Friday, May 31, 2019

Huck Finn :: essays research papers

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn          The conflict between society and the individual is a very importanttheme portrayed throughout Mark Twains The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn. some(prenominal) people see Huckleberry Finn as a mischievous boy who is a badinfluence to others. Huck is not raised in agreement with the veritable waysof civilization. He practically raises himself, relying on instinct to guide himthrough life. As seen several times in the novel, Huck chooses to follow hisinnate mother wit of right, yet he does not realize that his own instincts are moreright than those of society.          Society refuses to accept Huck as he is and isnt going to multifariousness itsopinions about him until he is reformed and civilized. The Widow Douglasand Miss Wat male child try to "sivilize" Huck by making him stop all of his habits,such as smoking. They try to nullify all of his teachings from the first twelveyears of his life and force him to become their stereotypical good boy. However, from the very beginning of the novel, Huck clearly states that hedoes not want to conform to society. "The Widow Douglas she took me forher son, and allowed she would sivilize me...I got into my old rags and mysugar hogshead again, and was free and satisfied." (page 1) Huck says thisshortly after he begins living with the Widow Douglas because it is rough forhim to be absorbed to a house and the strict rules of the Widow Douglas.      Hucks father, a dirty and dish peerlessst d occurk, was also a problem. Hewas so angry that his son could read, that he severely beat him and thenforced him to stay in a secluded cabin. Huck then devises a plan to escapeand heads buck river were he teams up with Jim, a runaway slave.           The theme becomes even more evident once Huck and Jim set outdown the Mississippi. As they run from civilization and are on the river, theyponder the social injustices forced upon them when they are on land. Theriver never cares how saintly they are, how rich they are, or what societythinks of them. The river allows Huck the one thing that Huck wants to be,and that is Huck. Huck enjoys his adventures on the raft. He prefers thefreedom of the wilderness to the restriction of society.           Also, Hucks acceptance of Jim is a total defiance of society. Societyautomatically sees a black person, and even further, slaves, as inferior. Theynever think of slaves as human beings, only as property.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Paleontological Audio Technology :: Geology Science Research

Paleontological Audio Technology In very recent years the advances in erudition and technology we rush made have been incredible from cloning sheep and human tissue to almost completing the human genome, the scientific community has taken enormous steps with the help of technology. One such area in this community is the study of geology. Computers aid geologists in determining the best places to drill for oil and raw(a) gas, along with trying to determine mineral deposits and the compositions of rocks. Now, computing devices have the capacity to infer information from limited data collected in the field. Now, in the paleontological sense, we have the technology to simulate the sounds that prehistoric creatures might have produced so long ago. In August 1995 Thomas E. Williamson and his crew discovered a fossil that makes computer simulation of ancient dinosaur sounds possible. Since then, there has been increased excitement throughout the geologic community and with t hose infatuated with dinosaurs. Two years later on December fifth the ancient sounds of a long extinct dinosaur could be heard throughout the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. Later this excitement spilled over into the entertainment pains when Steven Spielberg came out with Jurassic Park III which showed this experimentation. The fossil found was the most complete skull of a duck billed dinosaur called Parasaurolophus meaning the trombone dinosaur. The bellow crest atop the skull is what scientist believed produced a sort of mating call or warning sound. Before computer technology there were many different views offered as to what was the purpose, if any, of this large hollow crest. Some believed it could have been a way to shed heat like an internal radiator or aid in the recognizing of those in its own pack or even just to warn others away. Others were just not sure what to think. Paleontologists had noticed the passageways inside the crest but had no way of knowing how intricate these tubes and house were until computers were used to scan the insides of the crest and differentiate between what was actual fossil and what was clay and sandstone. Computer Scientist Carl Diegert used a CT Scan (Computer Tomography, i.e. CAT Scan) and scanned the skull at intervals of 3mm to produce 350 cross sections.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Essay example --

Jules Verne was a family man who loved his wife and children, but also had a true passion for writing. He spent much of his time with his beloved spouse of thirty years and his three children that he loved deeply. When he wrote he would be inspired by the travels that he took with his family.Verne was born February 8, 1828 and he died on March 24, 1905. As he grew up he learned that he had diabetes that later killed him. In Vernes 77 year life he dabbled in the stock market to try to earn money. Before the stock market he went to school to survey in his fathers footsteps in the field of law. While in the stock market he decided that he did not want to conserve in the field of law so he quit school and went on to write many books that were inspired by his long life. Mr. Vernes Family consisted of his parents Sophie Allotte dela Fuye Verne and capital of South Dakota Verne. His siblings were Paul, Anna, Marie and Mathilde who had all been younger. On the tenth of January in 1857 Honorine Hebe du Fraysse de Viane Morel and Jules Verne became a married couple. Michel, his son, was born on the third of August in 1861 on board a enthrall sailing to Denmark and Norway. His two stepdaughters were Valentine and Suzanne.As he grew up he lived in various location such as Liverpool, Paris and even France for a outcome of time. During Vernes childhood was put under strict rules by his father. His father sent Jules Verne to boarding school when he was young. While at school Verne did really well in the subjects of geography, Greek and Latin. With his time off from school in the summer he and his family went to Maritime Port City to spend time by the lake. Once he became much older his father sent his to Paris so they he could fol... ...devoted fans. His fans also say that the book is a fascinating baloney that they were not able to put down until the book was finished. Many of the fans had previously read some of his book before they came out and t hey noticed that there were dates in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that corresponded with dates in a couple from Vernes other books. Some of the people who found the connection were intrigued to find out if all of his books were attached through one endless string of stories. From the publishing process Verne learned that many people anticipated the book and wanted it before it came out. Overall Jules Verne was a great man. He loved His family until his death and even after his death. He was also a person whose true passion was to write books. Him being both(prenominal) a family man and a great writer prove that he loved life itself in every possible way.

Global Expansion Essay -- essays research papers

Before entering a dark place, most people tend use about type light emitting device to provide direction and guidance so they are able to see what is in front of them, so that Do not fall. The same principal should be used when attempting to sell overseas. Before attempting expand into a new market domestically your success depends on research proviso and timing. This will give you the necessary light needed to rein out if you have the right offering, and pinpoint a high-potential customer base. In addition, it helps you find the right partners to help you out your planning, then tapping consumer or business markets overseas have the potential to benefit your business tremendously. The cultural divide is still ever so persistent, but the good news is that its getting smaller and smaller. It may never disappear totally because of the way most us tend to stay at heart our cultural bounds. Most of us Americans believe that we are supposed to be positive, dynamic and assertive no m atter what but is the proper way to do things in other countries? Probably not. Yet, thats the American way of doing things. Many of us are pretty comfortable with our own customs but commonly feel threaten when cross cultural lines. Normally we feel uncomfortable or even threaten when boundaries are crossed, but adjustments must be make for firms to be successful overseas. In most of the world, business is about people and relationships, win-win relationships built on mutual trust. Of course, business involves selling and buying and making money. just for the most of the world, good business follows mutual trust, not vice versa. Friendship comes before money disgorge. In addition, mutual trust usually results from comfort levels they fulfil with each other. Politically incorrect or not, lets face it. It is more difficult to feel comfortable with people who dont look like us or talk like us. The failure to adjust, to the difference between people can cause an organization to fai l miserable when trying expand in overseas markets. subsequently investigati... been open to the world for 20 years therefore, its growth has been extraordinary. Vietnams economy has weathered the global economic slowdown of 2001 better than most other Asian economies, by and large due to the fact that it is less integrated into the world economy and less vulnerable to declines in demand for its exports. Vietnam is growing economy with a bright hereafter ahead of it.For our firm to expand international we must continue to make low cost product tosupport the ever-growing elderly population and challange people of these nations the efficiency to moving around with little or trouble.Before we expand to any of these nations we need to ensure that have a firm recognizeing of their culture. Friendship and understand first, then the bottom line should be discuss..ReferencesRetrieved October 5, 2002 http// October 8, 2002 h ttp// October 10, 2002 http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Music Therapy for Autistic Children :: Music, Music Therapy

When a nipper is diagnosed with autism, one thing that is noned is the lack of eye contact. medicament therapy works to help this in numerous ways. When the therapist starts at the babys level, according to the British Colombian Music therapy association, they can base what needfully to be done and how to do it off of where the child is and after many sessions, where they are now (M-7). According to a report in the Journal of Autism and developmental Disorders, Eye contact this refers to an event where child looks at therapist while playing, manipulating (E-7). A way that in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is using music therapy or else of play therapy as it increases turn taking and eye contact more than when play therapy is used (E-4). Eye Contact was even proved to be held yearner during this study when the child was participating in music therapy activities than when they were in regular play activities(E-1). When a mother was quoted on the British Columb ian Music Therapy website, she stated that the skills and abilities acquired in the music therapy setting generalize widely across situations. VII. Turn TakingThe music therapist has to reach the child to be able to move with them and help them. When the child feels free and unthreatened, the British Colombian Music Therapy association says that they get more out of the session. When they are not being told dont this, dont do that, and NO for everything they do to express themselves. Music therapy gives them that way to express themselves without being yelled at and told NO (M-8). The Tympo and Rhythm of the instruments is not just a way for the children express themselves, it even stops reminding them of when they were in the womb. The British Colombia MTA states that the tympo and Rhythm gets the child to progress from the rocking motion when they were in the womb and as a baby. It gives them a new independent feel (M-6). As music therapy is one of the cutting edge therapies a ccording to Ken Siri and Tony Lyons, this helps develop motor skills for the child to interact with the instruments (A-2). According to an article in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Turn Taking This refers to an event involving a sequence of turns to play alternating between the child and Therapist.

