says you should put your most important point at the top of the article, followed by your next most important point, and so on, in diminishing order of importance. Newspapers still use this principle today, but where did it come from? Many historians say that the inverted pyramid was invented by 19th century wartime reporters, who sent their stories by telegraph. They wanted the most crucial information to get through first, just in case the transmission was interrupted. But, you say, we dont send many telegrams today. Ah, but more than ever, we do send messages that can easily be interrupted! Distraction, impatience, confusion, even boredom; all these can keep your reader from finishing those precious words that youve written. Busy people expect writers to get to the meat quickly, or theyll find something else to read. The next time you write something, decide what your most important point is. If they dont hear anything else you say, what do you want them to hear? Then, say that first. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. Had"Confused With" and "Confused About"The Difference Between "Phonics" and "Phonetics"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hispanic Americans Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hispanic Americans Diversity - Essay Example "Passing" was the name of the game. In the words of Berkeley cultural psychologist George De Vos, we have all noticed now the "passing of passing" (De Vos 1992). Latinos today are players in social spaces where racial and ethnic category have high-stakes political and economic implications. The largest wave of immigration in U. S. history-the wave responsible for the current Latino-ization of the country took place subsequent to the great struggles of the civil rights movement. Cuban Latinos, especially mainland Puerto Ricans and immigrant Brazilians, have been depicted as paradigmatic examples of groups engaged in deep transnationalism, an analytic concept that is often used to refer to economic, political, and cultural strategies articulated by diasporic peoples across national spaces (Basch, Schiller, and Blanc 1995; Smith and Guarnizo 1998). Significant numbers of Puerto Ricans and Brazilians are said to lead dual lives engaging in double consciousness, cultivating dual loyalties, living serially between their islands and the mainland. Studies, suggest that Brazilians immigrants have developed political, economic, and cultural adaptations that involve high levels of transnationalism. They remit large sums of money to their homeland, they remain substantially engaged in political processes there, and they return periodically with their children to nourish social and cultural ties in their island home. Research on mainland Puerto Ricans suggests a slight ly different version of this general transnational dynamic. Although they are less likely than Brazilians to send dollars to the island, mainland Puerto Ricans remain socially, culturally, and at times politically involved in island affairs (Torre, Vecchini, and Burgo 1994). Whereas, Mexican immigration to the United States has over the last two decades undergone a profound transformation. Historically, U. S. immigration policies, market forces, and the social practices of Mexican immigrants did not encourage their long-term integration into American society (Surez-Orozco, C., and M. Surez-Orozco 2001). A sojourner pattern of largely male-initiated circular migration, characterized by efforts to earn dollars during a specific season, dominated the Mexican experience for decades into the 1980s (Durand 1998). After concluding their seasonal work, large numbers of Mexicans returned south of the border, eventually to resume the cycle the following year. In that context, Mexican immigrants engaged in dual lives, displaying the kinds of proto-transnational behaviors now more fully developed among Cuban Latinos. Like Puerto Ricans and Brazilians today, the Mexican immigrants of yesterday lived both "here" and "there." Today, Latinos are the largest ethnic group in the Catholic Church. In 1990 they constituted 35 percent of all U. S. Catholics, up from 28 percent in 1980. In Florida, Texas, and New Mexico, Latinos make up over two thirds of the Catholic population. In 1990 there were twelve archdioceses that had over 50 percent Latino membership and twenty-seven in which 25-50 percent of parishioners was Latino. Whereas the numbers of Euro American Catholics fall annually, the number of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Moderate censorship on books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Moderate censorship on books - Essay Example The anti-censorship groups argue that while censorship of certain books is important, it is clear that censorship abuses the right of freedom of speech and reduces the insight of learning. From a critical point of view, it is clear that a large number of books that have been censored are informative and contain important themes for learners. On this note, it is crucial to moderate censorship of books to foster the process of learning within the community. Over the last four decades, the topic on censorship has garnered a lot of attention within the public. The public have been particularly critical about the use of language within some books due feeling that these books fall below the standards of literary works. In some instances, the students had to read new books since their course books had fallen victim of criticism of the parents who cite different reasons for censorship. In the last decade, over one thousand books have been banned and the rate seems to be on the rise (Patterson 78). In 2013 alone, over a hundred books the American Library Association had to ban over a hundred books for criticism within the public. The main reason for censorship has been that the books contain vulgar language, others depicts racism themes, gayism and lesbianism and occultism. The anti-censorship groups are the Kids Right to Learn Project (KRLP) who has successfully raised bans against books that the public had formerly raised concerns about (Do ctorow 22). The increase in the censorship rate has become a controversial issue with different groups supporting a different side of the coin. The censorship of books prevents the circulation of materials that cover the contemporary issues in the society. Over the past, the public among them parents have launched complains against coverage of themes such as homosexuality and racial bias in a wide range

