Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Hazardous Disease of Obesity - 1222 Words

Obesity is defined as having excess body fat (CDC). Obesity quickly spreads and is a hazardous disease. Obesity is very different from being overweight. Overweight is just another term for being fat whereas, obesity means that one’s body contains thirty percent or more body fat. (CDC) The term globesity (WHO), was first used by World Health Organization, meaning obesity is affecting a great proportion of Earth’s population. W. H.O. Termed the word globesity because obesity has turned into a global epidemic and is very popular. (WHO)The older humans get the harder it is to lose weight! As one gets older it becomes more difficult to lose weight because ones metabolism slows down.(Allman) When it comes to check someone’s weight, a good way to find out if one is overweight or even obese is to check ones BMI or body mass index. If ones BMI is between twenty-five and twenty-nine, he/she are considered overweight. If ones BMI is, thirty plus then he/she is considered ob ese. (Overweight) Many parents often claim that their child is not overweight and just has a little baby fat. In fact, baby fat often turns into obesity by second-grade and is no longer considered baby fat at the age of five. (Robbins) Twenty-seven percent of America is obese and only thirty-five percent of America holds a normal weight. That leaves an additional thirty-five percent of Americans that are overweight. Over forty million, or one out of three children and teens are overweight or obese. OverShow MoreRelatedObesity Is A Threat For Global Health1724 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Obesity is a major disease which has become a global problem, there are more than 250 million people have body mass index more 30. Obesity is being major concern of the people as it leads to stroke and heart attack. This figure is being spread worldwide thus this has become of the major concerned for world health. The prevalence of the concerned disease is high in number around the world. 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As a result of that affliction, people may suffer ChildhoodRead MoreObesity And Fast Food1444 Words   |  6 PagesDo you know what disease is the second leading cause of deaths after tobacco use in the United States? In the United States, obesity is one of the public health issues that causes thousand of deaths. When a person’s body mass index shows an extremely high number, he or she is considered having obesity. It is important because it is a serious health problem due to mortality and morbidity. In addition, eating many unhealthy food and lacking exercises lead to dangerous chronic illnesses which then leadsRead MoreCauses Of Obesity In Western Countries1251 Words   |  6 Pages Ob esity in Western Countries: Causes and Implications Over the past two-decades obesity has risenn at an alarming rate globally and now is reaching epidemic proportions in the western and industrialized countries†¦ USA. Obesity prevalence in the United states is among the highest globaly as its obesity rate is projected to climb from today’s 30-40% today to a shocking 70% in 20301 . In particular, childhood obesity exhibited the highest growth rate today, tripling the percentage of children overRead MoreShould Changes Be Made to the Regulations for Foods, Served in Public Schools?1058 Words   |  5 Pages Problem 1: Health issues like obesity Health issues like obesity are rampant due to low levels of nutrition in food served in public schools. Childhood obesity is a serious disaster in todays world as it is on the reverse spectrum of as eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa, but still carries with it serious health implications that can affect an individual throughout their lifetime. One specific factor playing a role in childhood obesity is the fact that the food eaten byRead MoreA Brief Note On The Organic Food Industry Essay1308 Words   |  6 PagesOrganic Food Industry.). While heart health 1 in every 4 deaths is the result of heart disease for both men and women (CDC Company. Heart Disease Facts.). In a way 29.1 million people or 9.3% of the population has diabetes (CDC Company. 2014 National Diabetes Statistics Report.). Additionally, adding to the rest more than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese ( Overweight and Obesity Statistics. National Institutes of Healt h). If Colorado wants to reduce health problems

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Why Did Christianity Become So Popular - 822 Words