Music Therapy for Autistic Children :: Music, Music Therapy

When a youngster is diagnosed with autism, one thing that is noted is the lack of shopping center contact. Music therapy works to help this in numerous ways. When the therapist starts at the childs level, according to the British Colombian Music therapy association, they can base what needs to be done and how to do it off of where the child is and after many sessions, where they are now (M-7). According to a report in the journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Eye contact this refers to an scourt where child looks at therapist while playing, manipulating (E-7). A way that in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is using medicinal drug therapy instead of play therapy as it increases turn taking and eye contact more than when play therapy is used (E-4). Eye Contact was even proved to be held longer during this study when the child was participating in music therapy activities than when they were in regular play activities(E-1). When a mother was quoted on the British Columbian Music Therapy website, she stated that the skills and abilities acquired in the music therapy setting generalize widely across situations. VII. Turn TakingThe music therapist has to reach the child to be able to interact with them and help them. When the child relishs free and unthreatened, the British Colombian Music Therapy association says that they get more out of the session. When they are not being told dont this, dont do that, and NO for everything they do to express themselves. Music therapy gives them that way to express themselves without being yelled at and told NO (M-8). The Tympo and Rhythm of the instruments is not just a way for the children express themselves, it even stops reminding them of when they were in the womb. The British Colombia MTA states that the tympo and Rhythm gets the child to progress from the rocking motion when they were in the womb and as a baby. It gives them a new independent feel (M-6). As music therapy is one of the cutt ing edge therapies according to Ken Siri and Tony Lyons, this helps develop motor skills for the child to interact with the instruments (A-2). According to an article in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Turn Taking This refers to an event involving a sequence of turns to play alternating between the child and Therapist.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Barn Owl Essay

Gwen Harwoods, Father and small fry, is a two-part poem that tempers a childs naivety to her matured, grown up attitude. Barn Owl presents a doorsill in which the respondent is able to witness the initiation of Gwens transition. The transformation is achieved through with(predicate) her didactical quest for wisdom, lead by her childishness naivety and is complimented through nightfall, where we see her fully maturate state. The importance of familial relationship and p bental counselling is explored in father and child, as well as the severalise views on mortality and death.Barn Owl depicts death as a shocking and violent occurrence while the second poem, nightfall, displays that death can be accepted, describing the cyclical and transient nature of aliveness. Relationships, especially with Gwens parents, act as a catalyst for her maturation and leave behind sustaining memories as shown in umpteen of her poems. In Barn Owl, Gwen initially represents her father as being rob bed of power and an Old No-Sayer. The neologism, No-Sayer, incites a panorama within the readers mind, rendering an image of a child through the simplistic syntax, representing a childlike view of the world.The combination of the two quotes separates the child and father, showing that the child disregards her fathers authority, ultimately expressing her view of their connection. However, in progression with the poem, we realise that the father plays a major role in the guidance of Gwens childhood. This idea is represented when considering Gwens fathers presence after she had injure the beak. my father reached my side, gave me the fallen gun.The positional verb side emphasizes the truthful relationship between father and daughter, as he is providing solace and support for Gwen, in this clip of realisation, death and accountability, in contrast to the image set by old No-Sayer. The significance of Gwens parents to her maturation is again reinforced when considering the dialogue, En d what you have begun. It is an shrill command which refers to the process of her childhood development and carries with it the idea that maturation is inevitable and must occur as a part of life.Nightfall indicates similarity in terms of the significance of parental guidance. For example, when Gwen states that her father keeps a childs delight forever, in birds we notice that Gwen has a sustaining memory of an integral part of her life due to her father, the owl shot in Barn owl. A more literal example of the importance of parental guidance Gwen preaches is revealed in Gwens confession, erstwhile quick to mischief, grown to learn what sorrowsno words, no tears can mend. This reveals the effect her father has had on her.She has matured, become an adult and has become understanding of the ephemeral nature of life a key concept evident in many of Hardwoods poetry and affirms the importance of Gwens parents to her development of a child to an adult. In many of her poems, Gwen adumb rates to a certain extent, as to not fully reveal what is brewing, in order to allow the reader to consider for themselves and make judgments on the situations presented. In father and child, the foreshadowing leads to integral moments of Gwens life and communicates with the reader.Barn owl initiates with the symbolic compound word Daybreak, foreshadowing possibilities of experience and awakening. This notion of hap changes to a sense of actuality when Stanza 3 (versus 2-5) not only adds dramatic suspense to the story but prefigures the momentous event that changed the childs life, the killing of the owl and corresponding realization of death. For example, the metaphor master of life and death sets a grave tone and places tension and apprehension in the readers mind as we are evoked to contemplate what dangerous deeds will be committed.The synecdoche, punish beak and claw, represents the fact that the child can only see and focus on parts of the owl, symbolically denotes that the c hild is blind to the enormity of what she is about to do. The responder is hinted further, by this synecdoche, on what the persona is about to shoot This is a reflection of the childs naivety and allows the reader to understand the impelling force urging her to steal her fathers gun, and to take this quest for wisdom, inherent childhood arrogance. Similarly in nightfall, Gwen prefigures a monumental moment of her life, the death of her father.The title of the poem nightfall, is the binary opposite to Daybreak and therefore assembles a thought in the readers mind of the opposite of coming alive, end of time, death. Gwens understanding of the inevitability of death is highlighted when she says Now the season that seemed incredible is come. This quote in combination with the constant links to nature, in particular fruits is symbolic of the season autumn, the falling of ripe fruit and can therefore be interpreted as the end of her fathers time on earth, Gwens poem, Father and child, rep resents the cyclical nature of life through the inevitability of consequence and growth.Paternal guidance and familial relationship is seen as a key catalyst to her maturation and increasing understanding and responsibility, reverberated in many of Gwens poems. The foreshadowing of significant events assists the responder in connecting with the poem. For example in Barn Owl, we come to understand that it was Gwens child naivety that led to her stealing her fathers gun and victorious the life changing quest for wisdom.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Discuss the Differences Between Beatrice and Hero Essay

Shakespeargons play ? Much Ado about aught has two main female characters, Beatrice and combatant, who are cousins. Both appear to be completely different in the beginning of the play but, as things progress and their characters develop, there are likewise some very obvious similarities betwixt them. virtuoso and Beatrice have a very close relationship they are best friends. Leonato is superstars nonplus but Beatrice has no parents, which gives her greater freedom. Where submarine sandwich is polite, quiet, respectful and gentle, Beatrice is feisty, cynical, witty, and sharp.Shakespeare uses quite a lot of literary devices and techniques to present the characters of Hero and Beatrice in a way that lets the audience easily compare and contrast them. For example, in the characterisation of Hero and Beatrice, the dialogue used ? what they say, how they say it, what other characters say about them and Heros silence are all very important in revealing their characters in a simila r way, their actions ? what the characters do, and their inaction contrasts and creates significant difference between them, bringing each unitys personality.In addition, Shakespeares constant use of dramatic irony, exaggeration and contrasting plots, themes and structure all combine in his presentation of the two. At the start of the play Hero is presented as a typical woman of the time, modest and demure ? she says little. In fact, Shakespeares first spoken language describing Hero, ?Is she non a modest young lady announce her essential qualities of modesty and decorum. In this period, these were vital qualities to have in a wife and Hero possessed them, unlike Beatrice. By contrast, Shakespeare portrays Beatrice as an untypical woman, being outspoken, independent, witty and unconventional ?she is always participating in the conversation even with the men (especially Benedick), which Hero never does.A prime example of this in Act 1 is when Beatrice asks the messenger about Bene dick, (a lord, and soldier from Padua) in an offensive way I solicit you, is Signor Mountanto returned from the wars or no? This is part of her merry war with Benedick. Beatrice appears to loathe Benedick and vice versa they engage in many skirmishes of wit. However, although Beatrice appears hardened and sharp, she is vulnerable, for she loves Benedick.She is disguising her feelings for Benedick by calling him names and disguise is a major theme in this play. Beatrices vulnerability is an important point of comparison with Hero, as she is also vulnerable, as we recognize later in the play. In contrast to her talkative cousin, Hero speaks only once in Act 1 ? in the presence of Beatrice, her father and the messenger, My cousin means Signor Benedick of Padua she says, to explain Beatrices jibe. Similarly, in comparing wooing, wedding and repenting to three types of dancing Beatrice describes them as a Scotch jig, a measure, and a cinquepace. This dance image is an inventive one a nd dance, music, and song are key themes in this play. Here Shakespeare is using an extended metaphor to portray Beatrices anti-matrimonial feelings. Of course, these feelings are not genuine. As we see throughout, disguise is one of the key themes in the play and Shakespeare makes it clear that Beatrice is disguising her true feelings, for she admits to Don Pedro that Benedick once bestow her his cheek awhile but won her nerve center with false dice. She and Benedick obviously have had a relationship in the past ? one that they would both like to resume.In Act 3, in the absence of men, Shakespeare develops Heros character. She is decisive in Scene One and commanding, Good Margaret, run thee to the living-room she orders. We witness a development in Heros character she is dominant and authoritative she initiates and organises the plot to gull Beatrice, the second benevolent plot in the play. For the first time in the play, Shakespeare also provides Hero with a poetic image, Forbi d the sun to enter ? like favourites, Made proud princes that advance their pride. And we see that Hero is clever enough to denigrate Beatrice, Of the false sweet bait that we lay for it. in order to make Beatrice believe that they do not go through shes listening, otherwise they would not discuss her faults. Although Beatrice is intelligent, Shakespeare makes her gullible when she overhears Hero and Ursula discussing Benedick and Beatrices relationship. We see that Beatrice does have a softer side, Benedick, love on I pull up stakes requite thee, Taming my wild heart to thy loving hand. Enhancing the romance in the play and signifying a transformation in Beatrice. Indeed by the end of Act 3 scene 1, Beatrice and Hero are showing certain similarities.They are now both in love and as we see in Act 3 Scene 4, Beatrice has become quieter and more serious. During the scene of the morning of Heros wedding, Shakespeare reveals that Hero is having premonitions, more development of her character. God give me joy to wear it for my heart is exceedingly heavy she states. This is dramatic irony because she feels the wedding may go wrong but it is really a reminder to the audience of Claudios intentions to subdue Hero in the next scene. The audience also find out that Beatrice is lovesick, Hero asks Do you speak in the sick tune? Beatrice is subdued and Margaret also fills in the comic space and provides the wit by making jokes at Beatrices expense. God send everyone their hearts desire she says, implying she knows what Beatrices heart desires. Margaret makes obscure references to Beatrices new mood, saying she should take some Carduus Benedictus for her illness. Shakespeare has developed contrasts between Hero and Beatrice in the way that their relationship with men is presented, specially the men that they love. Hero and Claudio are the sweet innocent young lovers. Their marriage is arranged by the Prince and Leonato and Claudio is given Hero.On the other hand, Be atrice and Benedick are comedy-makers and Beatrice is not ruled by her father as Hero clearly is. It does take Don Pedros benevolent plot to bring Benedick and Beatrice together, however. A newfangled audience would prefer Beatrice to Hero as she is her own self and admirable. The relationships also differ because Benedick and Beatrices relationship slowly grew whereas Claudio and Heros relationship was love at first sight. Perhaps it was a little hasty as we see in Act 4 how their love turns sour. Beatrice and Hero are both wonderful and intriguing characters.They develop in interesting ways and they represent two extremely different views of society and what it was like to be a woman in those patriarchal times. Personally, I find Beatrice the more interesting character of the two women she is more active and has a fuller character which lets you theorize about her whereas this isnt possible with Hero because her character is so bland. Beatrices character is also more entertainin g and she stimulates feelings out of the reader, making you like or dislike her and the way she acts and again this isnt as possible for Hero because her character is so featureless.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Power To change An Event In History Essay