IFRS and GAAP Convergence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IFRS and GAAP Convergence - Research Paper Example The company has two main investments in Shanghai, China, and its Onstar branch gives the company safety, information services and security (Chandler, 1964). 2.0 The SEC’s Position on Convergence of GAAP and IFRS The main purpose of the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) is to safeguard the investors and sustain the integrity of the securities markets. The SEC stipulates that publicly traded firms in the United States should report important financial and other facts to the general public, which gives a universal set of information, on the basis of which investors can make decisions whether the securities of the firm are a viable source of venture. The firms must follow the IFRS procedures of accounting, which are beneficial to different firms in unique ways. Even though the schedule for the US firms to shift from GAAP to IFRS is not yet set, such a move, through convergence or conversion, is largely appreciated and accepted by majority of the multinational corporations. Genera l Motors has made some steps in relation to the convergence of GAAP to IFRS though other firms hesitated. International Financial Reporting Standards as they are commonly known are beneficial to the General Motors Company given that they provide principles for financial reporting. IFRS ensures the requirements and provisions under them are followed to the letter by the firm and its subsidiaries to ensure uniformity in reporting and production of financial statements. IFRS were adopted by the International Accounting Standard Boards to ensure transparency in the manner in which the financial statements are prepared and presented to the stakeholders. IFRS replicates a dominantly regulation-based approach to building accounting standards as opposed to the GAAP, which was based principally on rules approach. 3.0 IFRS for the financial statements Balance sheet After the IFRS in the balance sheet are adopted, the guidelines stipulated under the standards will enable General Motors to have a uniform method of reporting the assets, liabilities and the equities of the firm in all the subsidiaries and the parent company. Notably the guidelines are provided by the International Accounting Standards Committee, which is currently known as the International Accounting Standards Board. According to the guidelines, the balance sheet names and utilization rely upon the US policies and the type of organization. General Motors follows the standards set by the board, which enables the business to provide a summary of values for all the items included in the balance sheet. Cash Flow Statement There are various differences that come out under the US GAAP and IAS 7 principles for the cash flow statements. The IAS 7 stipulates that the cash flow statement must comprise of both cash and cash equivalents. The United States GAAP allows use of only cash or cash equivalents. IAS 7 allows bank overdraft in particular nations to be put in the cash equivalents as opposed to being taken as a section of financing activities. IAS 7 permits interests paid to be considered as an operating activity or financing activity. The United States GAAP stipulates that interest paid be considered as operating activity. Moreover, the US GAAP (FAS 95) provides that when the direct method is applied to project the operating activities of the statement of cash flow, an additional schedule must also project the statement of

Strategy to recommend to improve sales and increase Old Navy's Essay

Strategy to recommend to improve sales and increase Old Navy's Customer base - Essay Example Sending postcards to all customers who have purchased something from the store during the past 14 months. Issuing of gift checks for their loyal customers. Offering for privilege cards is also enhancing. By Putting up additional promos or create big promos that draws people to the store or even smaller , inexpensive, more-off beat avenues - and then do it consistently is also effective. According to a website "A common failing among those who favor the big bonanza promotion, is that they either don't advertise enough or plan carefully enough in advance." So if the company want to hold a big promotion, you have to think big, and commit accordingly. Other company proved this very effectively. Another is impose a deadline. It's often necessary to put urgency into company's ads, or any marketing messages. Whether the prices are going in low low prices or be given a very big discount you need to have a deadline or incentive and motivate people to take action now. For instance, this coming summer. Summer accessories are in for people who are planning to take their summer on the beach. Promos for summer accessories will be given an extra promotions, like giving big discounts on them.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Judaism and Shabbat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Judaism and Shabbat - Essay Example In additional, they often believe that these laws and commandments were given to Moses both in written and in Oral Torah forms. However, a religious community, the Karaites movement, has historically challenged the notion that Moseswas given these laws and commandments in two forms (Herring 15). They have ever held that the laws and commandment given to Moses were only in a single form, that is, in written form but not in Oral Torah. The Karaites movement flourished during the medieval period and still has several followers in the contemporary world who have maintained that Moses was only given written Torah laws and commandments (Bank 22). Judaism has enjoyed historical continuity of over three thousand years; basically, three thousand eight hundred years since its foundation by Abraham. This makes it among the oldest monotheistic religions of the world that has survived until into the contemporary world (Miller 24). The Israelites or the Hebrew was already being referred to as Jews in the early books of Tanakh (Herring 24). The late books of Tanakh including the Book of Ester the name Jews were placed by the title the Children of Israel. The texts of Judaism, its tradition, and values had a strong influence on the subsequent Abrahamic religions that included Christianity, Baha’i Faith, and Islamic. ... By the year 2010, the entire world Jewish community was approximated to be roughly 0.2 percent or 13.4 million of the entire world’s population (Grishaver 71). Israel harbors around forty-two percent of the entire Jewish population. The same number is found in both United States and Canada with the majority of the remaining population found in Europe. Because of time and different understanding of concepts with a community, Judaism did split into movements. These movements rose due to different ideologies that might have cropped among the leaders of Judaism. The major Judaism movements of the world include Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and the Orthodox Judaism. The latter movement includes sub-movements including the Modern Orthodox and Hareidi Judaism (Prager 77). There were believers who stark to the ideals of the conventional Judaism; thus, retaining the larger percentage of its teachings, beliefs, and laws. This group remained to the part of Judaism that was called Conservative movement believers who believed that the traditional and laws of Judaism should have only faced a slight changes to suit the time. The other movement that split out of the traditional Judaism was the Reform or Liberal, or the Progressive Movements. These sections of believers have the feeling that it is upon an individual believer to make a choice of the traditions and laws to follow (Herring 51). Therefore, the main course of the division may be pegged on the approach and concern to changes that should be enforced on the Jewish laws. However, Orthodox Judaism until to date maintains that the Jewish laws and Torah laws have defined origin, and are eternal and should never be changed; thus,

Impact of decision-making in organizational performance Article

Impact of decision-making in organizational performance - Article Example From the research it can be comprehended that organizations in the modern world are complex, and many theories have been developed to explain what makes them work, and how to make them work even more effectively. A key element of organizational performance is the way that leaders make decisions, and then persuade all members of the organization to carry out these decisions in the way that is intended. The personal qualities, skills and style of a leader are all factors which can affect the way that an organization behaves. Leaders have an important role to play in any organization and they can influence the organizational performance because everyone in the organization is expected to follow the leader. Leaders should make sure that the subordinates do not only follow them but take inspiration from them. In this way there are high possibilities that employees of the organization will give maximum output and overall performance of the organization will be enhanced. Owing to the percei ved importance of the impact of leadership on performance of the organization, several research studies have been conducted in order to analyze what kinds of leadership exist, and whether there is a relationship between leadership and the organizational performance. This paper presents a critique of several recent articles on the relationship between leadership and organizational performance. ... arajan, Sonnenfeld and Srinivasan, 2006) analyzes organizational performance and identifies its relationship with the charismatic style of leaders, as well as environmental uncertainty. In addition to this, the research also identifies the perceptions of top team management about the charisma of a CEO. The authors emphasize the fact that leadership style and its impact on organizational performance has been one of the most important topics of today’s world as leaders have a key role to play in motivating everyone in the organization and ensuring that the organization performs at its optimum level. In this research article, information has been collected using both primary and secondary research methods in order to perform the analysis. In the primary research part of the article, questionnaires were filled by people in the top management as well as CEOs of different organizations to analyze the relationship between the variables discussed above. Because the article had a large sample size, 770 questionnaires were filled and returned and this means that the results shown by this research are likely to have high validity. There was a sample size of 128 CEOs from different companies and this breadth in the location of the participants is a strength of the study. Another major strength of this article is that the study analyzed organizational performance using different criteria like the return on assets, return on equity, sales growth, return on sales and stock return. These measures provide good empirical evidence on which to judge organizational performance whereas other studies previously conducted have not considered these criteria of measuring organizational performance. One of the major weaknesses of this research study is that it included only firms operating in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategy to recommend to improve sales and increase Old Navy's Essay

