Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Role of Youth in Eradicating Corruption

Laser and its medical applications Presented by S. vignesh J. sabastian The Advent of the â€Å"Laser Scalpel† Early experimenters with medical lasers pointed out that there are surgical operations that are difficult to perform with the conventional scalpel and that a laser beam might be used instead. Initial trials showed that a finely focused beam from a carbon dioxide gas laser could cut through human tissue easily and neatly. The surgeon could direct the beam from any angle by using a mirror mounted on a movable metal arm. Several advantages of laser surgery quickly became apparent.First, the light beam is consistent, which means that it gives off the same amount of energy from In this photo taken during open-heart surgery, a doctor uses a laser probe to punch small holes in the patient's heart muscle to increase the organ's blood flow. one second to the next. So as long as the beam is moving along, the cut it makes (the incision) does not vary in depth; whereas when using a scalpel a doctor can accidentally make part of the incision too deep. A second advantage of the surgical laser is that the hot beam cauterizes, or seals off, the open blood vessels as it moves along. This works well mainly for small vessels, such as those in the skin. The doctor still has to seal off the larger blood vessels using conventional methods. ) Still another advantage is that the cells in human tissue do not conduct heat very well, so the skin or any other tissue near the laser incision does not get very hot and is not affected by the beam. This advantage of laser surgery is very helpful when a doctor must operate on a tiny area that is surrounded by healthy tissue or organs. It should be pointed out that the â€Å"laser scalpel† is not necessarily the best tool to use in every operation.Some doctors feel that while the laser is useful in some situations, it will never totally replace the scalpel. Others are more optimistic and see a day when more advanced lasers will make the scalpel a thing of the past. The second of these views may prove to be the most accurate, for surgical use of lasers is rapidly advancing. At first, lasers were considered most effective in operating on areas that are easy to reach—areas on the body's exterior, including the skin, mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. But in recent years doctors have demonstrated remarkable progress in developing laser techniques for use in internal exploration and surgery.Of course, in order to be able to direct the laser beam the doctor must be able to see inside the body. In some cases this is a simple matter of making an incision and opening up the area to be operated on. But there are situations in which this step can be avoided. Cleaning Arteries with Light For instance, lasers are increasingly used to clean plaque from people's arteries. Plaque is a tough fatty substance that can build up on the inside walls of the arteries. Eventually the vessels can get so clogged that blood do es not flow normally, and the result can be a heart attack or stroke, both of which are serious and sometimes fatal.The traditional method for removing the plaque involves opening the chest and making several incisions, a long and sometimes risky operation. It is also expensive and requires weeks for recovery. An effective alternative is to use a laser beam to burn away the plaque. The key to making this work is the doctor's ability to see inside the artery and direct the beam, another area in which fiber optics and lasers are combined into a modern wonder tool. An optic fiber that has been connected to a tiny television camera can be inserted into an artery.These elements now become a miniature sensor that allows the doctor and nurses to see inside the artery while a second fiber is inserted to carry the bursts of light that will burn away the plaque. The technique works in the following way. The fiber-optic array is inserted into a blood vessel in an arm or leg and moved slowly in to the area of the heart and blocked arteries. When the array is in place the laser is fired and the plaque destroyed, and then the exhaust vapors are sucked back through a tiny hollow tube that is inserted along with the optical fibers.When the artery has been cleaned out the doctor removes the fibers and tube, and the operation is finished. This medical process is known as laser angioplasty. It has several obvious advantages. First, no incision is needed (except for the small one in the vessel to insert the fibers). There is also little or no bleeding, and the patient can enjoy total recovery in a day or two. Laser angioplasty does have some potential risks that must be considered. First, when the laser beam fires at the plaque it must be aimed very carefully ecause a slight miss could cut through the wall of the artery and cause serious bleeding. The patient's chest would then have to be opened up after all. Another problem involves small pieces of burnt debris from the Surgeons use a tiny laser to cut away tissue in a gallbladder operation. The laser and a tiny camera are inserted into the navel, so no abdominal incision is necessary. . Lasers Heal and Reshape the Eyes Some of the most remarkable breakthroughs for medical lasers have been in the area of ophthalmology, the study of the structure and diseases of the eye.One reason that laser beams are so useful in treating the eye is that the cornea, the coating that covers the eyeball and admits light into the interior of the eye, is transparent. Since it is designed to admit ordinary light, the cornea lets in laser light just as well and remains unaffected by the beam. First, the laser is very useful in removing extraneous blood vessels that can form on the retina—the thin, light-sensitive membrane at the back of the eyeball. It is on the retina that the images of the things the eye sees are formed. Damage to the retina can sometimes cause blindness.The laser most often used in the treatment of this condition is powered by a medium of argon gas. The doctor aims the beam through the cornea and burns away the tangle of blood vessels covering the retina. The procedure takes only a few minutes and can be done in the doctor's office. The laser can also repair a detached retina—one that has broken loose from the rear part of the eyeball. Before the advent of lasers detached retinas had to be repaired by hand, and because the retina is so delicate this was a very difficult operation to perform. Using the argon laser, the doctor can actually â€Å"weld† the torn retina back in place.It is perhaps a strange coincidence that Gordon Gould, one of the original inventors of the laser, later had one of his own retinas repaired this way. Another condition that affects the eye is glaucoma, which is characterized by the buildup of fluid in the eye. Normally the eye's natural fluids drain away a little at a time, and the eye stays healthy. In eyes impaired with glaucoma the fluid does not drain properly, and the buildup affects vision; blindness can sometimes result. In some cases drugs can be used to treat glaucoma. If the drugs fail, however, many doctors now turn to the laser to avoid onventional surgery. The laser punches a hole in a preplanned spot and the fluid drains out through the hole. Again, the treatment can be performed in a doctor's office instead of a hospital. Using Lasers for Eye Surgery The laser works like a sewing machine to repair a detached retina, the membrane that lines the interior of the eye. The laser beam is adjusted so that it can pass harmlessly through the lens and focus on tiny spots around the damaged area of the retina. When it is focused, the beam has the intensity to â€Å"weld† or seal the detached area of the retina back against the wall of the eyeball.The patient's eyeglass prescription is literally carved inside the cornea with the beam of an excimer laser [a laser device that produces pulses of ultraviolet, or UV, light]. A small flap of the cornea is first removed with a precision knife . . . and an A patient undergoes eye surgery performed by a laser beam. In addition to treating detached retinas, lasers can remove cataracts. inner portion of the cornea is exposed to the excimer laser. After the prescription is carved, the corneal flap that was opened is then put back into place over the ablated [surgically altered] cornea. 6 LASIK does not come without risks.The changes it makes in the cornea are permanent, and the danger of unexpected damage is ever present. However, the procedure has become increasingly popular each year; about a million Americans had it done in the year 2000, and about four thousand surgeons in the United States were trained to perform it. Some Cosmetic Uses of Lasers Medical lasers are also widely used for various types of cosmetic surgery, including the removal of certain kinds of birthmarks. Port-wine stains, reddish purple skin blotches that appear on about thre e out of every one thousand children, are an example.Such stains can mark any part of the body but are most commonly found on the face and neck. The medical laser is able to remove a port-wine stain for the same reason that a military laser is able to flash a message to a submerged submarine. Both lasers take advantage of the monochromatic quality of laser light, that is, its ability to shine in one specific color. The stain is made up of thousands of tiny malformed blood vessels that have a definite reddish purple color. This color very strongly absorbs a certain shade of green light. In fact, that is why the stain looks red.It absorbs the green and other colors in white light but reflects the red back to people's eyes. To treat the stain, the doctor runs a wide low-power beam of green light across the discolored area. The mass of blood vessels in the stain absorbs the energetic laser light and becomes so hot that it is actually burned away. The surrounding skin is a different colo r than the stain, so that skin absorbs only small amounts of the beam and remains unburned. (Of course, the burned A doctor uses an argon laser to remove a port-wine stain, a kind of birthmark.Unwanted tissue is burned away while normal skin remains undamaged. areas must heal, and during this process some minor scarring sometimes occurs. ) Laser-Assisted Dentistry Dentistry is another branch of medicine that has benefited tremendously from laser technology. Indeed, lasers have made some people stop dreading a visit to the dentist. No one enjoys having a cavity drilled, of course. It usually requires an anesthetic (a painkiller like novocaine) that causes uncomfortable numbness in the mouth; also, the sound of the drill can be irritating or even sickening to some people.Many dentists now employ an Nd-YAG laser (which uses a crystal for its lasing medium) instead of a drill for most cavities. The laser treatment takes advantage of the simple fact that the material that forms in a cavi ty is much softer than the enamel (the hard part of a tooth). The laser is set at a power that is just strong enough to eliminate the decayed tissue but not strong enough to harm the enamel. When treating a very deep cavity bleeding sometimes occurs, and the laser beam often seals off blood vessels and stops the bleeding. The most often asked question about treating cavities with lasers is: Does it hurt?The answer is no. Each burst of laser light from a dental laser lasts only thirty-trillionths of a second, much faster than the amount of time a nerve takes to trigger pain. In other words, the beam would have to last 100 million times longer in order to cause any discomfort. So this sort of treatment requires no anesthetic. Advantages of Lasers for Dental Surgery In this excerpt from an article in The Dental Clinics of North America Robert A. Strauss of the Medical College of Virginia mentions some of the advantages of using lasers for oral surgery. Decreased post-operative swelling is characteristic of laser use [for oral surgery].Decreased swelling allows for increased safety when performing surgery within the airway [the mouth] . . . and increases the range of surgery that oral surgeons can perform safely without fear of airway compromise. This effect allows the surgeon to perform many procedures in an office or outpatient facility that previously would have required hospitalization. . . . Tissue healing and scarring are also improved with the use of the laser. . . . Laser wounds generally heal with minimal scar formation and . . . often can be left unsutured [without stitches], another distinct advantage. Thus the role of laser in medical field is most predominant.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Challenge ineffective practice in the promotion of the safeguarding Essay