Christianity is a very broad subject with a very interesting history. How and why did christianity become so popular? There are many factors we can look into. In the following paper we will explore the history of christianity, the bible, Jesus Christ and the evolution of christianity over time. It traces its history to Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant preacher in the area around Jerusalem during the period of Roman occupation, in the early 30s of the Common Era. Its members congregate in a communion of churches headed by bishops, whose role originated with the disciples of Jesus. Over a period of some decades after Jesus life, death, and resurrection, the bishops spread out across the world to form a universal church, with the bishop†¦show more content†¦In His early thirties, Jesus traveled from village to village, teaching in the synagogues and healing those who were suffering. Jesus teaching was revolutionary. He challenged the established religious authorities to repen t from their self-righteousness and hypocrisy and realize that the Kingdom of God is rooted in service and love. Jesus teachings stirred the hearts of people and created instability, something the Jewish religious authorities feared. Soon, a faithful group of men began to follow Jesus and call him teacher. These men became His disciples. Jesus taught His disciples about the will of God and about the new covenant God will bring to humanity through Him. Jesus helped them to see that mankind is bound to the pain and futility of life as a result of sin. Due to sin, mankind lost its relationship with God. The purpose of this new covenant is to restore those who accept it into a renewed fellowship of forgiveness and love with God. What is this new covenant? Jesus himself would pay for the sins of all humanity by being crucified unjustly on a Roman cross. Three days later, He would rise to life, having conquered death, to give hope to a hopeless world. Well, it happened just as Jesus taug ht, and His disciples were witnesses to an amazing miracle. Their teacher, Jesus of Nazareth, died and three days later rose again to become their Messiah. Compelled by a great commission to share theShow MoreRelated Trinity of Beliefs Essay1361 Words   |  6 Pagesunderstand them without first understanding their faith. Which is why when studying the early Western World the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which are all closely related, are examined. All three of these religions are Western, they are monotheistic, and together they form the Abramic religions. Judaism is the oldest, dating from around 2000 BC and the most ancient religion still practiced in todays society; Christianity originates from shortly after the death of Jesus Christ; IslamRead MoreThe Christian Mission Book Review1442 Words   |  6 Pageswork of the Jesuits in China. The western power and missionaries have created bad names for the social/cultural changes or for being connected with colonialism, imperialism, westernity, and modernity mostly by the missionaries. Some say that Christianity has challenged or strengthened the local power. â€Å"Scientific racism† first came up in the 1850s Joseph-Arthur de Gobineu’s book called Essi sur l’inegalite des races humanines. He believed that the African and Asian people could be a part ofRead MoreDifferences Between Christianity And Roman Religion984 Words   |  4 PagesPichel HI 201 Christianity vs. Roman Religion There are many differences between Christianity and Roman religion. There are also similarities between the two of how they both worshipped in a place even if the place was different. Big difference is that they believed in gods and also they had different ways of religious. Roman did not like people turning away from Roman religion, and that caused harsh punishment to Christian to occur. Christianity became popular in Rome is after â€Å"the JesusRead MoreThe Lost but Found Sheep1464 Words   |  6 PagesChristianity. This word brings a lot of mixed thoughts in one’s head especially for those people who do not understand the concept of this religion, such as the people of Rome in early times. â€Å" †¦ And by a distinction between the seasons which is due to God’s arrangement, set aside some for festivals, others for times of sorrow- merely to suit their own inclinations! Who can consider this a proof of religion, and not, rather, of lack of understanding?â⠂¬  (The Epistle to Diognetus) Christianity was seenRead MoreThe World s Largest Religion1291 Words   |  6 Pages Final Exam Essay Christianity is the world’s largest religion (Stark, R. 2012. 494). Currently with around two billion followers worldwide who are focused on Jesus Christ. He lived in the â€Å"Holy Land† known as Israel, two-thousand years ago. Christianity outstandingly has a great reach on the world; Christmas is celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ which has become a government holiday in the United States. Christianity having such a large number of followers is the only religion in the worldRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1609 Words   |  7 Pagesyears of internal problems and neglect for the empire to come to an end. Even from the beginning of the Empire under Augustine Caesar many predicted that Rome wouldn’t last because of the decadent lifestyle of its citizens. Today this view is still popular but many historians have been searching for other reasons to help explain the collapse of one of the world’s greatest empires. The many different views of how t he empire fell range from political incompetence, religious extremism, financial or environmentalRead MoreLost Christianities : The Battles For Scripture And The Faiths We Never Knew1478 Words   |  6 Pagesstories that made it into the Bible are what people see as the foundation of the different denominations of Christianity. However, what a lot of people do not realize is that there are several stories that did not make it into the Bible as well as a few denominations that have become â€Å"forgotten.† Those lost stories and denominations are the focus of Bart Ehrman’s book, Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew. The book was split into three parts and then each partRead MoreThe Origin Of Christianity : Mystery Cults941 Words   |  4 Pages The origin of Christianity begins with mystery cults. These mystery cults were secret rituals where you have to be initiated into the group in order to be a part of the group. These cults believe in the concept of the Afterlife or paradise. In order for an individual to reach the Afterlife, you would have to reach Judgment. There are also intercessors that try to help you reach paradise however most intercessors appeal to the disenfranchised, which means that you do not have a vote. The cult ofRead More Existentialism: Kierkegaard and Nietzsche Essay1126 Words   |  5 PagesKierkegaard and Nietzsche. Soren Kierkegaard’s ideas of existentialism were firmly rooting in his Christianity. This would make sense in light of his college major and at one time feeling a call to serve within the church. Kierkegaard surmised, â€Å"God is infinite and personal†¦ transcendent and imminent, omniscient, sovereign, and good† (Teachme, 1997). Even though his beliefs were rooted in Christianity he believed that man also had the inalienable right to be himself (Teachme, 1997). That is, he hasRead MoreSimilarities Between Imperial Rome And Han China938 Words   |  4 Pagesempires in many ways were also different. One of the things that they differed in was their religion but their religion wasn’t always so different. In early Imperial Rome, their main religion was called socialism. While on the other hand, the Han Dynasty’s main religion was Confucianism. Later on in Imperial Rome their main religion changed from Statism to Christianity in which I will explain how this happened later. Now In many different ways the Han China which lasted from 206 B.C.E to 220 C.E and