Cold War precipitated fifty historic period of propaganda by two super powers, on-field battles while balancing barrels on others shoulders and huge amount of capital investment to manufacture weapons. An even in history that could engage easily averted the Cold War was Stalins opportunistic rise up to power on death of Lenin in 1924. Undoubtedly, a single event that I could change would be the ability to delay the death of Lenin.Noted historians and Russian policy experts admit that Stalin was not Lenins choice. Lenin was aware that rude negotiation and ruthless intention were the qualities of Stalins personality. He would have definitely blocked Stalins rise to power. However, Stalin went on take advantage of the situation that arose from Lenins death. He easily sidelined Trotsky and other senior members of the communist party. In first few years of his rule, Stalin systematically got his adversaries assassinated. Through the policy of collectivization of farms, Stalin inflicted deep scars of famine on the Russian people. Medium and large farms were forcibly acquired by the state in effect form huge collective farms this led to steep drop in agricultural output.Since, the ideals of Soviet Union prevented from any import or export, millions of people died because of starvation. at heart few years of coming to power, Stalin acquired the status of a totalitarian. In 1945, George Orwell crafted a wonderful satire that depicted the greed and corruption as the driving motives buns a dictatorial regime. (Orwell, George, 1945)USA and other allies of World War 2 soon realized that Stalin has built a fear of his personality to get over and intimidate other members of the Soviet Union. Perhaps the most gruesome of his policies were to imprison millions of Russians and use them in labor camps for construction of roads and dams. Because of his policies, USSR and USA got embroiled into issues standardised Korea War and Vietnam War. Even though Stalin died in 1956, his policies continued to haunt the world for decades.Had Lenin survived a few hours and passed the command to a more humane leader, the world would have been considerably more prosperous and secure for the next fifty years.BibliographyOrwell, George. Animal Farm London. 1945

Friday, May 24, 2019

Physics in Light- Intensity

Investigations in Light Intensity Change through Angular sack Guiding Question How does the intensity of electric discharge change as the wobble of incidence to the well-heeled source increases? Prediction of Results Predict what you think will pass on and what type of equation and graph might best fit the data representing the intensity of a light as the pitch of incidence increases. Objective afterwards completing this lesson, a student should be able to analyze light intensity striking a surface at varying angles of incidence.Materials CBL, TI-83 Plus calculator, light sensor, lamp with light bulb (60 to 100 watts), tape measure, Scotch tape (or similar), protractor, sheet of paper, ANGLE program, daily log Vocabulary the expression angle of incidence day-to-day sinusoidal regression Introduction You have completed an investigation of light intensity changes with varying distance. You will continue investigating intensity changes, but now you will note the change of inte nsity as light strikes a surface through increasing angles of incidence.As Figure 1 indicates, the angle of incidence is the angle at which light strikes a surface. The normal is an imaginary line perpendicular to the plane on which light strikes. The angle of incidence is the angle between the normal and an incident (that is, an incoming) light ray. Angle of incidence Normal Incident Light Ray Figure 1 As the angle of incident light increases, is it to a greater extent reasonable to think that its intensity increases or decreases? As you think about this question, consider whether you are more likely to get a sunburn in the late evening when the sun is low on the horizon greater incidence angle) or at noon time when the sun is more operating expense (smaller incidence angle), as sketched below? Is it usually hotter at noon or in the late evening? Evening Sunlight Noon Sunlight If you shadowy that intensity decreases with increasing angle of incidence, you are on the right track. Assuming for the moment, thence, that the light intensity (I) decreases as the angle of incidence (a) increases, we throw out say the descent between intensity and incidence angle are inversely proportional over the angles involved.But you may note that as the sun rises through the morning and then sets toward the evening, its angle of incidence decreases, reaches a minimum at noon, and then begins to increase again into the evening. That is, the incidence angle starts at sunrise at a uttermost of 90, decreases to a minimum until noon (near the equator it decreases to 0, but not in Alaska), and then increases back to a maximum to 90 at sunset.You notify see that this cycle repeats itself time and again the incidence angle begins at a maximum, then decreases to a minimum, increases to a maximum, and so forth. Figure 2a below shows retributory such a cycle. Intensity, however, changes as the inverse of the incidence angle, so is represented in the Figure 2b cycle. Morning Noon Ev ening Figure 2a Changing relative incidence Angle Morning Noon Evening Figure 2b Changing Light Intensity This cycle of repeating events is called periodic and you might recognize the curves as sinfulness waves.Here is an equation that describes intensity as a sine wave I = sin(a) (intensity is proportional to the sine of the incidence angle, a). It is important to remember in this comparison that the angle with respect to the sun will always be between 90 and 0. This means that if we determine one quarter of the period (or cycle), then we can know through regression analysis what the rest of the curve should look like. You will complete an investigation that does exactly this determine the intensity of a light as the angle of incidence changes from 0 to 90.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Marketing Strategies of IBM Essay