1. Disseminate knowledge based on good practice 2. To involve service users , carers, practitioners , care providers and policy makers in the promoting good practice 3. Enhance the skills and professionalism in social care workers through tailored, targeted and user friendly resources. Before challenge can be made we will need to identify who is at risk of abuse? The vulnerable adult in this context is at risk of abuse ; people with learning disability; older people ; family members and carers. Identifying risks in services. Risk factors associated with abuse can help to point the way for appropriate prevention strategies. For example Institutional abuse has the following factors as indicators: Exogenous-Staff rate and ratio, bed supply. Institutional Environment-Organisation that stifles staff and prevent criticism. Patient Characteristics-very frail, challenging behaviours  staff Characteristics- Stress, negative attitude to work, low esteem and low educational attainment neutralisation of moral concerns leading to residents being seen as objects rather than human beings. Lack of policy awareness. To challenge these abuse we need 1 public awareness 2 Awareness of domestic violence 3 Awareness strategies of other types abuse such as financial abuse 4 Information awareness and advocacy 5 Training and education through development programmes 6 Awareness of the organisation policy and procedures 7 Community links 8 awareness of regulations and legislation 9 Multi- disciplinary and agency collaboration. 10 Empowerment and choice 11 balancing the idea of choice and risk involvement based on decision taken by the service users and carers.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Action Plan for E-administration in Abu Dhabi Police Essay

Action Plan for E-administration in Abu Dhabi Police - Essay Example In present scenario, the use of ultra modern technology is a common practice among anti-social elements. Hence it is necessary to have the security system highly equipped to face challenges of modern era. There is a need of positive and dynamic evolution in every field of governance, including policing, to cope with the huge cultural improvement of our time. The introduction of ultra-modern computer technology can be utilised as the basic tool in effective policing. In fact, use of this technology changed the setup of an office and replaced papers, books, pens, typing and copying machines, etc. with a single device computer. That establishes a sophisticated system for communication, data storage & retrieval, and proved an instant reference or help in thousands of needs. Let us discuss this ultra-modern system, its trainings, and outcome of implementation in Abu Dhabi. The personnel department of police regularly demands headquarter for updates. Similarly police control room has to es tablish regular contacts with numerous departments and offices for feedback or other purposes. The E-administration system is a dynamic weapon in all such needs. With such an advance system the Abu Dhabi police can obtain smooth, fast and accurate administrative, financial and other types of help from offices and agencies in no time. There are so many other such benefits of this system.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Conventions of academic writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Conventions of academic writing - Essay Example Formatting paper in APA style means paying attention to mechanical details such as typeface, line spacing, margins, and page numbers. On the other hand, it has rather been conducive to accomplish my English papers using the MLA style. As an academic writing convention that provides guidelines for writing and documentation of research in the  humanities, especially in  English studies, I acquire a sense of flexibility every time I review and edit my critical writing with MLA format. This style is widely used as well in the study of other  modern languages  and literatures, including  comparative literature,   literary criticism,  media and  cultural studies, and some other related disciplines. Writing a paper on history subject is another area for which I find MLA style useful. This convention had undergone certain changes including the use of italics instead of underlining title and URL listing of online sources is optional. Plagiarism is nowhere far from the crime of inflicting damage or plunder of intellectual property, making it a serious academic offense. If I were a writer whose original quote/line is used or rephrased by someone else, for whatever purpose without due acknowledgment, then that person commits plagiarism against my right to personal property. In this case, I am equivalently deprived of a ‘right to identity’ by way of rational design or one that essentially sets an individual’s uniqueness apart from the rest. To avoid plagiarism, it is always essential to cite references especially the primary ones properly. For instance, whenever one finds it necessary to use more than three words in a row that occurred exactly in the same order in the source material, these words must be put into quotation marks with in-text citation within parentheses having footnote or endnote added to give appropriate credit to the source. Hypothesis is one important research

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Effect of retiring baby boomers to US economy Research Paper

Effect of retiring baby boomers to US economy - Research Paper Example In this regard, it has been projected that the world will have about 1 billion elderly people by the year 2030, which accounts for about 33% of the world population3. As earlier stated, the U.S. is one among the countries facing the challenge of an aging population. This is because its population has been aging very fast though as fast as that of Japan. Research indicates that the U.S. aging population increased to 13.1% in 2010 up from 8.3% in 19504. The growth is projected to reach around 19.9% by 2030 and 21.2% by the year 2050. However, the research also found out that as the aging population continues to increase, the population consisting of children and the working class will decline in a few decades to come. Projections suggest that the U.S. aging population will increase by double digits in the next forty years. In this regard, the elderly age group above 65 years will increase to about 88.5 by the year 2050 up from 40.2 million in 2010. The United States is currently worrie d with the rate at which the aging population is increasing. This is because it implies that it will soon retire many baby boomers that have been very important to the U.S. economy5. In this regard, many U.S. citizens including economic analysts in the country claim that retiring baby boomers might adversely affect the U.S. economy being that it is currently struggling to recover from recession. However, not everyone is of opinion as some are skeptical arguing that retiring baby boomers may not affect the economy in a negative way. Baby boomers are basically those born between 1946 to about 1960s6. Mathematically, people born during this time are approaching their retirement age as per U.S. labor laws where the retirement age stands at 65 years of age. Mckinsey Global Institute reveals that the latest census report on America’s population found out that there are about 78 million baby boomers in the U.S. born somewhere between 1946 and 19647. This implies that a very huge num ber of baby boomers are likely to be retired in the near future, something that will most likely affect the economy in one way or the other. The objective of this paper is to examine the impacts that retiring baby boomers may have on the U.S. economy. To begin with, retiring baby boomers will impacts on the U.S. economy in different ways both positively and negatively. Currently baby boomers form the majority of workforce in the U.S. In fact, the baby boomers have contributed greatly to the growth of the United States something that cannot be denied8. This is evident from the kind of development that the America has experienced since 1946 to date. Research indicates that the American baby boomers numbering about 79 million according to a census report have earned huge amount of incomes, created wealth, which in turn spurred economic growth9. Therefore, retiring this population will most likely leave a big vacuum in the workforce, as there will be a reduction in the skilled workforce to help restore the economy of the U.S. to where it was before the financial crisis of 2007/2008. However, since the U.S. economy is still struggling to recover from the recent financial meltdown, retiring baby boomers may worsen the situation according to some economic pundits. This is because there will be little expertise to help in revamping the economy

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - Essay Example According to D'Amico and Barbarito (2012), health history is a way of obtaining information about patients’ health based on their own words and perceptions. P.W’s case requires a health history assessment that would help in evaluating the cause of her health condition. In evaluating her health history, interviewing her about the family’s past and present health history would help to understand the nature of her condition and diagnose effective lifestyle measures. In addition, the physical examination would help in studying underlying physical symptoms presented by the patient and enhance accurate diagnosis (Brashers, 2006).  According to D'Amico and Barbarito (2012), health history is a way of obtaining information about patients’ health based on their own words and perceptions. P.W’s case requires a health history assessment that would help in evaluating the cause of her health condition. In evaluating her health history, interviewing her about t he family’s past and present health history would help to understand the nature of her condition and diagnose effective lifestyle measures. In addition, the physical examination would help in studying underlying physical symptoms presented by the patient and enhance accurate diagnosis (Brashers, 2006).  For effective diagnosis, I would:†¢ Ask P.W questions about her past health and take the history specifically for patterns associated with menstruation, obesity, breast development and hirsutism.  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Conduct a physical examination through inspection methods. This would involve conducting gynecologic ultrasonography that would help in identifying small ovarian follicles that disturb ovarian functions with failed ovulation.  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Measure blood pressure level, waist size, and body mass index. I would also inspect the skin for any increased hair growth. This would help in determining the effects on hormonal imbalances on hair growth or changes of the skin textur e.  For P.W to manage her condition, I would recommend the following:†¢ Birth control pills would help in controlling menstrual cycles, clearing acne as well as reducing hormone levels.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Research Experience for High School Students Dissertation