Strategy to recommend to improve sales and increase Old Navy's Customer base - Essay Example Sending postcards to all customers who have purchased something from the store during the past 14 months. Issuing of gift checks for their loyal customers. Offering for privilege cards is also enhancing. By Putting up additional promos or create big promos that draws people to the store or even smaller , inexpensive, more-off beat avenues - and then do it consistently is also effective. According to a website "A common failing among those who favor the big bonanza promotion, is that they either don't advertise enough or plan carefully enough in advance." So if the company want to hold a big promotion, you have to think big, and commit accordingly. Other company proved this very effectively. Another is impose a deadline. It's often necessary to put urgency into company's ads, or any marketing messages. Whether the prices are going in low low prices or be given a very big discount you need to have a deadline or incentive and motivate people to take action now. For instance, this coming summer. Summer accessories are in for people who are planning to take their summer on the beach. Promos for summer accessories will be given an extra promotions, like giving big discounts on them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Impact of decision-making in organizational performance Article

Impact of decision-making in organizational performance - Article Example From the research it can be comprehended that organizations in the modern world are complex, and many theories have been developed to explain what makes them work, and how to make them work even more effectively. A key element of organizational performance is the way that leaders make decisions, and then persuade all members of the organization to carry out these decisions in the way that is intended. The personal qualities, skills and style of a leader are all factors which can affect the way that an organization behaves. Leaders have an important role to play in any organization and they can influence the organizational performance because everyone in the organization is expected to follow the leader. Leaders should make sure that the subordinates do not only follow them but take inspiration from them. In this way there are high possibilities that employees of the organization will give maximum output and overall performance of the organization will be enhanced. Owing to the percei ved importance of the impact of leadership on performance of the organization, several research studies have been conducted in order to analyze what kinds of leadership exist, and whether there is a relationship between leadership and the organizational performance. This paper presents a critique of several recent articles on the relationship between leadership and organizational performance. ... arajan, Sonnenfeld and Srinivasan, 2006) analyzes organizational performance and identifies its relationship with the charismatic style of leaders, as well as environmental uncertainty. In addition to this, the research also identifies the perceptions of top team management about the charisma of a CEO. The authors emphasize the fact that leadership style and its impact on organizational performance has been one of the most important topics of today’s world as leaders have a key role to play in motivating everyone in the organization and ensuring that the organization performs at its optimum level. In this research article, information has been collected using both primary and secondary research methods in order to perform the analysis. In the primary research part of the article, questionnaires were filled by people in the top management as well as CEOs of different organizations to analyze the relationship between the variables discussed above. Because the article had a large sample size, 770 questionnaires were filled and returned and this means that the results shown by this research are likely to have high validity. There was a sample size of 128 CEOs from different companies and this breadth in the location of the participants is a strength of the study. Another major strength of this article is that the study analyzed organizational performance using different criteria like the return on assets, return on equity, sales growth, return on sales and stock return. These measures provide good empirical evidence on which to judge organizational performance whereas other studies previously conducted have not considered these criteria of measuring organizational performance. One of the major weaknesses of this research study is that it included only firms operating in

Opposition Against Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Opposition Against Macbeth Essay Finally the three witches who built up Macbeth is also opposing him with a new prediction which would lead to his downfall. (3. 5 29-31) In Act three we are introduced to Macbeths deception and paranoia as he begins to suffer horrifying images of his murdered victims appear amongst him. Macbeths greatest opposition as he quickly destroys his status among others is Banqou his closest friend . Banqous suspicion towards Macbeth grows deeper ,yet it’s his persistence towards his prophesies that forces him into silencing the topic of his beliefs and knowledge for his own ambitions. Banqou awaited for his prophesies to suffice his wants yet as the time grew Macbeth grew in power with dark intentions. AS time quickly slipped through Banqous hand Macbeth noticed the threat the Banqou held against him. (Act3-2)(40-61)Macbeth began to experience paranoia and Banqous suspicion fueled that paranoia. With the witches misleading statements towards Banqous life and rise to glory, Macbeth was convinced there was a defective statement that may lead to his death through Banqous request. With fear and hatred circling his mind, Macbeth convinced two attendants to murder Banqou. (Act3-3)(12-33)As the two murders go off and commit their crime, Macbeth hints to his wife of great plans and that’s a sign of glory and confidence filling his soul. Macbeth had experienced a lack of sleep and a lack of apatite as he sat at his thrown while Banqou and others revolved around him with great suspicion leaving an emotional and mental scar. Act3-4)(49-101)After Banqous death, Macbeth grew great confidence yet it was the idea of murdering his friend haunted him daily and knowing Fleance escaped grew more fear within his soul. (Act3-5) The second opposition which played a large role from the beginning was the witches and Hecate. Macbeth finally reached his goal and accomplished his prophesy yet it was his greed that made him want more power and knowledge of future occurrences ,Knowing this Hecate Decided to convince Macbeth of more glory awaits him and raise his confidence to a higher level which will finally destroy him and lead him to his great down fall. Hecate knew Macbeth’s rain among Scotland and those close to him had to reach its limit and allowing him to continue would lead them to their death. In order to avoid the conflict and remove Macbeth from his power swiftly, Hecate and the other witches decided to allow Macbeth collapse on himself through gentle statements they created. Macbeth’s insecurity and fear leads him to gain enemies and demons which over take his mind. Act3-6)The final great opposition that slowly forms against Macbeth was Lennox and the other lords. Lennox and the other lords begin to discuss Macbeth’s actions among his territorial rule. The lords begin to discuss all the crimes they are sure Macbeth had committed. Macbeth begins to create a defence for himself as he find out his enemies alliance grows rapidly. Macbeth leads himself into the lowes t of situations as he slowly begins to murder others . His suspicion and terror haunts his every move and his enemies grow with his every day at his position.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Leo Kanners Theories of Autism: A History