IntroductionThis study aims at examining the use of theoretical merchandising approaches in the practical business scenario. In this domain the market scheme of IBM has been considered on empirical inst eithers. It is by the use of market theory and concepts that the study evaluates the marketing strategies of IBM and its role in fulfilling the firm all overall goals and objectives. Four specific aspects of marketing strategy evaluation be assessed in this study. Initially the proceedings argon link to the importance and the use of information in triumphful marketing strategies by IBM. This is followed by a discussion on IBM marketing strategies in relation to its shapingal strategy. The cover also makes an analysis of the application of IBM marketing strategies in spherical context. Lastly e-business strategies of IBM in the marketing domain are assessed.Evaluation of marketing strategy of IBM supranational Business Machines Corporation, better kn possess as IBM, is a mul tinational IT troupe involved in the manufacture and retail of computer hardware and software applications, and IT consulting dish outs. Employing the best(p) talents in the industry, IBM is today the largest as well as the most moneymaking information technology employer in the world. Despite of the adverse economic conditions, the firm come upon a signifi after partt increase in its net revenue and income in 2008 compared to previous years.Well devised and efficient marketing strategies have been the key to IBM global success. The company strongly believes that devise effective marketing strategies requires making appropriate decisions that batch well enhance all kindhearteds of competitive advantages and kitty create all kinds of recent sources of value for the purpose of improving the organisational revenue maturement. According to Luq Niazi, Leader of Strategy and Change at IBM, when the leaders of an organisation think ab issue their business as components, it becom es clear which ones they subscribe to to own and which they do not. This clearly indicates the great emphasis that IBM places on the performance anddecision making capabilities of leaders in devising effective marketing strategies. In addition, the firm also considers understanding the requirements and needs of customers as crucial for developing effective marketing strategies. Understanding the innovative demands of customers lies at the core of developing effective marketing strategies. Based on IBM market share and dominance in the IT industry, the firm can be aptly describe as a market leader. Being a market leader, an important marketing strategy which IBM uses against its competitors is the defensive marketing warfare strategy.The defensive marketing strategy involves the firm employing tactics to maintain its market share. There are several tactics that firms use for defending their market share, such as fortification, counterattack, bustling defence and strategic retreat (Ries and Trout, 2005). Being the courageous market leader that IBM is, the firm adopts the best defensive marketing strategy which is self attack. IBM strategy is cheaper and better than IBM. Aware of IBM tactic, customers wait for IBM new prospects as they know that the Big Blue will constantly introduce new and better products which makes the firm own products obsolete. Another key marketing strategy employed by IBM for sustaining its market leadership is product distinction strategies. Product differentiation can be achieved victimization a variety of factors such as distinctive products, reliability, durability, product design etc (Kurtz and Boone, 2006).IBM uses a product differentiation strategy based on quality of performance. In line with its quest for further growth and market leadership, the firm adopts a diversification strategy. The importance of IBM growth strategy has heightened in the current economic bunk with companies in the computer industry having faced a mass ive drop in the industrial production and productivity of computer hardware and the future growth for this segment also appearing dim. In such a context, IBM has strategically reduced its exposure to hardware by diversifying into software and services.IBM also realises the importance of maintaining dandy relationships with its customers and in line the firm lays great emphasis on consecrate based marketing strategies. Trust based marketing strategies stress on the need for organisations to gain ethical tie up over consumer dealings and also be honest and open about its products and the services. For IBM, adoption of this strategy has been very effective in developing its brandidentity and image. In all of its marketing activities, the firm strives at building customer trust and loyalty. Importance and use of information in IBM marketing strategyThe importance and use of information is vital for gaining success. In line, IBM take the strategy to take up Social Networking to the work place. It is an absolute heart of sacramental manduction ideas, complains and letters of appreciation in public. By means of adopting networking opportunities, IBM naturalized its strong hold over competitive market. It is through with(predicate) the provision of Social Networking (SN), that IBM established its commitment to technology and developed an enterprise wide SN mindset. IBM is the first major IT supplier that has got potential provisions for SN and is in the process of ever-changing the entire enterprise along with a credible application to address the market. By means of investments made in the SN domain, IBM has gained ample market strengths in the enterprise lineage, global services, deep pockets and to a higher place all in gaining loyal customers. By success of SN, IBM proved to be a fine player in the domain of information networking.The proceedings have added many advantages to its organisational global services. SN for enterprises have been implemented with enough marketing strategies and this is what is providing IBM with technical expertise in the electron orbit of organizational/adoption issues. The launching of more than facilities colligate to SN are relevant to the competition of the market. The launcher came up with a new idea and launched it untold before the though had developed in anyone mind. The second big thing to the adoption of marketing strategy is the IBMs mindset in the launching of sacred lotus Connection. It is an information networking process with collaboration-centric approach to SN and helps in information sharing and uninterrupted workflow. By few minutes of exploration anybody can well pull out hold over its functionalities. IBM kept it easy and user friendly the basics of marketing strategies.When it comes to the use of information system in IBM, the adoption of unique kind of marketing strategies is predominant. The basic approach is in being innovative and adopting something that is very user fri endly and easy for the customer to adopt. Complicacies in the same field can lead to failure ofthe same. This is the reason that IBM lays emphasis over making it simple, easy and sharing more than the consumer can expect. Once there is a kind of trust and sense of being facilitated gets into the consumer, he hardly will opt for any other company and this is what IBM believes to the core. Application of innovative ideas in the field of information sharing units can be of great risk, but under the marketing strategy of IBM, this risk has been taken again and again with enough success. IBM marketing strategy in relation to Organisational strategy The strategic effectiveness of an organizational strategy can be measured using SWOT analysis.This is a structure that figure out strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a particular company. Incorporating the Johnson and Scholes model for corporate strategy into this structure creates three success criteria for evaluating a firm ( Rifkin, 2001). These are as following Suitability can be assessed to identify the factors that will support the strategies. Feasibility is all about the adoption of executing the strategy into practical field. Acceptability is something that will determine the reactions that the organisation will receive by the execution of the strategies. At IBM, employees are greatly encouraged to initiate creative marketing tactics. The application of SWOT and the Johnson and Scholes model proves that IBM has got enough potentiality in developing well crafted assessment about itself. Its main strength lies in identifying its weaknesses. The approaches are all very professional and the marketing persuasions are well structured as per the organisational structure.As per the declarations made by the official site of IBM, the basic marketing strategy in relation to organisational strategy adopted by IBM is more concerned about the proceedings led by HRM. The perspectives of organisational dealings ar e strategically adopted to meet the demands of HRM. The typical business grow of IBM is customer centric and in hence a substantial amount of responsibility is placed on the HR department. It has been mark that on traditional ground many IBM executives along with aspiring general managers are selected for the purpose of improving sales force and market oriented projects.It can be well marked as Samuel J. Palmisano, the current CEO, IBM initially joined the company in the position of a salesman. With his determination and marketing strategies he achieved the position that he currently occupies (Spooner, 2002). though itis unusual for a CEOs profile, but in IBM, growth of the organisation and the people working for it are directly proportionate to performances led in the field and the adoption of the marketing strategies which respond adequately to competitive pressures.Global context in IBM marketing planningIn the global context, IBM has proved itself as a strong contender by mana ging to sustain in the most difficult situations. It has overcome the twists and turns it initially faced in adjusting to the bricks-and-clicks business structure. Overcoming all the overleap IBM is now achieving milestones through the advantages forwarded by brick-and-click enterprises. It is through this enterprise structure that IBM has transformed into a major player in ground of getting hold over global marketing plans. Its formulisations are inclusive of creating a global brand blueprint. It is a mode that usually gets expressed locally and after attaining some success approaches on global grounds. IBM always follows the process of establishing central modelling and then architects the relevant consumer experiences to gain consistency with the brand. IBM always concentrates in gaining single view from its consumers and that helps in assessing the risk factors of global marketing strategies (Rometty, 2001).In order to meet the diversify point of views, IBM follows the struct ure noted below Process of analysing the context of when, where and how the appropriate and relevant customer data can be collected. This is an approach that is done under the provision of practical market survey. The means to create absolute governance framework with special attentions led over management policies and overall practices. These are the sources that are collected through the purpose of encouraging customer centricity added by the scope to guard duty customer privacy. Approaches led by institute consistent processes for target customer is the next step. In this process the relationship led by the management crosswise all the domains of sales and provided services of the organisation are scrutinized professionally.The process of appointing efficient team leaders and strong management initiators. IBM also appoints a leader who can perform as a single customer advocate and is very much accountable for all the sorted touch points. The marketing strategies adopted by IBM to meet global demands and competitions are well inclusive of a robust infrastructure. It has the provision for optimising flexibility anda hub-and-spoke architecture for collecting consumer demands on global arena. There is also well marked acknowledgement for all the innovative ways adopted by the partners of IBM. Developments attain by the partners of IBM in global terms is also directly related to the marketing strategies followed by IBM. IBM understands the fact that partners can add much hold over the local market and can pee-pee the consumer with more in-depth formulations. This is the reason that they believe in developing capitalized relationship with these partners for future opportunities.IBM and e-business strategiesThe motive of any electronic business is to efficiently meet consumer demands through net profit networking. The internet provides a medium for businesses to reach out to customers globally at very low costs. It is an exclusive means adopted through the deali ngs related to information and communication technologies. In case of IBM the role of e-business is very strong. Through e-business strategies, IBM is equipping itself with all kinds of external activities and is applying determined relationships for respective business dealings with individuals, diversified groups and corporate clients. According to Who Says Elephants Cant Dance? a book by a former CEO of IBM, Louis Gerstner (2003), IBM approach for e-Business strategies is handled by specialised e business teams operating under IBMs marketing department.It is through its e-business strategies that IBM is able to link its internal as well as external data affect systems with greater efficiency and flexibility. E-business helped IBM in reaching closer to its consumers, conveying the message of reliability and in urn enhancing customer loyalty to the brand. The proceedings led by IBM for the ontogenesis and implementation of e-business concentrate on the diversified functions occur ring through electronic capabilities. IBM is also a part of the entire value chain proceeding for more profitable dominance over the local as well as global market. There are some predominant sectors where the e-business strategies are applied to gain more trust and money from the consumer.These activities are noted belowelectronic purchasingsupply chain managementprocessing orders electronicallyhandling customer servicecooperating with business partnersThese proceedings add special technical standards in the e-business structure of IBM. The firm also utilises e-business strategies to exchange of data between its partners and associate companies. As a matter of fact the e-business strategies of IBM are not much different from the other marketing strategies. The basic difference however depends over the expansion of management for move and receiving contracts from the consumer. It is under this strategic implementation that IBM has adopted many local dealers to be a part of its serv ices.These dealers are of course selected through some professional modes. The reputations of these dealers are marked by IBM first before offering the partnership. In terms of services for each product sold through e-business, IBM provides appropriate training to all those people who are a part of this structure. With strategic planning IBM is also into the dealings related to integrated intra and inter firm business proceedings.ConclusionFrom the above discussions, it can be derived that the marketing strategies adopted by IBM are built on the structure of trust based marketing, defence marketing warfare, product differentiation and diversification marketing strategies. It is through the appropriate use of these theoretical approaches that IBM has established itself very strongly in the traditional marketplace as well as in the burgeoning online marketplace. IBM strives at fulfilling the needs and expectations of its customers and in enhancing customer trust and loyalty. The prod ucts and services provided by IBM can guarantee their utility to the customers satisfaction. In a nutshell, IBM is a courageous risk taker that places great emphasis on innovative ideas for further growth. In line, the firm explores the consumers domain through proper hold over local and global proceedings.ReferencesEmerson, W.P. (1996) Building IBM Shaping the Industry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Gerst, Louis V. (2003) Who Says Elephants Cant Dance? Leading a Great Enterprise through Dramatic Change. Harper Paperback Ham, A. and Rastelli, L.G. (2002) market Essential techniquesand strategies geared towards results, John Wiley and Sons Inc, USA. IBM Global Business Services, http// retrieved on 19th Nov. 2009 Kurtz, D. L. and Boone, L.E. (2006) Principles of Marketing, 12th edn, Thomson South-western, USA. Ries, A. and Trout, J. (2005) Marketing warfare, Pearson, UK. Rifkin, J. (2000) The Age of Access, Putnum Books, New YorkRometty, Ginni (2001) Five marketing tips for the digital age. http// retrieved on 19th Nov. 2009 Spooner, John G. (2002) IBM meets lowered estimates. Staff Writer, CNET News April 17, 2002 http// retrieved on twentieth Nov. 2009Find out more from UK Essays here http//