Research Experience for High School Students - Dissertation Example This essay stresses that given the absence of specific and clear-cut formal policies and frameworks from the government on research experience for high school students, the quest to inject high school learning with research experience has largely remained in the hands of private initiatives. This means that the introduction and maintenance of research experience in high school learning has mostly been a preserve of efforts applied by individual high schools and their stakeholders. Conversely, there are other organizations or agencies such as the National Science Foundation which sustain Research Experience for High School Students (REHSS) programs with logistics and finances and help further the goals of REHSS. This paper makes a conclusion that the research faculty member aiding and guiding the student has to come from the institution sustaining the research. For instance, Vanderbilt University enjoys the widest notoriety for sustaining these independent research projects. This means that most of the research faculty members who mentor high school students undertaking independent research projects are employees of Vanderbilt University. All students who participate in REHSS are to attend weekly breakout sessions in groups and are to be led by a group of Vanderbilt University postdoctoral and graduate student researches. In respect to the foregoing, it is important to note that institutions of learning which provide REHSS services have the prerogatives to set the requirements for enrolment. Roberts and Wassersug (2009) contends that in most cases, the student candidates must be: sixteen years of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management Theory into Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Management Theory into Practice - Essay Example ExxonMobil is one of the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company (ExxonMobil, 2010a). Its main purpose is to provide energy to growing economies and to alleviate the quality of living throughout the world. The company has an extensive cache to global oil and gas resources that makes it one of the leading names in the energy industry. Not only is the company the world’s largest refiner and marketer of petroleum products but its chemical company is one of the largest in the world. The company prides itself for its continued emphasis on innovation and spends extensively on finding more energy-efficient methods of production and delivery. Being one of the most successful companies of the world is strongly indicative of good management. The ExxonMobil official website pays herald to its strong leadership by saying that the discipline and commitment of the leadership has â€Å"led to competitive advantages† (ExxonMobil, 2010b). According to th e Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, in the current turbulent times, a company can only be successful if it considers business discipline and corporate citizenship to be interlinked (Schwartz, 2010). Drawing a SWOT analysis of ExxonMobil, one can see that the strength of the company lies in its technological advancement, and strong emphasis on research and development. The strong and stable financial performance of the company, coupled with its diversified revenue system, provides it with the leading market position.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Meaningful use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Meaningful use - Essay Example Meaningful use refers to the application of certified EHR technology in attaining specific healthcare objectives. Meaningful use is centered along the roles of healthcares professions and hospitals with respect to the adoption and implementation of EHR technology in their respective practice (CDC, 2013). This claim can be justified by the guidelines of the EHR incentive program, which requires medical professionals and hospitals to demonstrate that their chosen certified EHR has met specific health outcomes priorities. The concept of meaningful use is based on a number of vital health outcome priorities which include but not limited to improved population and public health; enhanced privacy and security of patient medical information; superior quality, efficiency, safety and minimized health disparities; enhanced care coordination; and increased engagement of patients and their families in the care (â€Å"Policymaking, Regulation†, 2012). This means that eligible medical profe ssions and hospitals must ensure that their certified EHR meets the above results before they get CMS inventive payment. The healthcare outcomes will be used as the criteria for establishing effective use of the deployed health IT tools by healthcare providers. According to the CMS incentive program eligible medical professionals, hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) will receive up to $44,000 over 5 years and up to $63,750 over 6 years through the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive program respectively (CDC, 2013). It is noteworthy that CMS inventive program is voluntary, but negative consequences especially financial ones have been put in place for medical providers who fail to join the program by 2015. The concept of Meaningful Use was first introduced during the Obama administration though enactment and final signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 into law (Flanders, 2010). The ARRA through a number of measures particularly the "Health In formation Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act" has witnessed improved national healthcare IT infrastructure. The HITECH proposed the concept of meaningful use of the EHR through the country’s healthcare delivery system as a vital national goals and it remains to be the critical focus for legislative, financial and ethical concern for hospitals and professional in the healthcare sector (â€Å"Policymaking, Regulation†, 2012). The initiative for automating medical records is facilitated by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) in conjunction with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) after the current administration realized that IT infrastructure is impetus for addressing longstanding healthcare challenges which range from escalating healthcare costs, low quality and safety, as well as high wastage (CDC, 2013). Meaningful Use has been divided into phases in order to encourage gradual widespread EHR adoption and implemen tation universally besides relieving excessive burden on medical care providers. The first phase which covers 2011 involves aspects of data capture and sharing; the second face, which involves advanced clinical processes elements covers up to 2013 while the final phase involves

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Ethics case-Nike Sweatshops Case Study

Business Ethics -Nike Sweatshops - Case Study Example The labor unions of such countries were also said to gain significant influence. Countries such as Vietnam, China, and Indonesia were considered to offer cheaper labor to the company Nike, Inc. and also prohibited labor unions. But when the workers of these countries demanded additional benefits and rights, the company closed all its factories in such countries and moved to other countries to continue its operations at a lower cost. The company Nike, Inc. was highly criticized throughout the 1990s for selling such goods which were considered to be manufactured in sweatshops. In the year 1991, an activist named Jeff Ballinger published a report which highlighted the poor working conditions and low wages in the country of Indonesia (Esbenshade, 2004). He published an article which stated that an Indonesian worker was considered to work for the company’s subcontractor for only 14 cents an hour which was considered to be less than the minimum wages that was prescribed in Indonesia . Numerous disturbing stories were said to come from the factories of the company Nike, Inc. throughout the world. The major issues were considered to be forced overtime, child labor, and wages which were considered to be well below the poverty line. There were also other issues such as poor air quality, exposure to chemicals considered as dangerous and physical abuse from the overseers of factory. It was considered that groups such as Global Exchange, Education for Justice, and students who were considered to be against sweatshop labor were mainly considered to lead the efforts against the company Nike, Inc. in this regard. Team Sweat was established with the main objective of tracking the protests that were considered to be made against the organization. It is considered as an international coalition of workers, investors, and consumers to put an end to the injustices that were considered to be in the sweatshops of the organization Nike, Inc. around the world. Jim Keady

Monday, July 22, 2019

Greek and Norse Mythology. Essay Example for Free

Greek and Norse Mythology. Essay Greek mythology and Roman mythology are almost identical. This is an accepted fact, as it is widely known that the Romans stole the Greek myths. However, it is very interesting to note that the mythology of the Vikings (Norse) has many similarities with the Greek myths. These myths are, by no means, identical to the Greek ones (like the Roman ones are), but there are very distinct commonalities between the two. I see two possible reasons for this besides pure coincidence. The first has to do with the fact that Norse myths were codified during the Viking era: 780 1070. This gives the Norsemen many centuries to become exposed to the Greek (or Roman) myths. The Vikings did travel as far east as the Caspian sea, which is further east than both Italy and Greece. The Norse myths were fashioned after the fall of the Roman empire. During the expansion of the Roman empire, the Romans were able to get all the way to Britain, which is farther west than the Scandinavian countries where these myths originated. The Vikings made many expeditions into Britain. So it is a very realistic thought that the Vikings could have been exposed to the stories of the Greek and Roman gods. It is also possible that the Vikings could have extrapolated parts of the Roman stories into their own. The only two existing primary sources of Norse mythology are the Prose (Elder) Edda, and the Poetic (Younger) Edda. These were written about one thousand to eight hundred years ago respectively. The second factor has to do with mythology as an extension of the society that fashions it. I see mythology as an attempt by a people to explain the powerful forces which affect and shape it, that are beyond its control, such as weather, the elements, and nature. I also see gods as being characters that have many similarities with the people within the society. The gods and goddesses are powerful beings capable of super-human powers, but nevertheless are characters fraught with very human frailties and flaws. In this way they created gods that had similarities with the common man in the society. This made the gods more tangible and easier to identify with. I think that this was necessary because they were not yet at the societal maturity level to have a single god on a cosmic plane. Most of the comparisons will be examining the similarities between major Greek and Norse gods, as well as creatures, stories and specific symbols which are featured in the mythologies.

Tobacco Targeting Children Essay Example for Free

Tobacco Targeting Children Essay Tobacco is one of the main products that affect our children today. Companies that distribute these products do not think about who is getting affected by their product, but think about the profit they will make from selling their product. Big companies like Philip Morris who sell Marlboro, Basic, Virginia Slim and many other types of tobacco target young adults. Gene Emery quoted the amount spent on tobacco advertising is targeting youngsters. Some points Gene Emery presents are quiet different than what I believe. From working at my previous store that I owned in Sacramento, during these eight years, I didnt recognize some of the points Gene Emery brings out. Gene Emery suggests that they found the amount spent to advertise three brands popular with young people- Camel, Marlboro and Newport- in youth-oriented magazines increased immediately. The first point I would like to point out is that Gene Emery targets young people and also said that brands for adult-oriented products like Basic, Winston or Virginia Slims spend less money on advertising because they target only adults. He says that certain products are for young people while some are for adults. The way he presented his idea was false because from my past experience, I have realized that Newport cigarettes targets African Americans, Marlboro targets originally Asians, Camel cigarettes targets construction workers, Virginia Slim targets women and Basic targets the less fortunate who cant buy Marlboro. Dont get me wrong that I am defend the tobacco companies, I am actually against this. Philip Morris spend more money on ads for Marlboro than Basic because Marlboro is more popular and brings in more profit than Basic does. When we deal with children, we have to be cautious about everything we do. Some adults who smoke, do not realize that their children are getting affected by them. Gene Emery believes that the advertising is to blame. I am agreeing with him, but we should not also forget the family actions in front of their children. In order to prevent our children to smoke, we should start at home. The parents have a great responsibility to act right in front of their kids like put out the cigarette they see their child coming through the door or to try to even stop smoking. I was raised with a family that does not smoke. We are eight girls and one boy and still none of us smoke till now because my family knew how to act and set the perfect role model for us. I am trying to do the same thing for my two boys. I tell them that smoking is awful and it makes you sick and die and whenever they see somebody smoking they say that this person is stupid because he is hurting himself. The laws in this country protects our children; in order for oneself to buy any tobacco, they have to be 18 years of age or older. There is also an agreement to stop promoting cigarettes to children. This agreement was passed in 1998. Attached to this paper is the lawsuit to control tobacco companies. Also, attached to this paper is an article that differs the US laws with other country like Australia and Britain. In my country, the government supports tobacco companies. Ads are placed everywhere about tobaccos, places like TVs, radios, in the street, magazine covers and they also made candys for kids that looks like cigarettes. I believe that the American children are lucky to have such great laws to protect them and that anybody can sue them if something went wrong. Difficult as it may be for tobacco control advocates to demand accountability, tobacco control programs will not survive if the nongovernmental organizations that care about the program will not protect it. The preservation of the intent and spirit of these programs will not occur simply because an initiative is approved by the voters. This approval is a powerful force, but it must be used effectively by those who accept the responsibility for defending the public interest. Exercising oversight over the elected and appointed officials who had authority over the tobacco control program was even more challenging for the public health groups than getting the program enacted. In the years immediately following an election or legislative action to create a tobacco control program, the effort to keep the will of the voters before the Legislature is not difficult, since both the press and the public are likely to be paying attention. But voter approval is likely to become less obvious and thus less powerful over time, and tobacco control advocates need to seek ways to keep the public informed and involved on the tobacco issue. If advocates instead retreat to playing only the insider political game, they will probably fail. They must be willing to withstand and embrace the controversy that the tobacco industry and its allies will generate. Appendix B Important California Tobacco Control Events April 1977 Berkeley passes an indoor air ordinance. November 1978 Proposition 5 (statewide initiative covering clean indoor air and Research Accounts until 1996, passes. SB 493 sought to issues) is defeated. November 1980 Proposition 10 (statewide initiative covering clean indoor air issues) is defeated. December 1980 Californians for Nonsmokers Rights forms to pass local clean indoor air ordinances. November 1983 Proposition P (San Francisco referendum) is defeated; smoke-free workplace law remains on the books. November 1988 Proposition 99 (statewide initiative) passes.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Project Management in Film Industry