Leo Kanners Theories of Autism: A History Fascination Peculiarities Nourotribes, neurodiversity, siberman, autism Asperger survived the war, but his concept of autism as a broad spectrum that was not at all rare was buried with the ashes of his clinic. A very different conception of autism, invented by the Baltimore child psychiatrist Leo Kanner took its place. Kanner published his paper Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact in 1943, one year before Asperger published his thesis in German. Yet for half a century, Kanner was considered the lone pioneer in the field, and autism was referred to as Kanners syndrome. Some people believed Aspergers model was lost in obscurity because clinicians were not eager to read papers translated from the German after the horrible things committed by the Nazis. Kanner was a native German speaker, and his was familiar with nearly every other paper written in the emerging field of child psychiatry during that era. But he remained silent about Aspergers work. His sin of omission had grave consequences for autistic people and their families. And the one clinician in American who knew the real story wasnt apt to say anything about it in public because he owed Kanner his life. *** Leo Kanner was born in Ukrain (then part of Austria) near the Russian border in 1896. His father taught him Hebrew when he was five. By the time he enrolled at the University of Berlin in 1913, he had mastered German, Polish, French, Latin, and Greek, though he still spoke no English. Ignore his grandfathers advice to become a rabbi, he set out to study medicine. But when World War I started in the summer of 1914, he was drafted into the army to serve in the medical corps. He resumed his studies after the war, majoring in cardiology. After earning his degree, he became a general practitioner in Berlin. In 1924, an American doctor persuaded him to immigrate to the United States to work as a psychiatrist in the Yankton State Hospital in South Dakota. The Yankton State Hospital was surrounded by over fifteen hundred acres of farmland, which was used to raise pigs, corn, and dairy cattle to feed the patients. He was dismayed to find out that only one of his new colleagues his supervisor, George Adams had any formal training in psychiatry. Kanner observed that the most astute clinical observer on staff was a disabled volunteer in the Stone Room who treated the patients respectfully as individuals. This man would spend hours just listening as they related stories about growing up and their hopes and aspirations before they were declared insane. Though he was not one of the resident experts, he had a decisive effect on Kanners approach to psychiatry. Instead of grilling the residents of Yankton with inane questionnaires, he probed into his patients family backgrounds to seek the deep roots of their illnesses. On the first Christmas Eve at the hospital, Kanner proposed that patients who were not violent should be liberated from their straitjackets and other forms of restraint. This humane experiment was a success, and the patients could move about more freely from then on. After reading a paper about the therapeutic value of art, he distributed paints, crayons, pencils, and paper throughout the hospital and set up a gallery in the building to feature rotating exhibits of patients work. A group of Mennonite schizophrenics christened Kanner the doctor from Germany. In 1925, Kanner published a psychiatric study of Henrik Ibsens Peer Gynt in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. In 1926, Kanner and Adams published a paper in the American Journal of Psychiatry based on their study of Thomas Robertson, a Native Indian with paresis. Paresis is a form of dementia caused by untreated syphilis infection. In the paper, Kanner mentioned that paresis was so rare among Native American that demanded explanation. By probing into Robertsons family background, Kanner discovered that he was not full-blooded Sioux; in fact, his father was a Scotsman. He boldly proposed that syphilis was well established in the Americas that full-blooded Native Americans are immune to the most debilitating aspects of the disease. Robertson had inherited his unusual susceptibility to paresis from his father, who was a Scotsman, while his full-blooded brothers and sisters were left unscathed. The paper claimed Robertsons status as a dominant figure among the Indians was li kely a result of his infusion of Anglo-Saxon blood. Was the case of Thomas Robertson as exceptional as Kanner claimed? Historical sources suggest that Kanner was stretching the truth. At a symposium on syphilis in 1902, the superintendent of the Binghamton State Hospital noted a remarkable preponderance of paresis in his native patients. Yet the paper succeeded in putting him on the map of American psychiatry. He was able to obtain his medical license merely by filing out a questionnaire from the state. In 1928, Kanner and family moved to Baltimore as Kanner began his fellowship at Johns Hopkins under the directorship of the Swiss neurologist Adolf Meyer. In 1930, Meyer appointed Kanner to head up a new child-behavior clinic that would act as a bridge between pediatrics and psychiatry at Johns Hopkins. With Meyers encouragement, Kanner embarked on his most ambitious project: writing the first textbook of child psychiatry, creating creating a new field of medicine by drawing on elements of other disciplines. The first edition of Child Psychiatry, published in 1935, was hailed as a remarkable achievement and became a runaway best seller. In 1937, Kanner made headlines by exposing a major scandal in Baltimore. Acting on a tip from the superintendent of Rosewood State Training School, he discovered that a local lawyer had been making a fortune by offering the schools feebleminded female residents as cheap domestic help to wealthy families. The Rosewood affair established Kanner in the public mind as a voice for the voiceless. But his failure to name those responsible rendered unclear whom exactly he was protecting. He maintained support for sterilization of those unfit to raise children for years, though he opposed euthanasia in a public debate. *** By the fall of 1937, as the exodus of Jews was under way, the Kanners rose to this historic challenge and acted as an unofficial immigration agency for Jewish doctors, nurses, and researchers, providing them with the documentation they needed to get visas while helping them to find jobs. The Kanners rescued nearly two hundred colleagues from the Nazis. They graciously opened their home in Baltimore to assist à ©migrà ©s adapting to live in the new culture. *** In September 1938, Kanner saw a five-year-old boy named Donald Tripplett with symptoms he had never seen before. The boys parents, Beaman and Mary Triplett, were a bright and successful couple in Forest, Mississippi. The parents, on the recommendation of their family physician, committed Donald to a state institution in 1937.   After a year, Mary and Beaman took Donald home. The family pediatrician referred the Tripletts to Kanner. At first, Kanner didnt know what to make of Donalds behavior. Only a handful of clinicians could have made sense of Donalds condition, and most of them were working in Vienna at the Heilpà ¤dagogik Station. One of them, Aspergers former diagnostician Georg Frankl, had just been brought over from Austria by Kanner to become the full-time psychiatrist-pediatrician. In fact, upon arriving in New York City in November 1937, Frankl reunited with Anni Weiss, the young psychologist who wrote the case history of Gottfried. The couple got married two weeks later. The following April, they joined Kanners inner circle at Johns Hopkins. Over the course of two weeks in October 1938, Frankl and a psychiatrist named Eugenia Cameron worked up a detailed portrait of Donalds behavior. Kanner was struck by Mary and Beamans recollections that their son had never responded to people in the usual ways, even as an infant. This suggested that Donalds condition was innate and inborn rather than a response to some kind of psychological trauma inflicted by his environment. He recognized the outline of a breakthrough in his field: the discovery of the first form of major psychosis endemic to infancy. Kanner published his paper, Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact, in the June issue of The Nervous Child. In the paper, he interwove Frankls and Camerons meticulous observations, excerpts from parents diaries and letters, and his own reflections on his patients behavior. He felt it was premature at that point to propose a set of criteria for diagnosing the condition he described. To make the pattern visible to his peers, he proposed two essential common characteristics shared by all children with this syndrome. The first was a will to self-isolation, present from birth. The second was a fear of change and surprise. He did not give the syndrome a name in the paper. It was only in 1944 when Kanner produced a condensed version of his paper for Pediatrics did he called his syndrome: early infantile autism. Kanners view of autism diverged from the model that Asperger and his colleagues developed in Vienna. Because Kanner focused exclusively on the first years of childhood, adults and teenagers were out of the picture. Instead of presenting his syndrome as a broad spectrum with varying manifestations, Kanner framed his patients as a strictly defined and monolithic group.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