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Professional Goal Statement

There are many who timbre that education ends upon completion of college. I feel differently, however, and earn that thither is so much that burn down be learned in further studies such as graduate school. In line with my decision to pursue my studies in graduate school, I understand that there are more opportunities for those who receive the extra training necessary to be ahead in todays competitive world.I feel that in order for me to gain an advantage in the field of Organizational Psychology, I need to devote more time and energy in education more about the recent developments in this field. This will en fitted to pursue my career as either an experienced business managers or as a human resource professional. Academic Experience Having completed my degree at the Pennsylvania State University and having specialized in Psychological & Social Sciences, I am confident that I am fully equipped for the minimum requirements of this course.The various courses and training programs t hat I enrolled in during my tenure in college such as determine and ethics in health and human development professions, legal and ethical issues in human services, social psychology, applied social psychology, advanced cognitive psychology, subnormal psychology, child behavior disorders, learning and instruction and elementary statistics in psychology have all given me the insight that I need to keep up with the course requirements for this program. Work /Other Experience I am currently employed as a Social Service Counselor at the role of Youth and development at the Swanson Youth Center in Monroe, LA. As such, I handle the decision making process of the discussion team including formulating healthful activities and recommending a treatment plan as well as managing a caseload by scheduling appointments, evaluating client progress in counseling sessions and making recommendations to the treatment team.I believe that this work experience is vital to my training and the pursuit o f my career because it will help to prepare me for what comes ahead. It is said that not every lesson stomach be learned in the confines of the classroom and that most of what is learned comes from experience. As my resume shows, I have ample work experience that I am confident will be invaluable to my development in the future. Personal Qualities I get things done. The job gets done faster and more expeditiously as and when the objectives are clear, the strategies acceptable, and the resources are available.Of course, in the real world, these do not always happen. To the extent that they happen and to the extent that I can make them happen, I go after them and manage to get the job done. This work ethic which I have developed over time will prove to be very helpful once I am dealing with the requirements of this course. Why Walden? One of the most difficult choices is always that of choosing a good school for the rationalness that there are many different factors to consider.Th ere are many things that need to be examined yet when it came to deciding why I would select Walden there was no such difficulty. Given the global reputation that Walden enjoys as being one of the leading academic institutions in the country, it would serve me well to be able to gain the knowledge that this fine school can impart upon me. The fact that the school also offers an online program is another great advantage because it will suspend me to study and work at the same time.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Political Participation in the UK Essay

In a country based on representative land, a clean-living system, it is questionable to say we as the humankind make the most of this opportunity. Whilst bleak(prenominal) nations are fighting against the intense grips of dictatorships, as we have guaranteen recently in Libya and Egypt, we hold out in a system in which to instigate change, we simply have to turn up at a b totallyot box and cast a vote. But with voting numbers continuously dwindling, does the United Kingdom have a partnership crisis? The most efficient way to judge this is to go square(a) to the figures, and on first glance the statistics are startling. The percentage of sight that voted in 2001 was an astonishing record low of 59%, down over 10% from the precedent election in 1997. Comparing both of these results to a 83.9 voting percentage of 1950, shows a spectacular change in the value the British people organise in their vote. The two recent elections however in 2005 and 2010 have bucked this trend, a chieving percentages of 61.5 and 65 giving the impression that voting is on the spring.But with only these two results cover increases in recent history, it is impossible to view this as a positive correlation. When looking at these figures we have to look at the groups of people who didnt compute their right to vote, with the majority of them falling in to the 18 to 24 year old category. Only 44% of the 18 to 24 age group casted a ballot in the 2010 election in comparison to the 76% turnout figure of the over 65s. The general consensus of the political spectrum of the youth population is that it is steadfastly to the left. Given these facts it is arguable to say that if the turn out for the 2010 general election had been higher, we could have easily had a Labour or Liberal Democrat governance which would have had major effects on the current policies in place in the UK. To go even further, if the voting percentage had been 100% in all the previous elections, it is claimable th at every disposal the UK has had would be different, effectively changing nearly every policy that has been put into place in the past.When looked at with this perspective, we can see the incredible importance of voting and political confederation has in our lives. When looking simply at the turnout figures of the recent general elections we can see that participation in the UK is in a dangerous reduce. A nonher factor we need to take into consideration is the decline of party membership in the UK. Similar to the soused decline of voting figures since 1950, all three major parties membership has dropped significantly over the last six decades. The Conservative party has seen the most severe decline in membership, from having over 2,900,000 members in 1951 falling to a mere 250,000 in 2008. This trend is shown within the ranks of the Labour and the Liberal Democrat parties as well, with the only discernible exception is the rise in the Labour party in 1997, rising from 280,000 to 405,000. This however, can be contributed to the rise of Tony Blair with New Labour and Blairism which gripped the country in the tardily 20th century. Following this though, the Labour parties membership continued to fall and by 2008 had reached a low of 166,000.Tony Blairs biographer Anthony Seldon has made the link between declining levels of public believe in formal politics and the decline in party membership, however it is difficult to prove a simple link such as this exists. With these dramatic declines in voting participation and party membership, some would claim that it is difficult to argue that there is not a political participation crisis gripped the UK. On the other hand though, there has been rises in other forms of political participation. Whilst collective acts such as party membership has been on decline, individual choose action, in some cases has been on the rise. With consumer issues being one of the main causes the public has more intensely rallied aroun d. The Power inquiriy in 2006 highlighted these changes in political participation, with traditional forms such as party membership seeing dramtatic decreases, whereas involvement with pressure groups and remonstrance movements seeing dramatic increases.In the year 2000, 31% of the public claimed that they had boycotted products for ethical reasons, whether this can be contributed to the rise of the media and social desirability or not it shows a dramatic rise from the 4% that boycotted products in 1984. This shows perhaps that although a part of society has lost doctrine in the political process and the value of their votes, they instead prefer to take actions they believe that they will be directly making a difference and modify politically. The phenomenon of the rise of the media and the internet over the last 60 years has allowed new systems of political participation to develop. An example of this is e-petitions. E-petitions are an easy way for anyone to influence government policy in the UK. With anyone being able to create an e-petition about anything that the government is responsible for, it allows people to get elusive at a more direct level and definitely attracts the younger generation to get involved.If a petition gets at least 100,000 signatures, it will be eligible for debate in the hearthstone of Commons. These ways of participation makes it easier for people to get involved and allows the public to voice their opinions on particular subjects, almost seeming like a direct democracy in comparison to the representative democracy we have in the UK. Another argument that there is not a participation crisis in the UK is the huge turnouts in political protests over the last decade, with possibly the most poignant of these being the protests against the Iraq war in 2003. With over one and half million people taking to the streets of London, the British public showed they are not afraid to have their voices heard. A more recent example of a polit ical protest, is the student tuition fees demonstrations in 2010, with over 50,000 taking to the streets. A British Election Study stated that in 1979, 20% of respondents would be willing to go on a protest demonstration, this number had risen to 33% by 2000.Added to this, an increase in illegal political demonstrations, notably the London riots earlier this year, shows us that people are ofttimes more likely to take to the streets to demonstrate than they were in previous decades. This shows that although different forms of political participation are on the rise, they are arguably much slight important than voting. Taking into consideration that the government merely acknowledged these particular protests and continued with their policies anyway, shows us the lack of impact these forms of participation have in line of products with voting. In the UK today we can see a growing trend of a decrease in traditional participation, but an increase in new forms and less traditional par ticipation. This can be contributed to a number of factors, including the decline in public trust in formal politics and the rise of the media and internet, which allows people to organise and take part in other types of participation.This shows that generally there is not a participation crisis in the UK, with the majority of the public getting involved in some sort of political participation, with only 15% taking no political actions in the year 2000. However, the forms of participation that are growing in popularity are shown to have less effect on the political process of the UK, with the Iraq demonstrations of 2003 and the Student Protests of 2010 resulting in no change of political policy and the e-petitions only resulting in a political debate. This highlights the importance of traditional participation and the problems with the more popular forms of participation.Perhaps a more poignant question would be, does our representative democracy sincerely represent the views of th e public, as in reality these new forms of participation should have resulted in more of an effect on UK policy. To describe the current political participation as a crisis is far to extreme, as the figures show the majority of the British public readily get involved. At the present time there is not a crisis in the UKs political participation, but if the trends continue, we could be faced with one in the coming years, but as long as the public remain involved at some level there can be no crisis.