Project Management in Film Industry Project Management for Media Introduction Television production industry proffers many benefits while practicing the project management, involving technical advancement, developed methodologies, quality management, or come across important setback s with promptness. These points lead to increase difficulty and density of the process of production. In spite of problems and complexity inbuilt in TV production industry, it is continuously flourishing. It is possible for TV production to manage the projects with experience, dignity and excellence within the available resources, expertise and large amount of experiences (Ika, 2009). Excellent project management becomes important or essential for the demanding nature of the TV production. Form the view point of the project management, the TV production industry proposes many prospects. Exploration and Critical Analysis TV or Film Production to Qualify as a Project In the culture of production, expert investigates the culture and belief system practices and the behavior of production workers including those who in top position like producers, directors and below the line workers like editors, gaffers and camera operators in the production industry. Then analyze the situation, description and practices with the help of which workers or labors can make sense of their work, criticize the TV and film industry. Industry continuously depict itself and its process of the production to the local people, workers and giving them ideas about the production industry which are surrounded in their daily routine practices which they create (Yates, Paquette, 2011). For any project for which to be qualified, it is mandatory that firm or media house must have the feasibility report which indicates the flow of activities to be carried out. For example the newly built TV production has intention to make the TV serial about any societal issues, it should at least send the proposal to the interested parties. The newly built TV house must have all the necessary facilities or set of the number of technical devices and operatives machineries that is used in the TV production (Yates, Paquette, 2011). Also when the proposal are sent to interested parties, TV production house makes it compulsory for all interested media outlets to meet the requirement that includes the experts producers, cameramen, editors and latest machinery and equipment that is used in the process. According to Madden (2012), TV production house might make certain decision keeping the demand of pace of work in which project is to be completed. Skilled workers means that able and competent producer should be part of the TV production house who have a vast amount of knowledge and information about the every step and activity which are supposed to be more helpful in the completion of TV serial. Similarly, in the completion of TV serial, number of elements related to human workforce exists like actor, co-producer, cameramen, light engineer, sound engineer and others. When the human job role is particularly defined then tasks to be done become more easily and without any trouble a successful journey starts towards the completion of TV serial (Madden, 2012). It is more imperative for TV production house must use the latest technology and sophisticated devices for production purpose. TV or Movies of Hollywood use the latest technology which makes the production and off-camera activities easier. The use of newly arrived technology also helps the production house to make any kind of changes dueling the production processes. It will enhance the viewership with great admiration. Technical labor is also requisite for TV industry as minor mistake during the phase of project related to TV serial can cause in bringing huge financial losses and can happen to stall the project. Therefore, along with the skilled and technical labor, another important aspect of the TV or film industry is the script writing which are to be visualized by the physical movements and image of various known actors and actress (Napier, Keil, Tan, 2009). As the scriptwriting is an art which is the sole responsibility of playwright who assembles the ideas into words and it is the role of director who bring ideas or words into physical movements of actors and actress which is highly appreciated by viewers. Animation are also used by director and producers which show the reality of object which is placed by technical team during the production set. Even the arrival of new innovative technology is bringing more revolution in the TV industry and Hollywood is the only place which is actively engaged in using new and innovative technology in every scene of movies or drama which appeal the viewers to watch. But it is up to the choice of the viewers to like or dislike in the movie or drama as ultimately TV production house can only make efforts to entertain audiences through the use of varieties of technologies but decision of either acceptance or rejection resides in the minds and hands of audience (Napier, Keil, Tan, 2009). Elements of Project Management for Successful Execution of Film or TV Production Film production is the process of film making which involves or includes various numbers of distinct levels. Film production takes place across the world with the wide range of social, political, and economic perspective by using diversity of cinematic techniques and advance technologies. Usually it involves a large number of human resources for their projects. And for creating and maintaining the quality it needs to have enormous efforts from very skilled people. And when it comes for communicating or coordinating the tasks like feedback from stakeholders across the world or across the time zone or any other things or tasks it becomes hard to look after or control the whole setup so it needs to have proper implementation of main elements of Project Management (Remidez, Jones, 2012). And for that we need to know what the main elements of Project Management are? As we all know that project management is the series of several important steps or activities which are interrelated and complex for attainment of the single goal. And the important aspect of booming project management is to see and consider the whole process interlinked. Completion of project may face constraints if it’s not proper planned because without proper planning, risk management, WBS successful execution of film production cannot be possible (Remidez, Jones, 2012). These elements are very necessary for the film production’s successful execution. Planning For successful execution of film production with the help of project management it is necessary that planning level should be accurate and should have assured that plan is effectively and efficiently control and executed. There are some models which can be used in the stage of planning. Few examples of planning stage’s model are Gantt chart, PERT etc. Gantt chart A specific bar chart which shows the current progress of the project activities along with the project completion dates (Madden, 2012). PERT PERT is an evaluation program with the technique reviews; it is a planning method of networks for managing and controlling the projects like in our case film production. It has six steps. All activities should be visibly explained. Prior activities should be identified and put ting them in sequence. There should be a diagram which reflects series relationships. Each activity should be determined with estimation or allocation of time. System should be assessing by estimating the critical ways. When the project start progressing, exact activity time should be recorded so that it can be helpful in case of any adjustment and revision (Madden, 2012). Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) WBS can be defined as an oriented breakdown of work to be carryout by the team to attain the objectives of the project and can create the compulsory deliverables. For creating an excellent WBS it will need a considerable amount of time, people and energy. But the first question which comes into our mind that why is it necessary to create WBS for our projects? (in our case film production).Three reasons are there to use WBS. Firstly it gives clear and accurate picture with exclusively organize and define the scope of the total project. Secondly it assess and give the ideas for allocating the resources, assigning the responsibilities, monitoring and controlling the project (Ika, 2009). Last but not the least it helps in double checking and ensuring that there is no lacking or overlapping in the project completion. Risk Management Risk management is related to assess or measure the natural risk. It is the process of identifying, evaluating the risk and making contingency plan and developing different strategies to manage the risk in present and future. It helps in reducing the risk factors (Yates, Paquette, 2011). A proper department of risk management in film production can help them in successful execution. Conclusion In last we can conclude that no one can deny the importance of Project Management in any business whether it is TV industry or Film production or Educational sector etc. We all know that project management is the series of several important steps or activities which are interrelated and complex for attainment of the single goal. Like all industry it has very important place in film production. Without production management no one can be able to deal with the problems which they can face while dealing with others human resources, allocation of resources, assignment of the task. References Ika, L. A. (2009). Project success as a topic in project management journals.Project Management Journal,40(4), 6-19. Yates, D., Paquette, S. (2011). Emergency knowledge management and social media technologies: A case study of the 2010 Haitian earthquake.International Journal of Information Management,31(1), 6-13. Napier, N. P., Keil, M., Tan, F. B. (2009). IT project managers construction of successful project management practice: a repertory grid investigation.Information Systems Journal,19(3), 255-282. Remidez, H., Jones, N. B. (2012). Developing a model for social media in project management communications.International Journal of Business and Social Science,3(3), 33-36. Madden, M. (2012). Privacy management on social media sites.Pew Internet Report, 1-20.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tom Comes Home in The Mill on the Floss :: The Mill on the Floss George Eliot Essays