National Defense: A Political Perspective Essay -- essays research pap

National Defense: A Political Perspective   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The defense of our nation has always been a strong issue throughout America’s political history. Although our nation has not existed a long period of time, our country has had to take up arms to make the world safe for democracy many times. Liberals and conservatives are also constantly up in arms over the issue of the best way to defend the country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the foremost issues in the ongoing debate is that of a Ballistic Missile Defense program. The idea was first pitched during the tense period of the Cold War. Colin Powell, a prominent conservative, saw Missile Defense â€Å"at the time the time not as a Utopian dream but as a useful way of throwing a scare into the war planners of the Soviet Union†(Keller, 1). Typically, Republicans as far back as Ronald Reagan have embraced the idea of a â€Å"Shield† against the hostile intentions of any nation with ballistic missiles, but many remain skeptical of a technological dependence that such a system would incur. George W. Bush believes in a limited Missile Defense program, but in order to institute advanced testing of the technology, a way around the A.B.M. treaty would have to be found. This treaty was made in order to reduce the nuclear arsenal of both Russia and the United States. Conservatives generally embrace the program as a viable solution to one of the nation’s top priority’s in homeland defense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Relationships in E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India and Virg

Comparing Relationships in E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India and Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India and Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse are concerned with the lack of intimacy in relationships. Forster’s novel is set in English-run India, the difference between race and culture being the center of disharmony. Woolf’s novel is set in a family’s summer house, the difference between genders being the center of disharmony. Despite this difference of scale, the disharmonies are much the same. Unity and intimacy are intertwined in both novels. Whereas the definitions of intimacy vary with each person, all of the characters strive for unity through their relations with others. The difference in ideas of intimacy are what prevent unity from being achieved. For the Indians, intimacy is a sharing of possessions and personal information that acknowledges equality. For the English, intimacy is similarity of background and allegiance. Thus, Heaslop tells his mother that he made a mistake by asking one of the Pleaders to sm oke with him because the Pleader then told all the litigants that he was in with the City Magistrate (Forster, 20). To the Pleader, this sharing of cigarettes and leisure time is an act of intimacy because it seems an acknowledgement of equality. To Heaslop, this is only a friendly act of social convention because equality is based on race and class, is something inherent, not given. The idea of intimacy as unity is a strain throughout A Passage to India. When Aziz thinks of his wife on the anniversary of her death, he wonders if he shall meet her in an afterlife, but does not have specific faith in an afterlife. He believes that â€Å"God’s unity was indubitable and indubitably ... ...ziz is frustrated that his attempt at conciliation is not successful. Unity requires intimacy because intimacy is an acknowledgement of equality. Only when one transcends limitations of gender and race, extends oneself beyond social codes that emphasize division can true unity be achieved. Both authors end their novels with an insinuation of a future that will be friendlier to intimacy and unity: Lily finally achieves unity in her painting and the final words of the land to Aziz and Fielding are â€Å"’No, not yet†¦No, not there.† (Forster, 282). Sometime, somewhere the English and the Indians will unite and man and woman will achieve gendered unity within the self. Works Cited Forster, E.M. A Passage to India. London: Everyman’s Library, 1991. Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. Introduction by D.M. Hoare, Ph.D. London: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1960.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Marketing Management – Coca Cola India