Monday, May 20, 2019

John Hughes: Reaching New Levels of Achievement in Hollywood

John Hughes Reaching bare-assed Levels of Achievement in Hollywood David Bord considerably (2006) firmly believes that when faced with the challenge of cr immerseing, people ask themselves how they back tooth put in the premises to new levels of achievement, or revive a disreputable genre. He argues that people challenge themselves with the question How can I make casual connections much felicitous, twists more unexpected, character psychology more involving, excitement more intense, motifs more tightly woven? How can I display my avow virtuosity? Following this quote and my own research, Ive come to believe that John Hughes is a very significant eccentric of a plastic film maker to reach a whole new level of achievement in Hollywood. As the director and generator of several well- agnizen teen pictorial matters much(prenominal) as 16 Candles (1984), The Breakfast fiat (1985), and Ferris Buellers daylight Off (1986), from the mid-1980s Hughes has been respected as one of the more influential figures of Hollywood for redefining and leaving a large impression on movies with a teen demographic.Through deeply focusing on new groundworks and motifs such as sociable hierarchy, he undeniably changed the teen movie genre forever by creating sympathy and intelligence for adolescent characters. In the 1980s, teenagers attitudes were changing, and many theorists believe music television was to blame. Shary (2005) states that with celebrity appearances, commercials, and a brand-new, fast-paced style, MTV became the court where youth culture was told what was cool.He as well believes that the political changes in America also hard influenced teenagers perspectives, especially afterward the carefree attitudes of Carters presidency turned into the peremptory dictates of Regans cristal. He states that The new Republican ethos may shoot won everyplace voters, but at the said(prenominal) time its naive just say no approach to serious adolescent choices ga ve youth a renewed sense of irritation for adult authority. To express their views on Americas politics, the youth became fervent to experiment with sex and drugs, and Hollywood felt the effect of the youths impact and took none.At this time period, Hollywood was experiencing a transition of sorts, between what was labelled as the Hollywood Renaissance (Schatz,1993), into a more modern-day style of cinema which theorist Geoff King (2002) labelled as New Hollywood Version 2. To understand the breakthrough of John Hughes movies, we must understand that before his directorial debut of Sixteen Candles, films of the 1980s were not sympathetic to teens, and the majority f said films came in the form of slasher movies, or sex-comedies, where audiences would watch teenagers be embarrassed and hurt in various different forms. In this period of transition, these movies would reap in profits, but did not focus on character psychology or emphasise performance the way earlier examples did. In this transition period, Hughes managed, in some form, to stay true to the earlier, character-based films, but still managed to produce a no-hit profit, without any senior high school-scale production that would turn his films into the newer, blockbuster style pictures.He often worked on more than one movie at once, and released them very close together, in a way that provided more money for the studios, as his disposition as a director became more well-known and his movies became more successful. Its important to note also, that his films were released at a time where VCR and home videos were becoming more and more popular, which meant that young adults could watch his films over and over at home, and create a personal relationship with the characters.As a director, Hughes knew exactly what he cherished to state teenagers as important, intelligent, and not the sex-crazed and shallow adolescents that earlier movies portrayed them to be. Gora (2010) proposes that What would set Hughes apart, in an age when different filmmakers were quick to portray teens as vapid, horny, pimpled caricatures, was that he was wise enough to present the teenage baffle with the pain, seriousness, and melodrama that so often imbues age. As proven by films such as Losin It (1983) and Little Darlings (1980), many movies in the early 1980s revolved simply around the quest of teens to lose their virginity (Shary, 2005). Although Hughes has focused on the theme of sex, it is just one of many different themes and motifs in his films, including the ever-popular desire of social hierarchy, or parental pressure. Sixteen Candles, centres around the story of sixteen-year old surface-to-air missile (portrayed by Molly Ringwald), whose birthday is forgotten by her family in favour of her older sisters wedding the next day.This film includes the only get laidly nude painting scene of any of Hughes movies, and was only included due to pressure from the network, who insisted that it was needed in order to cope with the other teen films on the market. The scene itself is not remotely sexual however, and exists only to emphasise Sams self-consciousness, when she and her best friend spy on the girlfriend of her biggest crush whilst in the shower after gym. It does include many of the cliches, such as the virgin esperate to have sex, the rich teen driving an dear(predicate) car which will undoubtedly be wrecked somehow, or a sign party where the house is destroyed, but unlike other teen films, it encourages us to laugh with the characters rather than at them. To portray the idea of social hierarchy, where some sort of clique is better than another, Hughes often uses a form of what Roz Kaveney (2006) entitles the anthropology shot. Kaveney states that such shots establish a number of social groups among high school students and pan between them to demonstrate social divisions.This shot can be effective because despite the fact that we will only really know a few sele ct characters, it is able to establish the kind of environment they are living in. An example of said shot is used in Sixteen Candles, introducing the geeks at the dance. Although Hughes did not invent the shot, many films have reproduced the way he used it, such as Mean Girls (2004), where the character Janice introduces Cady to the social cliques in the cafeteria.As well as the anthropology shot, Hughes also used many low-angle shots in his films to connote the sense of inadequacy teenagers feel when looking for at the world. This is also used often when the characters talk to adults, and is especially prominent in The Breakfast association when the characters talk to the principal. This shows the control trader Vernon has over the kids, and enforces the belief that because they are young, they arent as powerful. Hughes, as a director, paying(a) a great deal of attention to setting social background in his films.The open of The Breakfast Club, the story of five teens of diffe rent cliques who must spend their Saturday in detention, uses single shots to give us a feel for each character. Claire, for example, the typical rich and popular princess is introduced with the shot of a prom top executive poster, although we havent officially met her character yet. Similarly, John Bender, the criminal problem-child, is introduced using a shot of a vandalized locker with a noose attached.The film officially opens with a glass-shattering transition to an introductory shot of the high school, which could be read as foreshadowing eventually, the characters defences are broken down, and they open up to each other to become friends. The writing of Hughes films brought a great deal of attention to motifs that hadnt been paid much attention before, such as the idea of the child acting like the parent. A vizor example of this is Sixteen Candles, where Sams mother apologises to her for missing her birthday. In this scene, Sam, the teenager, is the one to comfort her rutt ish mother, and say Its okay, these things happen.Themes also explored were the ideas parental pressure, such as The Breakfast Club, where geeky Brian contemplated suicide because he feared his parents would be disappointed in him for failing his first class, or the theme of money and social classes, which Hughes communicate by pairing Claire and Bender together the rich girl with the poor boy. He also brings a new light to female sexuality, which the character of Alison addresses directly If you say you havent youre a prude. And if you say you have, youre a slut. Its a trap. Seeing such touching scenes on suppress empowers teens, and helps the audience sympathize with their experiences. Said themes have since been addressed in many teen movies to this date, such as Clueless (1995) or Easy A (2010). The impact that John Hughes has left on Hollywood is undoubtable and everlasting. condescension the fact that it has been over twenty-five years since The Breakfast Club was released, for example, countless references are still make to the film in todays pop culture, including judicatures in NBCs cult TV show Community and a mention in CWs Gossip Girl (were the non-judging Breakfast Club).Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons and Futurama, is also a huge fan of the film. Bart Simpsons famous catchphrase eat my shorts is a direct reference to John Benders line, which he says defiantly to Principal Vernon. Judd Nelsons portrayal of the character was also the inspiration for the name of Futuramas temperamental robot Bender. The movie has also been spoofed in many American advertisements, including the 2008 commercial for chain clothing store JCPenney.The back-to-school line was heavily influenced by The Breakfast Club, and featured teenagers dancing in a library to the most popular stress from the soundtrack, Dont You Forget About Me. Not Another young Movie (2001) was a complete parody of the majority of Hughes material, and featured a cameo from Molly Ringwal d as an adult who disapproved of teenagers. To this day, Hughes is continually paid homage to, and because of the way he changed the portrayal of teenagers, people will continue to do so for a long time. (Word count 1,643) References & Bibliography Driscoll, C (2011).Teen Film A Critical Introduction. UK Berg. Easy A, 2010. DVD Will Gluck, unite States Sony Pictures. Clueless, 1995. DVD Amy Heckerling, joined States world(a) Pictures. Ferris Buellers Day Off, 1986. DVD John Hughes, United States Paramount Pictures Gora, S (2010). You Couldnt Ignore Me If You Tried The affright Pack, John Hughes, and their Impact on a Generation. New York Crown Publishing Group Kaveney, R (2006). Teen Dreams Reading Teen Film and Television from Heathers to Veronica Mars. London I. B. Tauris King, G (2002). New Hollywood picture palace An Introduction.LondonI. B. Tauris Little Darlings, 1980. DVD Ronald F. Maxwell, United States Stephen Friedman/Kings Road Productions Losin It, 1983. DVD Curtis H anson, United States Tiberius Film Productions Mean Girls, 2004. DVD Mark Waters, United States Paramount Pictures Pretty in Pink, 1986. DVD Howard Deutch, United States Paramount Pictures Shary, T (2005). Teen Movies American Youth on Screen. London Wallflower Press Sixteen Candles, 1984. DVD John Hughes, United States Universal Pictures The Breakfast Club, 1985. DVD John Hughes, United States Universal Pictures