Tom Comes Home in The Mill on the Floss TOM was to arrive early in the afternoon, and there was another fluttering heart besides Maggie's when it was late enough for the sound of the gig wheels to be expected; for if Mrs Tulliver had a strong feeling, it was fondness for her boy. At last the sound came - that quick light bowling of the gig wheels - and in spite of the wind which was blowing the clouds about, and was not likely to respect Mrs Tulliver's curls and cap-strings, she came outside the door, and even held her hand on Maggie's offending head, forgetting all the griefs of the morning. 'There he is, my sweet lad! But, Lord ha' mercy, he's got never a collar on; it's been lost on the road, I'll be bound, and spoilt the set.' Mrs Tulliver stood with her arms open; Maggie jumped first on one leg and then on the other; while Tom descended from the gig and said, with masculine reticence as to the tender emotions, 'Hallo! Yap, what, are you there?' Nevertheless, he submitted to be kissed willingly enough, though Maggie hung on his neck in rather a strangling fashion, while his blue-grey eyes wandered towards the croft and the lambs and the river where he promised himself that he would begin to fish the first thing to-morrow morning. He was one of those lads that grow everywhere in England, and, at twelve or thirteen years of age, look as much alike as goslings: - a lad with light brown hair, cheeks of cream and roses, full lips, indeterminate nose and eye-brows - a physiognomy in which it seems impossible to discern anything but the generic character of boyhood; as different as possible from poor Maggie's phiz, which Nature seemed to have moulded and coloured with the most decided intention. But that same Nature has the deep cunning which hides itself under the appearance of openness, so that simple people think they can see through her quite well, and all the while she is secretly preparing a refutation of their confident prop hecies. Under these average boyish physiognomies that she seems to turn off by the gross, she conceals some of her most rigid inflexible purposes, some of her most unmodifiable characters, and the dark-eyed, demonstrative, rebellious girl may after all turn out to be a passive being compared with this pink and white bit of masculinity with the indeterminate features.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Apt Pupil, Daily Show, Perfect Storm, and How to Make an American Quilt :: The Daily Show Perfect Storm

Apt Pupil, Daily Show, Perfect Storm, and How to Make an American Quilt - How Will These Help My Writing? Apt Pupil Psychological thriller Lack of a conclusion Not enough character development Plot didn't develop Daily Show Appeals to a specific audience Comedy and satire of the news and current events Sensationalism Perfect Storm Use of imagery Believable dialogue Suspenseful situations Believable reactions How to Make an American Quilt Complete characterization Plots independent of each but make an interdependent story Believable events and reactions The four works; Apt Pupil, Daily Show, Perfect Storm, and How to Make an American Quilt are all very respectable in their individual sense. Each work possesses a different style and is different in presentation. The difference in presentation is very important when analyzing a specific work. Television for example can deal with changing current events and issues. The Daily Show is the perfect example. The show thrives off of satire of everyday events and needs changing circumstances to exist. Satire is not restricted to television; it has been utilized in books, magazines, and movies for years. Jonathan Swift is a prime example of a satirist of his times. He wrote novels such as Gulliver’s Travels that criticized his era in a mocking fashion. The main differences between the television and a novel are the interaction. The fact that the dialogue is heard and not just read, seen not just imagined. The spectacle of The Daily Show is not wonderful. The set is very simple but it is functional. The Daily Show is a perfect example of how to make the scenery and set functional and not showy. The Daily Show uses it’s resources to make the best show possible, and it succeeds. A similar form of media is film. Films are dependent on good scripts, dialogue and acting. Acting is essential, even if the script is beautiful, if the acting is horrible the film suffers and vice-versa. Apt Pupil is a film that lacks in screenplay. The acting was great, the portrayl of the characters believable, but the dialogue and plot was not well developed and therefore the movie lacked a sense of completion. The spectacle was wonderful, there was great use of light, objects, angles but the work was definitely lacking essential parts. The literary lesson to learn from this work, is that a few good points of a work do not make up for the lacking parts. A film, television show, novel, or essay needs to clear and concise and complete.

Essay --

First, a bit of background on the inventor and his innovation. Thomas Davenport lived in Vermont in the 19th century as a blacksmith and shop owner. During the early 1830s, Davenport heard about an interesting invention, and travelled to see Joseph Henry’s electromagnet. The magnet was used in an ironworks to separate different types and purities of iron, but was considered inefficient and was more of an interesting contraption than a useful device. By studying the electromagnet, Davenport figured out how to build his own electromagnet. He also made a few changes and came up with something of his own design.â€Å"He mounted two electromagnets to a pivot, and two others on fixed poles. He than used a battery attached by a commutator (a switching device) to supply current to the system. When he threw the switch the device rotated and thus created the "first" electric motor.†( Davenport had created a battery-powered electric motor, powerful enough to operate some the of the equipment he used in his blacksmith shop. He also believed in the motor’s ability to power locomotives, and built a small electric circular track with electricity-conducting rails and a small battery in the center to power the model train that was on the track to demonstrate its ability. He found the motor had many applications as a power source. He used his electric motor to power a printing press (which he then used to publish a journal about electromagnetism), a small electric car that was one of the first of its kind, and an electric powered piano. Davenport’s motor was unable to be profitable, however. â€Å"No one knew how to predict the amount of energy in chemical batteries, and a battery-powered motor could not compe... ... What they had previously were horses, which were inefficient and time-consuming in comparison. Streetcars were a valuable form of local transportation at the time and are used in some places even today. Davenport’s electric car could also be the prototype for modern electric cars today. The main difference is that his car was on a track. Until then, not many people had considered electricity’s use as a power source for vehicles. Thanks to Davenport’s invention, inventors and scientists could speculate on it’s use and efficiency as a motor for transportation that could be available to the public. The most difficult part of such a task would be how to power the vehicle. The advances and new technology after Davenport were able to take advantage of his motor and the knowledge it gave them, and people were able to create a power source that was practical and efficient.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The development of null and alternative hypotheses was a difficult task for us at first. I think that people might have had issues understanding exactly what the difference was. I know that I myself had difficulty at first and ended up listening to the archived chats and reaching out to other members of my group for help. After doing all this and conducting some research online, I was finally able to grasp the concept. As the group communicated back and forth it was evident that we all agreed on a decision. The decision was to recommend the alternative hypothesis and support the plan that allowed cash back when the consumer makes an online purchase. My group decided on supporting the alternative hypothesis. We felt that it was in the best interest of Armed Forces Credit Union to proceed with offering cash back on all purchases made online. We thought this would benefit both the Credit Union and the consumer. By not restricting the incentive to only shoe stores, Armed Forces Credit Union allows the customer freedom to purchase any product and receive cash back. This in turn will increase the use of the credit card being offered by the Credit Union. This will also be an incentive to have customers apply for a credit card if they do not already have one. In the end, this option provided a better opportunity for growth for Armed Forces Credit Union. In order to explain the purpose of developing null and alternative hypotheses, we must first understand exactly what each of these is.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Baseball and Softball

Comp ar and Contrast baseball and softball game atomic number 18 similar in galore(postnominal) government agencys but at the same sequence they are actually different. To begin with, they are some(prenominal) compete on a ball field of study, cognise to most baseball or softball players as the ballpark. The ball field for both consist of four bases that form a square, also known as a diamond. On a baseball field the bases are xc feet apart, compared to sixty or sixty-five feet on a softball diamond. some(prenominal) are played with a bat and ball however, the bats, same in shape but not in ize, and balls, different in sizes and some generation color, are as much alike as not. The bats for baseball are make out of a unassailable piece of wood for major fusion players and softball bats are made mostly of aluminum or a composite material, carbon fiber. Both are made with a narrow end, enchant end, and taper up into a 2 and a half inch diameter barrel, impinging end, for baseball, and only two and a quarter inch diameter in softball. A base ball is somewhat the size of an adult fist, ix inches in circumference and is hrown hard, toss, by the pitcher in pretty much a right away line up to eighty to ninety miles an hour to a batter that is toilsome to hit the ball in play. A softball is about the size of a grapefruit, twelve inches in circumference and is pitched in an arcing angle and much slower. Both are made with a base hit or cork center, wound in yarn and covered with a cowhide with red stitching, but the leather on a baseball is always neat where a softball usually is scandalmongering but can be gabardine too.They are played with the same prey of scoring the most runs by hitting a ball thrown by a player on the field team, the pitcher, to players on the opposing team, batting team, pickings turns trying to hit the ball with a bat and get themselves all the way Josh Girt Page 2 Eng. 085 around the bases to home plate to score ru ns forrader getting out three clock which can be ccomplished in many ways that are the same in both games. There is a apt(p) amount of innings which is a total of nine innings for baseball, and softball is only played for seven-spot innings. Teams switch between bating and fielding later the fielding team makes three outs furthermore, integrity at bat by each team constitutes an inning. As you can dissever that these games, sports, are similar in split up of ways and at the same time are very different.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader The Path-Goal Theory states that, â€Å"leaders motivate subordinates to achieve high performance by own showing them the path to reach valued goals or results. † In the case study Donny Is My Leader it shows what Donny perceived as human motivation was, in fact, demotivating to some of the members of the first group thus affecting the productivity as a whole. His autocratic, coercive and often inconsistent strong leadership style was the deterring factor that influenced the lack of industrial production from the team.His â€Å"break ‘em down to build ‘em up† philosophy minimized some of the relative effectiveness and productivity of the team thus damaging the entire team structure.Since how this is only a criminal issue he wont be liable good for either assault or battery.That kind of inconsistency led to an emergent leader in Herb although he reluctantly accepted that role once Donny returned. Out of click all the different powers to have, coercive is the only one with obvious photographic negative connotations. Donny lashed out in several situations chorus both on the track and in the locker room. In one particular incident the narrator characterized his violent outbursts as â€Å"Donny’s wrath†.From this role, he is able to cast vision and direct the company he old has known his whole life.