Coca Cola India's Thirst for the Rural Market Coca Cola India's Thirst for the Rural Market: ‘Thanda' Goes Rural In early 2002, Coca-Cola India (CCI) (Refer Exhibit I for information about CCI) launched a new advertisement campaign featuring leading bollywood actor – Aamir Khan. The advertisement with the tag line – ‘Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola' was targeted at rural and semi-urban consumers. According to company sources, the idea was to position Coca-Cola as a generic brand for cold drinks. The campaign was launched to support CCI's rural marketing initiatives. CCI began focusing on the rural market in the early 2000s in order to increase volumes. This decision was not surprising, given the huge size of the untapped rural market in India (Refer Exhibit II to learn about the rural market in India). With flat sales in the urban areas, it was clear that CCI would have to shift its focus to the rural market. Nantoo Banerjee, spokeswoman – CCI, said, â€Å"The real market in India is in the rural areas. If you can crack it, there is tremendous potential. However, the poor rural infrastructure and consumption habits that are very different from those of urban people were two major obstacles to cracking the rural market for CCI. Because of the erratic power supply most grocers in rural areas did not stock cold drinks. Also, people in rural areas had a preference for traditional cold beverages such as ‘lassi'6 and lemon juice. Further, the price of the beverage was also a major factor for the rural consumer. CCI's Rural Marketing Strategy CCI's rural marketing strategy was based on three A's – Availability, Affordability and Acceptability. The first ‘A' – Availability emphasized on the availability of the product to the customer; the second ‘A' Affordability focused on product pricing, and the third ‘A'- Acceptability focused on convincing the customer to buy the product. Availability Once CCI entered the rural market; it focused on strengthening its distribution network there. It realized that the centralized distribution ystem used by the company in the urban areas would not be suitable for rural areas. In the centralized distribution system, the product was transported directly from the bottling plants to retailers (Refer Figure I). However, CCI realized that this distribution system would not work in rural markets, as taking stock directly from bottling plants to retail stores would be very costly due to the long distances to be covered. The company in stead opted for a hub and spoke distribution system (Refer Figure II). Under the hub and spoke distribution system, stock was transported from the bottling plants to hubs and then from hubs, the stock was transported to spokes, which were situated in small towns. These spokes fed the retailers catering to the demand in rural areas. CCI not only changed its distribution model, it also changed the type of vehicles used for transportation. The company used large trucks for transporting stock from bottling plants to hubs and medium commercial vehicles transported the stock from the hubs to spokes. For transporting stock from spokes to village retailers, the company utilized auto rickshaws and cycles. Commenting on the transportation of stock in rural markets, a company spokesperson said, â€Å"We use all possible means of transport that range from trucks, auto rickshaws, cycle rickshaws and hand carts to even camel carts in Rajasthan and mules in the hilly areas, to cart our products from the nearest hub. â€Å"7 In late 2002, CCI made an additional investment of Rs 7 million (Rs 5 million from the company and Rs 2 million from the company's bottlers) to meet rural demand. By March 2003, the company had added 25 production lines and doubled its glass and PET bottle capacity8. Further it also distributed around 2,00,000 refrigerators to its rural retailers. It also purchased 5,000 new trucks and auto rickshaws for boosting its rural distribution. Through its rural distribution initiatives, CCI was able to increase its presence in rural areas from a coverage of 81,383 villages in 2001 to 1,58,342 villages in August 2003. Apart from strengthening its distribution network, CCI also focused on pricing in rural market. Affordability A survey conducted by CCI in 2001 revealed that 300 ml bottles were not popular with rural and semi urban residents where two persons often shared a 300 ml bottle. It was also found that the price of Rs10/- per bottle was considered too high by rural consumers. For these reasons, CCI decided to make some changes in the size of its bottles and pricing to win over consumers in the rural market. In 2002, CCI launched 200 ml bottles (Chota Coke)9 priced at Rs 5. CCI announced that it would push the 200 ml bottles more in rural areas, as the rural market was very price-sensitive. It was widely felt that the 200 ml bottles priced at Rs. 5 would increase the rate of consumption in rural India. Reports put the annual per capita consumption of bottled beverages in rural areas at one bottle as compared to 6 bottles in urban areas. The 200 ml bottles priced at Rs. 5 would also make CCI competitive against local brands in the unorganized sector. It was reported that in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat the local cola brands such as Choice and Tikli cost only half the price offered by CCI, which gave them the advantage in garnering the major market share before CCI came out with Chota Coke. CCI also targeted the rural consumer aggressively in its marketing campaigns, which were aimed at increasing awareness of its brands in rural areas. Acceptability The initiatives of CCI in distribution and pricing were supported by extensive marketing in the mass media as well as through outdoor advertising. The company put up hoardings in villages and painted the name Coca Cola on the compounds of the residences in the villages. Further, CCI also participated in the weekly mandies10 by setting up temporary retail outlets, and also took part in the annual haats11 and fairs – major sources of business activity and entertainment in rural India. CCI also launched television commercials (TVCs) targeted at rural consumers. In order to reach more rural consumers, CCI increased its ad-spend on Doordarshan. 12 The company ensured that all its rural marketing initiatives were well supported by TVCs. When CCI launched Chota Coke in 2002 priced at Rs. 5, it bought out a commercial featuring Bollywood actor Aamir Khan to communicate the message of the price cut and the launch of 200 ml bottles to the rural consumers. The commercial was shot in a rural setting. In the summer of 2003, CCI came up with a new commercial featuring Aamir Khan, to further strengthen the Coca-Cola brand image among rural consumers. The commercial aimed at making coke a generic name for ‘Thanda. ‘ Of the reason for picking up the word ‘Thanda', Prasoon Joshi, national creative director – McCann Erickson, the creator of the commercial, said, â€Å"Thanda is a very North India-centric phenomenon. Go to any restaurant in the north, and attendants would promptly ask, ‘thanda ya garam? ‘ ‘Thanda' usually means lassi or nimbu pani, ‘garam' is essentially tea. Because the character, in itself, represented a culture, we wanted to equate Coke with ‘Thanda', since ‘Thanda' too is part of the popular dialect of the north, thus making ‘Thanda' generic for Coca-Cola. With the long-playing possibilities of the ‘Thanda' idea becoming evident, ‘Thanda' became the central idea. Once we decided to work on that idea, the creative mind just opened up. â€Å"13 Between March and September 2003, CCI launched three commercials with the ‘Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola' tag line. All the three commercials aimed to make rural and semi-urban consumers connect with Coca-Cola. The first ad featured Aamir Khan as a ‘tapori' (street smart); in the ad he makes the association between Coca-Cola and the word ‘Thanda. ‘ The second commercial in the series featured Aamir Khan as a ‘Hyderabadi shop-keeper'; here again he equates the word ‘Thanda' with Coca-Cola. The third commercial featured Aamir Khan as a ‘Punjabi farmer' who offers Coca Cola to ladies asking for Thanda. The three commercials showed progression in associating ‘Coke' with ‘Thanda' in a rural/semi-urban context. In the first commercial the connection of Coke with Thanda was made, in the second one there was a subtle difference, with the shopkeeper asking customers to ask for Thanda instead of Coke, and the third commercial showed that when one asked for Thanda, one would get Coke. Analysts said that all the three commercials succeeded in make rural consumers connect to Coke and increased awareness of the brand among them. Along with TVCs, CCI also launched print advertisements in several regional newspapers. Future Prospects CCI claimed all its marketing initiatives were very successful, and as a result, its rural penetration increased from 9% in 2001 to 25% in 2003. CCI also said that volumes from rural markets had increased to 35% in 2003. The company said that it would focus on adding more villages to its distribution network. For the year 2003, CCI had a target of reaching 0. 1 million more villages. Analysts pointed out that stiff competition from archrival PepsiCo would make it increasingly difficult for CCI to garner more market share. PepsiCo too had started focusing on the rural market, due to the flat volumes in urban areas. Like CCI, PepsiCo too launched 200 ml bottles priced at Rs. 5. Going one step ahead, PepsiCo slashed the price of its 300 ml bottles to Rs 6/- to boost volumes in urban areas. (Refer Exhibit III for Pepsi Co's rural marketing initiatives. ) In early 2003, CCI announced that it was dropping plans to venture into other beverage businesses. Company sources said that increasing volumes of cola drinks had made the company rethink its plans of launching juice and milk-based beverages. In 2002, CCI had announced plans to launch beverages such as nimbu paani (lemon juice), fruit juice, cold coffee, and iced tea in collaboration with Nestle India. 14 Though CCI was upbeat because of its early success in its drive to capture the rural market, the question was whether the company would be able to take this success further. A major media setback occurred in August 2003, when the Delhi-based Center for Science and Environment announced that it had found high pesticide content in soft drinks manufactured and sold by both cola majors. Around same time BBC Radio in its program – ‘Face the Facts' alleged that Coke's plant in Kerala was making excessive use of groundwater resources in the region and was also contaminating the groundwater through discharge of toxic elements, thereby harming the land, water resources and also the food chain in the region. Though CCI refuted these allegations, the company reportedly experienced a considerable decline in sales after August 2003. With many social and political groups becoming active against the cola companies in rural areas, it remains to be seen whether CCI will be able to quench its thirst for the rural market.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Eastern State Penitentiary Reflection Paper Essay