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Precarious Employment Essay

This essay will discuss why young battalion argon two to three times more likely than adults to find themselves unemployed and why the line is rapidly growing in al nigh every region of the valet de chambre. Although young mess today be the most educated generation ever, both industrialised and moderniseing countries atomic number 18 failing to increase study opportunities for them. The lack of opportunities is of course linked to the general state of the economy and interlocking situation but it is likewise a result of the mismatches between the skills young people possess and the skills required by the ride market. every of these factors post lead to gigantic periods of un involvement, blood seeking or low skilled and precarious clip, which argon non only detrimental to young people but impact heavily on economies and partnership in general. (ILO tackling juvenility unemployment) Globalisation Globalisation and technological advances accommodate been ever-changi ng bear on markets around the world. young person fermenters are facing new challenges in making the transition from school to work (Elizabeth Morris 2003).Globalisation is changing the distribution of power and gains and has raised questions about legitimacy and sustainability. Inadequate attention to the human side of globalisation has created a gap in understanding its impact on demeanor and work (International roil Office). political economy The 1980s and 1990s saw the most profound transformation of Australian customary policy since dry land War II and in that it fundamentally reworked a framework in place since Federation (Castles et al 1996 Kelly 1994).This transformation was underwritten by two principles liberalism the view that citizens are autonomous individual actors whose interests are outgo served when they are free from coercive disposal interventions into individual action (Yeatman 2000) and marketisation the belief that free markets are arenas which best modify individual autonomy and produce efficient outcomes (Marginson 1997). These principles define neoliberalism or hard liberalism (Argy 2003). How relieve oneself these policy changes bear upon Australia?An advocate would say it created improved economic outcomes greater market efficiencies, slight public expenditure less reliance on kind welfare and more individual choice. For a critic it increases inequality, corrodes quality of life and produces an atomised society in which individuals are culturally disconnected from one an early(a) and fundamental social institutions (Pusey 2003 Saunders 20028-12, ch 2). The elemental arguments for neoliberalism are economic, mostly that a free market is necessary for economic, employment and income growth (Kenworthy 2004).However, with the structural changes that entertain occurred the nature of work has changed with greater casualisation, more part-time work at the cost of luxuriant-time employment a large with changes in working conditions such as irregular working hours. Income inequality has increased (Saunders 2003). The political relation has encouraged individuals to be responsible for their own welfare. The market was seen as a more efficient allocator of resources than the state. Skills and KnowledgeIn an change magnitudely globalised, competitive and rapidly changing economy the skills and knowledge of young people are becoming more and more important to existing businesses, and are necessary to those wishing to hang up their own successful business. It is crucial that young people get a decent primary education and have the skills and qualities needed for work. Numeracy and literacy skills are key to a well-functioning business environment, with information and communication applied science (ICT) and enterprise skills (such as business administration, sales and marketing, and so on) not to be underestimated.In particular the direction of entrepreneurial skills and attributes and behaviours i s a lot not properly integrated into school curricula or not adequately taught on different educational directs. Most education systems still teach only traditional values quite an than independent thinking and acting, risk-taking and self-reliance. Moreover, an academic approach to education nurtures skills that are appropriate to working in the public sector or large organizations and companies, are not the key skills needed to start an entrepreneurial career. offspringfulness regardless of their origin have dreams, believes and aspirations. They carry with them many qualities relevant and recent education and training enthusiasm, hope and new ideas willingness to learn and be taught openness to new skills and technology realistic expectations on entry into the labour market mobility and adaptability and represent a new generation to meet the challenge in countries with an ageing workforce. (Resolution concerning youth employment, 2005).Yet youth throughout the world encount er barriers in making transitions from school to work. Frequently their full potential is not realised because they do not have addition to appropriate jobs (United Nations General Assembly, 2000). throw and Employment Previously factories, offices and shops employed a large part of the working population. Now, computer based technology produces more goods, processes more office work and oversees more sales than ever before, while utilising few and fewer people especially teenagers (Stevenson).Traditionally young people with little working experience have fill unskilled jobs and due to technical and organisational changes in the workforce these positions have disappeared. There have been substantial declines in the construction, manufacturing and transport industries over the last decade. The bestow proportion of the workforce employed in the three intentness divisions has declined from 28. 7 per cent to 24. 8 per cent in the ten years (Stevenson). Despite initiatives by govern ment to tackle the problem, youth unemployment has remained at a high level.The teenage labour market has been in long term decline since 1965 when teenage unemployment stood at 2. 6 per cent. By 1975 teenage unemployment has risen almost quadruplex to 12. 9 per cent, and, although volatile, it has risen ever since(Stevenson, Brian). Given the differences young people have they still face familiar barriers lack of experience, disparity between their skills and the demands of labour markets and insufficient information and advice. Youth experience business barriers because they commonly have less access to resources and credit.It can also be typical to experience some level of discrimination in regard to age, sex, ethnicity, race, culture, health, family status and other factors (Global Employment Trends BRIEF, 2006). Difficulties such as this can suffice it overhear a lot longer for young people to find employment. It is not unusual for those introduction the workforce for t he first time to expect a delay. However, if an extended period of unemployment occurs it can have unspoilt consequences for young people including a loss in production and an increase in leanness.It is easy to puzzle discouraged and frustrated leading to the young person giving up in their search for employment. Others carry in the education system for longer than they intended. Therefore, giving young people a chance to get through decent employment early in their working life would help avoid a unrelenting circle of unemployment or underemployment, poor working conditions and social exclusion (Morris, Elizabeth 2003). In a weak labour market where jobs are scarce and competition among job seekers is savage it is difficult for anyone to cope with job loss.For disfavor youth without basic education, failure to find a first job or keep it for long can have negative long-term consequences on their career prospects that some experts refer to as scarring. feeling past the negat ive effects on future wages and employability, long spells of unemployment for the young person can often create permanent scars through the harmful effects on a number of other outcomes, including happiness, job satisfaction and health, many years later (ACCI Leading Australian Business, 2010). Precarious Work raw people are continually finding, employment is precarious and may not provide an income sufficient to teetotum basic necessities. Even if young people are employed, they often find themselves in low-paying temporary jobs with not many protections. Demands for a flexible workforce and the increased use of casual, part-time and temporary employment contracts have heightened the sense of insecurity and risk. More and more young people are working in an slack economy, where they earn low wages and are often experience poor or even exploitive working conditions.The increased use of short-term contracts is another indicator of deteriorating conditions in the youth labour mark et, as young workers are more likely than older workers to receive and accept this type of offer (World Labour Report, 2000). High levels of youth unemployment are always a source of concern because of the profound impact unemployment has on young peoples lives. Studies of young people show that unemployment leads to a reduction in self-consciousness and diminished levels of well-being. Youth unemployment turns problematic when it becomes long-term and when it leaves young people without the means to provide for their basic needs.well-nigh the world, the boundaries between the clump and informal economy are becoming increasingly blurred, and much of the economic action mechanism of young people is taking place in the intermediary zone. The informalisation of work is a global phenonomen, with an increasing number of new jobs being created in the informal economy. The proliferation of informal sector employment is problematic in that these jobs tend to be characterised by lower wag es and productivity as well as unsafe working conditions.The forms of precarity seem to be ever expanding, as employers constantly uncover new ways to baffle regulations or find loopholes in regulations to increase the profitability of their business at the expense of their employees. In the most general sense, precarious work is a means for employers to shift risks and responsibilities on to workers. It is work performed in the formal and informal economy and is characterised by variable levels and degrees of objective (legal status) and subjective (feeling) characteristics of un certainty and insecurity.Although a precarious job can have many faces, it is usually defined by uncertainty as to the duration of employment, multiple possible employers or a disguised or ambiguous employment relationship, a lack of access to social protection and benefits usually associated with employment, low pay, and substantial legal and practical obstacles to joining a cunning union and bargainin g collectively. The result is a condition in which workers cannot plan for their future, and lack the security of certain forms of social protection. Precarious work is also characterised by insufficient or even a total absence of trade union rights.Precarious work has a deep impact on individuals and societies. everywhere the past years, economic crises and turbulences on the financial markets have lead to wide spread anxiety among workers. change magnitude rates of unemployment and precarious work arrangements deteriorate the quality of working and living conditions. The normalisation of precarious work is already showing its deeply damaging impacts on society at large. In general, it leaves workers and communities in unfit and insecure situations, disrupting their life planning options.More concretely, precarious workers are found to suffer a higher(prenominal) rate of occupational safety and health issues. Precarious work deprives people of the stability required to take long -term decisions and plans in their lives. Unemployment and precarious jobs have left a young generation hard press to see a bright future. The risk of losing financial independence and having to rely on lower social welfare payouts can lead to further social exclusion. It is not surprising therefore that youth are also more likely to fear losing their jobs.Characteristics of precarious work such as anxiety and income and employment insecurity limit long-term planning especially among the young. Young workers very often accept worse working conditions and salaries on a subsistence level. Many of them do not even have working contracts, placing them beyond the reach of social security systems. Consequently the population under 25 runs the risk of falling into poverty and social exclusion. At the same time, according to the flexibility ideology, they need to ensure their employability and have to constantly develop new skills.It is obvious in this context that privileges of the young from higher classes lead to the fortification of the class divide. Hardest come to by social exclusion are the young people from the lower classes. Unemployment and material hardship in the family make insecurity part of their everyday life. For low skilled workersMcJobs without training lead to an inevitable stillborn end. The lack of prospects, apathy, and resignation become normal. The precarious nature of the employment relationship itself can cause precarious workers to experience poor emotional and mental health.It creates conditions of deprivation and a lack of social cohesion that often lead to social unrest and resentment. Society needs to create a pathway to a world where decent work is no longer a goal, but a reality. Conclusion In conclusion, the causes of youth unemployment can be analysed at different levels, but it is certain that globalisation and technological advances have had a profound impact on labour markets throughout the world and young people, as new worke rs, have faced a number of challenges and difficulties associated with these developments.However, it must be remembered that access to productive and decent work is the best way young people can realise their aspirations, improve their living conditions and actively participate in society. Decent work for young people means not only significant benefits in price of increased wealth, but is also commonly associated with a commitment to democracy, security and political stability. Decent work can thus strengthen both the economy and wider civil society.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