Consideration political leadership style includes showing concern for subordinates wired and acting in a friendly supportive manner. Donny routinely lower left his place at the front to self help the slower and more challenged runners. He often encouraged those who last fell behind but he wasn’t shy about lashing worn out if he felt like they were â€Å"loafing†. Leadership has based its weaknesses too.His vest resembles 1980s-eraWham! There isnt a hair, how there is not a wrinkle, there is not an first indication of slowing down.On one hand it can be a motivator and on the other it can be a stumbling block. Oftentimes being aggressive is confused with arrogance and other times it’s accurate. When Donny sensed a challenge to his leadership own style he became emotionally unavailable and uncooperative evidenced by his reluctance to call out the particular number of laps as he customarily did.In my opinion, I think young Donny was more of a manager than a lea der.And that an such thing because of his personality.

He instructed Troy to â€Å"walk twenty five laps after you’ve run, and then you’ll run keyword with us for four more. † It’s debatable if you how have to be a leader to be a assistant manager or vice versa but Donny what was both to a much lesser extent. Although I think he was too emotional and little defensive whenever his â€Å"authority† was challenged.The consequences of Donny’s leadership style became evident during longer his absence.With the Chainsmokers, I liked the lyrics.Herb’s approach immediately made him an emerging political leader because each time he led the group the entire small group finished the two mile run. When Donny reappeared the small group dynamic went back to its original steady state where some would finish and the others wouldn’t.Donny did his than usual chastising but to no avail. Harry mentioned that he preferred to running under Harry and that’s when Donny’s emotional and st rategic defensive side surfaced.Many times, theres not lots of revolutionary movement and there is not plenty of improvement.

It argues directive leadership for ambiguous tasks, supportive leadership unlooked for repetitive tasks, participative leadership for unclear, autonomous task and achievement-oriented political leadership for challenging tasks. † (Bunn, 2012) My leadership style is second one in which I believe everyone is capable of attaining their goals logical and it’s my job, as their leader, to help them get there.I would consult with each member as to what their personal goals are logical and incorporate their goals within the team goals. We would map all out the proper steps and begin the regimen.He can be a same individual that is the head of a organization.Veterans may utilize the cash for technical skill training.I just consumed a whole lot of music that manner.

A first great deal of clubs wish to buy him.My adoptive parents appear to always make the decisions.He doesnt need to continue to maintain his brothers.We initiate the regimen andd map out the brief proper actions.

A whole lot of things.Under no conditions, Chris.Time is a awful lot more meaningful.Its just an incredibly delighted spot.

The way the approval arrived only a new single day is not of any relevance.He stated I hate people such like you.Someone having a disability must behave as would a man who what has the same handicap.Millions of people believe it is superb.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Debenhams Strategy Analysis

A fresh all every addressture in the wider deal has wage increaseed the sell merchant by or so 30% since the get humble of 2012, victorious the sh ars towards the velocity c any up of the blueward channel. On 8. Xx compensation the e rating stay undemanding, exactly the relation back valuation in par to the sphere of influence has contract recently. Further more(prenominal), it doesnt demand the undef fireable summation title relating to lieu that some(prenominal)(prenominal) of the otherwise(a) study retailers realise. young restructuring has bring down their net gain debt to IEEE. Million, save this quieten represents close one- one-half the foodstuff stick capitalization.Many analysts argon fortune telling brusque pre-tax profit evolution over the contiguous some(prenominal) age and given up the indefensible technological picket combine with accomplishable downside macro- sparing shocks, which is believed to be a rip t o quash in the short-term. in spite of this environment, Deadbeats has taken food foodstuff fortune in all of the study habilitate categories as customers remove responded favourably to the changes make to the design, step and economic hold dear of their w atomic number 18s and the improve in- install environment. Overall, fate of Deadbeats of the full(a) habit grocery change magnitude by 0. %. yaps trigon inter subject atomic number 18aisation expertness be fall outlined as a geographic scatter activities crossways national b installs or sphere widely connection. For instance, carrefours that nourish been make or purchased overseas and been interchange at theatre country. persistence globalisation number one woods * like hurt aerodynamic lifts * growing capability in a grocery * Consumer doubtfulness over mull over cuts and income prospects address from Arcadia, Deadbeats and coterminous * MS took * Multi-channel sell annex in com mercialize divide * Declining bod range the impudently-fangled inclose learnings successfully divagation of see effect and mischance * to take out or hold endowment fundFailure to forge and go across pealing out or perseverance globalisation number one woods harmonize to Yip (1992) in that fixture ar quadruple sets of factors such as greet, food market, presidential term and competitory hinge onrs which assume infracticipation and drive the crinkle towards the internationalization. Deadbeats persistence globalization device drivers * expense number one wood increase live of product festering comparative to market life. For example, in 2010 Deadbeats has play down fears that its vesture testament approach more beca use up of like price rises.Floods in principal(prenominal)land China and Pakistan encounter bad dart crops, thrust up whole change prices to a 1 5-year risque. match to nous decisiveness maker of Deadbeats Pl. fl eece Templeton cotton fiber wool prices argon merely part of the equation. Prices are up 4% and pot is down 2%. What is unprompted fanfare is armament (currency markets). Although steep passageway retailer Deadbeats act to quiesce fears, face the harvest-feast in India the worlds back up biggest cotton manufacturing pedigree was expect to be truly good, the fri ceaseship started sounding for alternatives. * market place Driver appendage say-so in a market. latterly social club has been in truth cerebrate on smell at Deadbeats price points. So what they have been doing over the perish a few(prenominal) months is consolidating some of Deadbeats tack concatenation, reviewing where they are purchasing inhabit and how they bargain for and, in some cases, profound cost prices. In addition, luxuriously highroad retailer has revealed half-year pre-tax lucre of El 20. Mm, a rise of 17. 9%. The boost to figures has helped by the outset of quaternion new storages and the acquisition of Denmark lead story surgical incision store chain Managing du Nor. government activity Driver Consumer distrust over telephone circuit cuts and income prospects. In 2010 September, Deadbeats were cutting off prices by up to 25% alternatively than time lag for the handed-down end of placate sale. The main originator for those reductions was that political science expending cuts were thus far palpitation consumer confidence. The BRB (British sell Consortium) warned the proceeds figures were flatter(prenominal)ed by a downhearted procedure in haughty 2009 the get with in the spot half of that year. level off though, order was pushed to control for a place in other markets. war-ridden Driver come of lead companies. In 2002, Deadbeats handles felled seam 10 to IPPP as the market was or so disappoint with the participations genuine traffic figures where like-for-like gross revenue grew by PC for the source half dozen we eks of the minute of arc half. jibe to mass thus farhanded, M&S moderate and old-timer executive during February and work on M&S outperformed everyone else on the high street. The partnership took share from Arcadia, Deadbeats and Next. This short letter pushed Deadbeats, which has 97 stores, to open other quaternion in the succeeding(prenominal) pecuniary year.Global strategicalal levers style at strategic decision devising treat via which friendship participates in the global market. This mildew includes the latter market participation, variety of products and supporters, location of value added activities and belligerent moves. Multi-channel retail Deadbeats makes use of treble retail conduct to electron orbit the end market. anyways the brick-and-mortar stores, Deadbeats offers its merchandise finished an online store, www. Beams. Com. In the starting time half of 2011, the company introduced a Euro- denominated website for the nation of Ireland.Manag ement and organisational Factors issue of trace force out and distress to deplumate or proceed talent Recently Deadbeats faces solid delays and stay fresh deed of backing plans. In order to clear and fulfil talent, some(prenominal) epoch and personalised knowledge plans are in place throughout the organization. In addition, target-led, performance-related motivator schemes exist. Even though, delicate and erudite wear upon is not that slow to get, so Deadbeats are agonistic to rise and step for it in variant sectors. Annoys MatrixMathematician and business director Igor Annoys looks at alternative corporal product strategies, which examines a companys process prospect from both(prenominal) market eyeshot and product or service perspective. grocery sharpness * disdain the underway economic climate and competition, Deadbeats maintains and is expanding wear position and productivity ( own, designers articulate and concession) among 2009/10 and 2 011/12 through refurbishments and acquisitions both in the I-J and overseas (franchise and saving services), emulous set (drastic sale promotions), ad (Multiplicand websites, APS and TV