Eastern State Penitentiary is believed to be one of the very first prisons established, not only in the United States, but in the world. Eastern State was functional for 141 years until 1970 when the prison closed down. Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the prison is now a stabilized ruin open to the public for tours. After personally touring the facility I was able to understand the main purpose of the prison, the living conditions and the daily routines of an Eastern State Penitentiary inmate, and attempted escapes which is why prisons like Eastern State should not be used in our modern Criminal Justice System. It was designed for strict solitary confinement and had little to no rehabilitation programs. The prison was and still is not temperature controlled. The inmates suffered extreme summers and harsh winters while staying at Eastern State. Their rooms were quite small and only had a bed, some sort of dresser, and a toilet. The condition of the cells, with the exception of Al-Capone’s cell which was much larger and more comfortable than the rest of the cells, suggest that the designers of the prison wanted the inmates stay at Eastern State to be unpleasant. This prison was built for the sole purpose of punishment. For example, Elmo Smith was the 350th person to be executed by the electric chair in the United States on April 2, 1962. He was also the last person to be killed using the electric chair in Pennsylvania. Although the inmates were required to work within the prison walls they did not receive help with the problems that landed them in Eastern State in the first place, such as alcohol and drug abuse. Therefore the type of punishment that was seen at Eastern State did not maximize the welfare of individuals because inmates were not rehabilitated. As stated earlier, the inmates worked in the kitchen, infirmary, workshops, and barbershops. In the twentieth century you could see an inmate barbershop in almost every cell block. The barbershops became a place of socialization by the inmates and often the guards would go in for a free cut. When I learned this I was shocked that the guards allowed the inmates to have sharp tools that had the potential of being used as weapons. In fact, one story we  heard on our audio tour was of a guard who said an inmate pressed his tool to the guard’s neck and threatened to take his life. The inmate was joking and the officer was left unharmed but inmates were known to create weapons that were used for protection and a way of threating other inmates. These weapons were called shanks or shivs and prison guards discovered a majority of them before any harm could occur. Unfortunately there were stories of inmates killing each other such as Joseph Havel who stabbed his fellow cellmate to death in the middle of the night. Another important component in the life of Eastern State Penitentiary inmates was the opportunity to practice in religious activities. Upon entry, every inmate was given a Bible in hopes of one day they would receive salvation. Also, in the beginning of the prison’s life there were weekly religious services in every cellblock that the inmates had the chance to listen to from their cells. In later years, Christians had the opportunity to worship in the chapel during Sundays while Jews had the opportunity to worship in the synagogue. Religious freedom was the only freedom that the inmates received. They were strictly monitored and had to wake, eat, work, and sleep when the guards told them too. Although the guar ds did their best to keep an eye on every inmate, the system employed at Eastern State was flawed. Eastern State Penitentiary was designed for strict solitary confinement but that system failed and the population of inmates increased dramatically leaving the guards outnumbered. They tried to maintain surveillance and control of the institution. One way they monitored the inmates was using forming the cellblocks into a pentagon and having a watch tower in the middle. This design was flawed because it was impossible for the guard in the watch tower to see every cell and every part of the cells. Prison guards at Eastern State hated working in the watch tower, a position left for new recruits, because they felt more restricted than the inmates. They could not listen to music or read, had little human contact, and had to call their commanding officer every fifteen minutes to check in. Prison officials liked to believe that these methods of surveillance worked but there were numerous riots and attempted escapes by the inmates. The largest riot was on January 8, 1961 in cellblock nine when two inmates over powered an office and then they proceeded to opening other cells. They tried to set their criminal  records on fire. Another example was William Francis Sutton who attempted to escape five times. Lastly, there was the great escape from cellblock seven, cell 68. Clarence Klinedinst had a reputation as a good worker which he used to be transfer to cellblock seven where he started using the tools from work to build a tunnel. Riots and escapes such as these lead to the closing of Eastern State Penitentiary in 1970. Prisons such as Eastern state should not be used today because, according to the utilitarian theory of justice, the ends do not justify the means. A lot of money is put into them when all they do is hold inmates for a number of years and then they are rel eased into the community. With no form of rehabilitation the released inmates revert back to crime and are reincarcerated. The cycle is never ending and prisons become overpopulated and prone to riots as was Eastern State Penitentiary.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Digital Multimeter User'd Guide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Digital Multimeter User'd Guide - Essay Example Digital Multimeter User Guide Name: Institution: Table of contents Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ... †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..13 Fig 5: Series measurement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 Fig 6: Range view switch of a DMM†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.14 Fig 7: Direct current †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16 Fig 8: Alternating current †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16 Fig 9: Lead test placement ...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16 Fig 10: Dry cell voltage measurement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦17 Fig 11: Wall outlet voltage measurement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..18 Fig 12: Resistance connectivity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..18 Fig 13: Connection between a resistor and a multimeter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....19 List of tables Table 1: Common signs used in multimeters †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 Table 2: Abbreviatio ns used in multimeters ..........................................................................9 Abstract Digital multimeters are devices that are commonly used in the study of electricity and construction (Bernard, 1988). These devices are designed and produced in large numbers for electrical engineers and other electrical experts. Usually, these devices have supplementary features that are mostly, not of use. Digital meters portray their output in a numeric form on an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) or a LED (Light Emitting Diode) screen. Considering the current setting of the world, one has to be technologically conversant with these resourceful and dominant tools used in electronics