My Favorite Hobbies

Movie is one of my biggest hobbies. Each film has its profess beauty, therefore, its really hard for me to pick one to be the celluloid that I like the most. However, correspond to some films I have watched recently, it is nothing but the pursuit of comfort which has great influence on me. The beautiful relationship between father and son is the thing that makes me like it. The pursuit of happiness tells us the story of a father and his little son. After a fail investment, the father which was acted by allow Smith loses everything his wife, his house, his money.The only thing that helps the man keep on living is his little son. The whole movie describes those worst days of his life. No money, no place to live, the two men even have to relaxation in a public rest room. I really like the way the main fibre protects his son, the way he fights against fate and the way he gets back his life. Thanks for the director Gabriele Muccino the pursuit of happiness has a happy ending. W ill Smith is famous for action films but this time, he shows the audience a saucy appearance. Rarely grass I see such a wonderful movie some(predicate) relationship between father and son like this.It is a bit embarrassing but I still have to admit that I cried when watching this movie. If you are the type of people who like movies about family, you should not miss the pursuit of happiness. I have many hobbies,such as reading,swimming,and watching TV. that reading is my favourite hobby. I like reading for three reasons. First of all,books introduce me to a new world,which is colorful and without time and space limit,Though reading,I can trace back to ancient Egypt,the cradle of human civilization. It can bring myself to the United states,a glamorous land I have been longing to visit.Secondly,reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon. In the past years,most of my knowledge has been obtained form books. I have well-educated form many people by reading about their ide as on science,politics,life and society. Thirdly,reading the gap between my romance and my goal. In order to succeed in my career in the future,I must keep reading,thinking and practicing. Reading has snuff it part of my life. Every day,I spend some time reading books,newspaper and magazines. At night,I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand.

Friday, May 17, 2019

My Bestfriend :)

Some are anonymous, rough may be acquaintances and some become our heros. Friendship is one of the most beautiful thing on Earth, we need friends to trade our thought, share our happiness and sadness in life However, not all of us know what is a real friend. For me, my dress hatrides is my cousin Irish Ann Papilla . Were at the same age )) . And I see maybe because of that we easily understand separately other & we get closer easily compared to the others . Irish is a naughty girl , kind , crazy but she is a hurtful person Irish is likewise a okay like me .We forever and a day like to buy a the same blouse , shorts , soak & other okay shirts & things . We sometimes mistaken twins 3 because overtime we go shopping were always at the same outfit we love to go with the fashion trends . Sometimes we also have a bath together in our house or sometimes in their house Irish is smaller than me speak up about 3-4 Inches but she Is slender than me She is also strenuous in housewo rk than me . Irish is having a 2 younger sisters & 1 older Brother Named Colleen sky-blue , Mart Emerald & Kurt John .Her mommy bosom gamma Is a teacher and her father Toto arise Is a Security Guard . As rate we are cousin so that every finicky holidays like Christmas & New Year we celebrating it simultaneously Our both(prenominal) family Is very cheerful and I think we have It In our blood Irish Is my REAL scooprides because she Is the unaccompanied one I always share my problems, secrets & my other feelings that want to keep private I cartel her very much . I LOVE her very very much And I always willing to lend a helping hand or give a sympathetic ear to her problems .A best friend Is Like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have . vanquish friend Is the people you know you dont need to let the cat out of the bag to every single day. You dont even need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, Its Like you never stopped talking. Best friend Is the one you force out yet be mad at for so long because you have Important things to tell them. My Bestrides By Jellybeans Irish is smaller than me I think about 3-4 inches but she is slender than me older Brother Named Colleen Sapphire , Maria Emerald & Kurt John .Her mommy TIA gamma is a teacher and her father Toto arise is a Security Guard . As I say we are cousin so that every special holidays like Christmas & New Year e celebrating it simultaneously Our both family is very cheerful and I think we have it in our blood Irish is my REAL bestrides because she is the only one I always share my problems, secrets & my other feelings that I want to keep private I trust her very A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have .Best friend is the people you know you dont need to talk to every single day. You dont even need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, its like you never stopped talking. Best friend is the one you can only be mad at for so long because you have important

Healthy Life Style Essay

Everyone wants a nice levelheaded life-style, and everyone wants to be fit. Being fit and intelligent is very important. Being healthy is the key to lead a happy life. People who are fit, stay fit even when they get old. Living a healthy lifestyle is not too hard, and it pays off. A healthy life style keeps you in shape physically, mentally, and spiritually. legal living has many benefits. A healthy lifestyle keeps you physically strong, reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduces risk of many diseases, and enhances your appearance. numerous studies show that a healthy lifestyle prevents against many diseases, and that leads to a longer life. Having a healthy lifestyle makes you observe good, energetic, fresh, and confident. If someone wants to be happy, he has to have a healthy lifestyle.It is not hard to wait a healthy life. A healthy lifestyle just takes a little diet assure and some exercise. The first step is to be enthusiastic and keep yourself motivated, and joi n a fitness nightspot/gym because it is really hard working out at your residence. At his residence a somebody feels lazy. Join a gym that is close to your residence, so dont feel lazy spill to it. Have a friend workout with you to keep you entertained, so you dont get bored. Go to the gym at least three times a week and workout for forty cinque minutes to one hour, and make a schedule for workout. Do some cardio vascular exercise twice a week for forty minutes.Healthy eating is very important. Eat a protein and fiber all-encompassing meal every three hours. Eating every three hours keeps your metabolism running fast, and that keeps your body from storing fat. taket eat heavy carbohydrate meals right before bed time, and try to eat them in the morning and afternoon. Stay away from sweet and fatty things like doughnuts, cream cookies, cream cakes, sugary deserts, and sugary juices.Once you have a balanced diet, and you have a decent amount of workout, you will feel the differe nce. Watch as your body losses fat, gains muscle, and gains stamina. You will feel fit, relaxed, younger, and you will also have less headaches, less stress, and will find life easy.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Writing The Report Roanoke, Virginia Branch Coursework

Writing The Report Roanoke, Virginia Branch - Coursework Exampled. Employees morale declining day by day- over worked- without salary increment. II. Methods for investigation a. Questionnaires were demoten to designers and copywriters in order to detect their problems. b. Budget review to determine the reason why the company accepted new orders to begin with accomplishing initial orders. c. Employees were interviewed by members of the department. III. Findings. a. Copywriters and designers had issues regarding their department b. The employees were demoralized hence the quality of the products was substandard c. The company had to accept new orders before accomplishing initial ones. IV. Conclusions a. Employees demoralized because they were not compensated for the over time hence low productivity. b. The branch likewise some of its great members. c. The companys reputation got ruined. V. Recommendations. a. Compensation of over time. b. Improved communication indoors the organiz ation. c. Collaboration of designers and copywriters. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO GREGORY S. FOREST FROM HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT ROANOKE BRANCH DATE may 2, 2012 As the vice president of Human Resource Department, I would like to take this opportunity to give you detailed information about Roanoke Branch, situated in Virginia.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

ME Critical Thinking Mod 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ME Critical intellection Mod 5 - Essay ExampleSeveral economists have regarded income inequality as one of the major concerns. Therefore one cannot ignore the importance of alleviation of income inequality to achieve long landmark economic growth. It can even be stated that increases in income inequality in the short term provide lead to decrease in income inequality in the long term. The US government has taken just about initiatives in order to stimulate economic growth of the nation. They have taken the initiative to persuade the underground sector to diagnose investments in green technologies. such type of technologies uses dispirited carbon. Such a form _or_ system of government was followed with the view to restore the trust of the investors through green investments as well as innovation (Grantham look for Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, 2012). The government currently is not in a status to offset the private savings through extra borrowing. But they have the capability to restore the confidence of the investors if they can choose the right instrument with the view to stimulate private investment. Such type of low carbon investments go away surely improve the quality of life by not only creating trouble opportunities but the environment will also reap the benefits of low carbon emission. In order to make the first insurance policy regarding investments in green technologies to be much more successful some initiatives from the ruin of the government like providing some kind of subsidy or relaxation for the investors can be taken. Such actions will act as the incentives for the investors. The loans for students in the country of US are backed by the government. The loans unremarkably carry a fixed rate of touch on but there have been cases where the rates remained naughty in spite of the overall rate being low. It has been expected that the reform on student loans will discourage adults for further education and women were expected to suffer most (Murray, 2012). The policies of student loans do not come along to upgrade the quality of life as the rates of interest is significantly high. The interest rates for the students essential be the same for all and low as well. If the interest rate is high they are not going to opt for the loans and the economy as a whole will suffer. It is necessary to keep the interest rates low and more and more needy students are to be driven under the purview. The forces of globalisation reshaped the global economy. Some of the experts opined that the expanding free muckle policy of the government will open up in the buff jobs opportunities. The exports of the country will find its place in the foreign markets and the competitiveness will get boosted. The policy of free trade and that of trade liberalization will open up more opportunities for the exports of the country and so the policy is expected to be gainful for the economy. There are two folds benefits fro m free trade. The short term advantages include lower consumer prices, wider potential of consumers as well as larger investments in the sector that honor comparative advantage. Thus the dead weight loss is reduced (Department of Business Innovation and Skills, 2012). Free trade has the potential to create expanded markets for the export sector in the long run. Globalization driven by trade has reached by unprecedented pace. It has laid down the path of creating new opportunities that contribute in accelerating economic growth and reduce the level of poverty. Policymakers have clinched the liberalization of trade in course of conviction because such policies seemed to enhance economic