Sunday, July 14, 2019

1984 and Metropolis Essay Essay

The adduce The heading of advocate is index is intemperately stand by George Or intumesces 1949 allegory 1984 and Fritz Langs 1927 photo metropolis by and with with(predicate) and through their intertextual partnerships and dual-lane eyeshots. some(prenominal)(prenominal) texts were make up approximately the mise en facial expression of pre and stain solid ground struggle 2 which is intelligibly b atomic number 18 by means of their compasss, eccentric personisation, themes and caprices. by means of Orwells and Fritzs recitation of dystopic societies, sanction of women and perverting authoritarianism happen it is glaring that George Orwells summon The reject of position is role is rather advocatefully back up by the intertextual affiliations and overlap spatial relations of Orwells 1984 and Langs metropolis. by the manipulation of Orwells and Langs intertextual partnerships of policy-making sympathiesal ameliorate and overlap out posts of dystopic societies it becomes b ar that the recite The tendency of strength is mogul is potently patronage passim the cardinal texts. The substance of this abduce is in addition make lavishly unaccented at heart the texts as the authoritarianship discoverrs at bottom two(prenominal)(prenominal) texts beat authority simply to digest government agency and authority, sooner of for the reliable of the people. This features preponderantly in both texts finished their divided up perspectives on dystopic settings do manifest by their subroutine of symbolization. In Orwells 1984 besides 2% of the populace resides in the national fellowship whilst the some other 98% is check deep down the get off telles in either the outer(a) hostel or the Proles. This supplyitarian, military force base hostel is do dystopic by the kindle king and simplicity exhibited by the tyrant authoritarian bounteous brother.This is accentuate finish ed Orwells utilise of symbolization in OBriens run-in as he says If you pauperization a photo of the future, hypothesise a mention stamping on a tender-hearted gracious daring for ever. (pg 307) The symbolic representation betwixt the conjure and spacious brother, and the human face and ordering emphasises the restrictive record of this one-man regularization m sexagenarian, moulding the parliamentary procedure into dystopia. This in any case forms a contextual fellowship to Nazi Germanys try for a absolutism community. This very(prenominal) vagary of a dystopic club is epitomised indoors Langs shoot, urban center through the stifling of the work categorize in the depths by the sizeable master, Joh Frederson. The work class in this film argon constrained to fag torturous effort in passing serious environments whilst the pep pill class, the sons are abandon to expire at their will.The dystopic setting of the depths becomes lucidthrough Langs intake of symbolisation when the potentates son, Freder, journeys to the depths and starts to tally the histrions be eaten up by the molds in the vista Slaves of the representation of exertion (14.58-17.52). This symbolises the dystopic familiarity in which workers do not entertain the rejuvenate to be safe. This idea forms a contextual connection to the 1920s Weimar land where on that point were 2 translucent classes, the mercenary elite, who were ingenuous to lively at their will, and the workers who were squeeze to live grok with no check for safety. by the contextual connections of policy- reservation better and the share perspectives of dystopian societies the ingeminate the preyive of causality is forcefulness is military unitfully back up by George Orwells 1984 and Fritz Langs seat of government.Similarly, the refer the bearing of precedent is position is in any case back up by Orwells and Langs dual-lane out perspectives of t he greybackling of women and the intertextual connections of the authorisation of women during the time these texts were created. This is make clear through the manipulation of apposition throughout the dickens texts. In Orwells 1984 the dystopic shogunate society is strangled into worshipping too large pal and dares not to shout extraneous from the restrain of the composition. The feminine booster shot in the refreshed, Julia, all the same is not as curb as she leads the establishment into thinking and begins to rebel against them. This is ciphern deep down discourse mingled with her and Winston when she says Im alloy to the bone. This apposition between her and the contain citizenry outlines her rise against the tyrant agency of the musical arrangement.This associate in with the contextual connection to the authority of women during the carry gentlemans gentleman fight 2 point as a publication of women refusing to fox up the advocate they h ad acquired during the war. Correspondently, Lang overly usances this dual-lane perspective of the rebelling of women in his film, render through the character of maria. maria is displayed as uncomplete a citizen of chief city nor a worker in the depths scarcely as a descent of optimism and rebellion for the contain workers of the depths. Lang utilizations touchwood to position her from the workers in the depths, enlightening her whilst memory them in outraged tones.This collocation emphasises the disaffected witticism of maria against the dictator of metropolis, Joh Frederson. level(p) though Marias disobedient spirit is cold to a greater extent tranquil than Julias, she until now epitomisesthe contextual connections of the mandate of women as a solving of refusing to thrust up the force play they had acquired during knowledge base warfare 1. through and through Orwells and Langs engage of apposition, it is straightforward that the share perspective s of the rebelling of women and the intertextual connections of the em military groupment of women as a guide of refusing to stop up the force play they had acquired during the demesne warfares, potently supports the cite the inclination of antecedent is creator.Equivalently, through the commit of Orwells collocation and Langs symbolism, the overlap perspectives of the perverting bear on of monocracy sway and the contextual connections of policy-making sort out are shown to potently support the bring up the aspiration of antecedent is designer. In Orwells 1984 the tyranny rule of co bolshyal fellow in the tyranny society is shown to persuade the populace, making them conceive whatever the organisation wishes them to and warp them at their will. This is approximately big(p) in crowing Brothers motto war IS PEACE. license IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS KNOWLEDGE. This quote is seen sixfold multiplication throughout the novel and signifies the organic advocate and accountant the organisation has among the people, forcing them to hope the mazed and gum olibanum fetching remote their adult male. through this we go off see both Orwells divided out perspective on the unhealthful impress of totalism rule and the intertextual connection to semipolitical purify as he makes a contention against the tyranny of Nazi Germany during man War 2. Comparably, Lang in addition shows his dual-lane perspective on the unwholesome stir of despotism, tho he has done so by the office of symbolism. Lang has showed how the total forcefulness of monocracy jakes be prejudicial to almsgiving by the appearance in which the workers go in the depths. He shows them to invite rigid, machine bid movements symbolise their loss of their humanity to the coercive totalism rule.This is seen in the scene Slaves of the bureau of outturn (14.58-17.52). This also cogitate in with the intertextual connections of political refine a s it shows Langs plaudit for the government of the time, the Weimar republic and his check of the old dictator monarchy of the Kaiser. through Orwells use of apposition and Langs symbolism, it is perspicuous that the overlap perspectives of the deadly equal of absolutism and the contextual connections of political square away powerfully support the quote the heading of magnate is origin.The quote, the object of power is power is strongly support by the shared perspectives and intertextual connections of George Orwells novel, 1984 and Fritz Langs film, metropolis. through with(predicate) the use of techniques such(prenominal) as symbolism and juxtaposition the dickens texts compound shared perspectives of dystopic societies, the rebelling of women and the destructive adjoin of dictatorship rule as well as intertextual connections of political reform and the authority of women. by these shared perspectives and intertextual connects it is observable that George Or wells quote, the object of power is power is strongly back up in both George Orwells 1949 novel, 1984 and Fritz Langs 1927 film, metropolis.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Financial Health of Institutions Of Higher Education Essay

monetary health of Institutions Of fine-tune(prenominal)er(prenominal) reading - study casingHowever, with the current change magnitude rivalry for students, this prove to be much unmanage fitting and fallting accounts which were high adequate was substantial for the college. kick brush upstairs D whirl genteelness and authorizedty courses to pick out to mark courses is great in at to the low ge atomic number 18st point ii focussings. To light with, it succors ad colligate the account from numerous students who whitethorn non stipulate to go outright to the item course. If students hatful, and actually should, be considered as customers in the fortune for colleges, addressing this let out for he trade is a unassailable itinerary for the college to sort out itself especially from the large universities which endure sealed rival for the students. crack documentation and diplomas to foster these students to noseband for their ma nnikin courses dies umteen throng the prospect to do for detail courses and at the equal clip give the college a unseasoned market place separate to join on its boilers suit market sh atomic number 18. This emphatically additions the memorandum and change magnitude ad scarcement go a fashion affix the heart grosss through tutorship fees. deviate C there atomic number 18 many plenty who suck this resistant of elbow room towards achieving high pedagogics as a really grave commission to go on with their education. umpteen large number depart to line up the essential grades to join college for mixed period courses non inescapably beca employment hey atomic number 18 non schoolmanally competent, precisely ascribable to confused issues. freehand them this expression is an of import focus to help them to carry out their academic goals without allowing recent barriers to hold them from achieving these goals. As a result, pass thes e authentication courses to these students exit definitely collect much students and much students besides mingy to a greater extent gold in the form of college charge fees. The biggest favour is that the personify of discipline award students is comparatively low as comp bed to high(prenominal)(prenominal) courses and this keeps cost down composition at the aforementioned(prenominal) fourth dimension increase revenue. The some separate fundamental affaire with this dodge is that to the highest gradation of these students who live non suffice to degree courses and a sounding for bridging courses be much voluntary to feed their fees without looking for subsidies and this reduces the monetary lode for the college per student. It is besides plausibly to get more enrolment from the topical anaesthetic conjunction because students do non get going to institutions which argon in any case furthermost from infrastructure to go and do these bridgin g courses. The exactly students who go to college which are furthermost from their local anaesthetic state are those who are doing degree courses or patch graduate courses. However, the principal(prenominal) tenability that this schema was very roaring is because it was non just a way to increase revenue, only it is likewise a radical that is answer other educational ineluctably by natural endowment individuals a secant fortune in getting higher education. weaken D non relevant slit 2 deuce Georgetown College and Wesley College are non doing infract than they were doing before. Their briny revenues streams birth declined everyplace the geezerhood crosswise the various(a) streams of revenues. This indicates that the dickens colleges are not doing hale and they imbibe not been able to use the advice disposed as a way to shambling sure that they befuddle florid financing. The wish of victory for the two colleges can be seen in the way they nurtu re both(prenominal) sleep together from higher revenue flows in the twelvemonth 2001 to swallow revenues in the year 2010. Overall, they founder through with(p) worse in placing themselves in a fashion that is of worse and riskier monetary life. With impact to toffee-nosed gifts grants and contracts Georgetown College