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Property Sales and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Property Sales and Marketing - Essay Example The next step is to get a HIP before a real estate agent can take on marketing aspect of the sale. The HIP or Home information Pack is a must for houses being sold in Wales and England. This ensures that complete information is available on the market. According to law a HIP should contain key information on the property being marketed and must be provided by the seller’s agent. The HIP ensures that there are no confusions about property being sold in minds of the buyers and give buyers important information at start of the sales process. Therefore there are fewer chances of delays etc because of misinterpretation of information. A very comprehensive way of gathering information about a property is through a property questionnaire. This is a document filled in by prospective home seller and contains information such as property size, expected value, items available, condition, any issues etc. This questionnaire must accompany EPC (Energy Performance Report), Sustainability certificate (for new homes only) and sale statement of address. The sale statement of address must include the name of seller, title and address etc. The agent must make sure that seller ha submitted copies of original documents which show ownership of the property. These official copies are usually held by the land registry. Some time properties are mortgaged etc. Evidence of this extra information that includes any other tenancies affecting the property must be gathered as well. After gathering all related documents about the property, agent should conduct a survey to ensure all the information checks out. This survey would usually inclu de a complete house check and a visit to local authorities. The real skills of each sales agent is seen when he has to market a sales, therefore each real estate broker has to be as creative as possible, in order to gain a competitive edge over rivals. There are a number of marketing

Monday, October 7, 2019

Corporate HR Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate HR Policy - Term Paper Example Bobby’s boss was wrong because he did not truly consider Bobby for the promotion. The company’s preference was to fill in positions by externally recruiting. Corporate HR policy of promoting from within can very beneficial for an organization. â€Å"Often internal or current employees can make the best available candidates because they are already familiar with your company and successful within your culture† (Green, 2007). Another benefit of promoting from within is lower recruiting costs since the candidate is chosen from a limited pool of people that already work for the company. Organizations do not have to spend money advertising job openings when internal recruiting is utilized. The use of internal recruitment positively contributes towards the employee retention rate of the company. Employees that work in a culture in which promotion opportunities are readily available are motivated to perform at a superior level. The risk of an outside candidate not fitting in with the corporate culture of a firm is eliminated by promoting your own employees. When a person is promoted from within into a managerial position the employees are more accepting of their new leader. A good HR strategy is to identify employees with potential and place them in a career advancement track. A few ways that the companies can develop the skills and capabilities of the workers is through job rotation, seminars, training, online training, and educational opportunities. Fast Company made a blunder in their cover story criticizing the human resource profession. The advertisement on the cover of the magazine was violent, bloody, and completely tasteless. The images were similar to those you would see in the advertisement of a horror movie. This mistake was made possible due to a lack of internal control to verify the quality of the work of the writers.  

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Job Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job - Personal Statement Example My academic experience and professional qualifications harnessed my skills and prepared me for the responsibilities that go with the position. I am deeply dedicated to the accomplishment of required endeavors and am committed to being instrumental in creating progress and development to the organization I am connected with. I am enthusiastic to offer my professional services as part of the accounting team of your prestigious institution. Since I am still attending Baltimore City Community College, majoring in accounting, I have been committed to continue a career with your firm. I have taken two business classes and received As. I also have taken three Accounting classes and received no less than Bs. In these classes I became skillful and adept in using Microsoft office. I am well aware that TSA is consistently in pursuit of people who are ambitious, competitive, with a strong focus to succeed and a force to work for the betterment of mankind. I would like to continue to be part of your workforce being guided by values of integrity, honest dealing, treating everyone with respect and dignity, striving for mutual advantage, transparency and contributing to human