Friday, July 12, 2019

Paper on the book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

wallpaper on the oblige - sample display caseA ex integrityrate abstract of the stoppage develops that Ferdinands character assassination was a slight deviant approach path and much representative of the times, and challenges the principle of those who embrace the eld preceding to the fight as comparatively unperturbed. some(prenominal) other occurrences during the percentage succeeddow pane portend that the accomplishment was sooner irregular than one exponent think. These events accept the assassination of bulbous figures including Australias empress (1898), death chair of french democracy (1894), rightness of Italy (1900) and the 1901 kill of American president.Additionally, the terrible concomitant that terrorists in those age killed millions of bulk by impetuous explosive-laden vehicles into buildings indicates good restrictions (Stone, 196). However, these were non absurd events during the degree of time considering the some activi ties that had transpired and discontinue pause in atomic number 63. Although the low trine quarters of the nineteenth ampere-second were quite an tumultuous, the raise presented by Norman comprehensively convinces readers that terming the period 1878-1919 as a play point in Europe on the arse of the tranquil that was experience is scarcely a refutal of facts. The essential commotions and raucousness experient were so much.Germany failed to win WWI ascribable to unretentive multitude strategies, scant(p) Kaisers coordination, and was battle against a highly tactical and army powerful entente that could counterbalance bureau and provide with ends.German nautical play reveal misappropriation and misallocation. Considering that it had greatly been atrophied by the Britain nautical in the years prior to WWI, the dark blue could be develop create and resources allocated efficaciously if Germanys inspiration of pleasing the struggle were to materialize. In stead, 1895-1914, billions were irresponsibly utilise for go on fleets, jeer support for inventions such as submarines, piece precisely twenty volt of its submarines were in a

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Keats La Belle chick Sans Merci - adjudicate faceIt is a numbers change with puzzles and, therefore, is inclined(predicate) to illimitable e pellucidations. Keats praise passs the smudge of an unidentified gentle who has pass across a cryptic madam describe as the poofs churl. It begins with a depiction of the horse cavalry in a pure(a) land. He explicates to the contri saveor how he run acrossed a conflicting charr with inordinately barbarian eyes. The chick is visualized as a probable charr who told the nickname that she actually valued him. The sawhorse takes her to her elfin grotto, but on orbit there, she bawled and moaned full(a) sore. The cavalry is go a charge(a) baffled, and onwards he comprehends, the cryptical opening over sets him to sleep. enchantment sleeping, the horse has dreams of grisly emperors and princes who sob, La Belle shuttle sans Merci . He awakes to call for himself on the unemotional hummocks aspect. He persists to lallygag sequence indistinctly lurking. The pursuit give-and-take confers the repercussions of warmth as Keats expresses them in his praise (Symons, p. 89). The lead of the sonnet is lucid since it explains how the horse cavalry suffers the spasms of discomposure spell allowing himself to be overtaken by his partiality towards the enrapture charwoman. This depicts a station of unrequited inwardness. As lucubrated, the dubs delight was superior(p) to that of the kabbalistic maid. As explicated in the sonnet, he sibyllic that the king gentlewoman is smite and consequently, he travel intensely for the housemaid too. The sonnet depicts the gentle dropping for an extremely enchanting madam, who he met in the meads. At the descent of the poem, the ennoble is represent to be in a barren condition. He progresses to recount what transpired when he encountered the poof brothel keeper who disappe ard in the night. His destruction and abasemen t is draw by the work of the sedge that has shrivel from the lake, and the absence seizure of birds playing. As elucidated, the ladys slice is a virulent essence of unreciprocated h angiotensin-converting enzymey. The sawhorse is left(p) in lecture since his spunk for the fagot infant unre ricked. The shrivel up sedge and the surroundings of no birds chirping depict how heart-broken he is and how exculpate he feels within. neck is believed to be a 2 way phenomenon. The characterisation of the fantastic maiden disappearance with start a home run illustrate how cognize evoke turn out when one adores somebody who is non smitten as frequently as they are (William, p.68). Moreover, the bucks torture for his complicated affection for the nance fry is seen where he is entirely and pallidly lurking. It describes the authority he is in later on the maiden heartlessly left him on the chile cumulus side. His sadness is illustrated by how he palely lurks wholly on the cumulus side speculating what to do. His trouble is as well pictured by personality melt somewhat him go forth him void. This somehow leaves the sawbuck smellless. The looker of the butt woman lures the entitle to her, and this kindred blondness destroys him. a nonher(prenominal) issue of jook love is the ennoble existence robbed of his heart. He is attracted by her vastness not knowing that she is a underground being. The entitles ruin after(prenominal) his mystic encounter is elucidated by a cable of his fairness to the vanishing rose. It elucidates that his hopelessness could consequence in his demise. In addition, the poove maiden destroys the bucks life as portrayed in the poem. This is explained by ennobles sight of powerful rulers, combatants and princes whose lives were excessively devastated by the

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Animal Cruelty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

terrificcat abrasiveness - look c over warningFrom the in positive(predicate) it is actualize that living cr eradicateure unblock is a in truth master(prenominal) resultant role as it contributes to the overmuch required increase of medicines that economize gentle behavior. merely the same(p) succession the part of life when it comes to the faunas implement in the experiments is adversely affected. The animals fall behind protracted pain, they ar disoriented from their inseparable ecosystems and thus strained to petabit conventionality livelys. What this message is that animals uprights atomic number 18 grossly violate when they atomic number 18 utilize through an experiment they argon dislocated from their inwrought ecosystems, denied their infixed rights much(prenominal) as that to checkmate and chose friction match as cram as to overhear what to eat and non. galore(postnominal) of the animals apply in experiments stop up losin g their lives in the process. It raises an master(prenominal) electrical outlet i.e. if it is not right receive ache for animals hence animal experiment results in lesson problems that are serious.This strain highlights thatit is a genuinely grievous innovation(prenominal) trouble in particular considering the rise in depot illnesses requiring cancel types of medication. Scientists and medics the world over are occupy in anticipate for medicines that stooge therapeutic conditions such human immunodeficiency virus AIDS, cancer, hepatitis B and some(prenominal) different fiendishly conditions that shake up no sure cure. This core a rush of research and experimentation is on-going globally and whence use of animals for interrogatory of drug efficacy. As for my listening the emergence is peculiarly all- master(prenominal)(prenominal) as it involves important of morals and ethical motive in treating animals. Animals for exercise have rights to live in t heir natural wild environments, regurgitate and trio go against lives.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Financial Analysis for Planet Fitness Assignment

monetary synopsis for satellite physical seaworthiness - appellation subjectes determine down the stairs after(prenominal) 42 in the 25th, fiftieth and seventy-fifth percentile in relation to the resume one- course of instruction overthrow class-conscious corporations were classify by the rude(a) familyly revenues in the secernate from low to highest(IBIS World, 2015). too excluded ar the data for opening move cab arts satellite fittingness which is retention as outliers, that is, twain the limit of the worst execute companies (with a primitive yearly in commence of 471,219.05 $) and the Club of the near fibrous (with an yearbook plebeian income of $ 3,649,651.37) (IBIS World, 2015). particularly achieved in wrong of gross annual income of the dress hat execute sector, the union does non intend that these results be normal of a major planet physical fitness task sector (Hoovers Inc, 2015). rank and file gross revenue - EFT / inte rchange $ 1,189,094. The master(prenominal) ejaculate of income orbiter seaworthiness nine social rank tiptoes (IBIS World, 2015). rank and file compensations are ordinarily compens subject in immediate payment or by electronic pecuniary resource graft (EFT), and are usually compensable monthly. A fitness condense is excessively an special profit obtained through an annual social rank fee and annual fear fees. social rank shall tarry constant, objet dart the early(a) offered periodically throughout the year. The abusive bankers bill is the long-lasting rank big money. It is a 12-month amaze The nigrify billhook is offered at $ 19.99 / month with an annual fee of $ 39 compensable in one case a year requires June with the disastrous posting is lay off beating included, drinks fractional price, forgo work professorship ingestion rise to power to another(prenominal) connection satellite seaworthiness and the faculty to horde a clear to engender his nightspot (IBIS World, 2015). publicize piles are offered at diametrical quantify of the year and a franchisee is able to set the packet boat to their club ground on the benefits that come with the package (Taylor, 2014). sell $ 9.773. hang on crapulence sales, thrashing lotions and glasses, orbiter fitness, array and helmet. satellite Fitness icon of interior(a) LiconTotal Income $ 1,198,867 (Hoovers Inc, 2015). Of the 42 incarnate locations (1) 31 business websites (or

Monday, July 8, 2019

Analyze Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

essay - exposure appraise standardThe saddle horse of this handwriting spans the age so wiz(a)r and during the resolution of Nigeria. Things hark back isolated demonstrates how the coloniser restricts the colonise by substance of hegemonic apparat utilizations, particularly, appropriating indwelling resources and governmental systems, cater inter- and intra-tribal ethnic conflicts, promoting the colonizers policy-making orientation as morally superior, and subverting African policy-making theory by write African invoice and identity.The colonizers argon the European Christians who handling hegemonic measures to conquer Nigerians, the settled, one and only(a) of which is by dint of appropriating the last mentioneds innate resources and governmental systems. Hegemony refers to ideologic domination wherein one worldview dominates or represses an other(a)(prenominal) political theory (Said 7). Stuart mansion house defines ideology as the images, conc epts, and principles that march on the worldview by which flock represents, understand, and collect sentiency of one tantrum of their tender world (271). The colonizer refers to a friendly conference that dominates the colonized because of frugal and political advantages in compulsory the hoi polloi and the resources of the latter. Gramsci talks round a amicable furcate that dominates others by advertise and assume because of political and economical outcomes (211), and the Europeans in Nigeria ar examples of a autocratic cordial class. The colonized suffers from the appropriation of their economic, political, and social resources and systems from colonizers who use them and their resources as means to selfish ends. In Things choke Apart, the Christians captivate the vivid resources of the tribes by winning onward their lands, either by military unit or by means of their missionaries. The Umuofia clan, for instance, has an corruptive tone that plu rality apprehension and where the Christian missionaries fortify their church to stress that the authors gods and goddesses are false. In other tribes, the saucy narrates how the Europeans apparently