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hitorical Theory and Design of Le Corbusier Free Essays

string(130) " the light seaming from the spreads between the ceiling and the walls, and the familial visible radiation from the chapel towers\." Notre-Dame-Du-Haut/ Le Corbusier img alt="http://ad009cdnb.archdaily.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/1288287321-ronchamp-528x352.div class="phdessay__article-cta" We will write a custom essay sample on Hitorical Theory and Design of Le Corbusier or any similar topic only for you Order Now jpg" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/0809992.001.jpg"/ Figure 1 â€Å"The key is light and light illuminates forms and forms have emotional power. By the drama of proportions by the drama of relationships unexpected, amazing†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Le Corbusier[ 1 ] Le Corbusier, besides named as Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, was one of the great European designers in the 20Thursdaycentury and designed legion sums of edifices across the universe although of all Le Corbusier’s spiritual work, those built, or those which remains as thoughts, the Notre-Dame-du-Haut chapel at Ronchamp is both the most well-known and the most cryptic. Its organic signifier, usage of abstract forms, and combination of coloring material, texture, visible radiation, and sound are the major factors towards the modern art of the period. The chapel manner of architecture is known as the International Style, Sculptural Style, Brutalism, and every bit good as Expressionist Modern[ 2 ]. The site is located on the upland at the top of the hill and there is an attack path which ascends from the south E, with trees giving some enclosures to the West and restricting the upland on its western side. The original site had been a popular finish for pilgrims since the thirteenth century. Ronchamp community was little, population of 200, but on the holy yearss of the pilgrim’s journey it can acquire up to the 10 1000s of pilgrims and would deluge the chapel and the surrounding hill. The original chapel of Ronchamp was destroyed in a lightning fire during the 1910s and so was re-built. Then World War Two broke out, the chapel of Ronchamp was destroyed due to the German heavy weapon fires. Father Pierre Marie Alain Couturier was sent to offer Le Corbusier for the undertaking on reconstructing the chapel. Surprisingly, Le Corbusier ab initio refused the committee for this undertaking stating that he did non desire to work for a ‘dead institution’ , perchance because of the resentment that he felt about the Church’s rejection of the Basilica at La Sainte Baume. His helper Andre Wogenscky, a Gallic designer in coaction with Le Corbusier, recorded a conversation in which the Le Corbusier told Father Couturier, the Dominican priest who had such a clear influence on his ritual apprehension, that he had no right to work on the strategy and that they should happen a Catholic designer alternatively. Harmonizing to Wogenscky ; â€Å"Father Couturier explained to him that the determination to inquire Le Corbusier had been taken in full consciousness of the state of affairs, in the cognition that he was non spiritual. Finally, he said: ‘But Le Corbusier, I don’t give a darn about your non being a Catholic. What I need is a great artist†¦ you will accomplish our end far better than if we asked a Catholic designer: he would experience bound to do transcripts of ancient churches’ . Le Corbusier was brooding for a few seconds, and so he said: ‘All right, I accept.’† Andre Wogenscky[ 3 ] The first deduction of â€Å"rough† studies that Le Corbusier did, for the chapel, was to look into the skylines puting about in Ronchamp so the chapel can be fitted in the landscape. And so there are merely four skylines ; to the E, the Ballons d’Alsace ; to the South, a little vale ; to the West, the field of the Saone ; to the North, another little vale and a small town. This gives each facade of the edifice a ground to react to different attitudes: welcoming, observing, service and symbolism. However, the first study of the site was merely a few lines that summarised all of the cardinal elements of the edifice as it was so constructed such as the infinites defined by the curving walls and the form of the roof.â€Å"These characteristics, imbued as they are with a sense of malleability, are declarative of a reclamation of church architecture using architectonic agencies ( in other words, non trusting merely on the inclusion of plants of modern art ) .†[ 4 ] The roof was inspired by the crab-shell – which Le Corbusier had picked up the crab shell on the beach of Long Island in 1946 – though critics have interpreted the inclining curve as forms diverse as a nun ‘s wont or a boat. Its roof sculptural character dramatizes the power and flexibleness of the concrete to unify the organic volumes. A infinite of several centimeters between the shell of the roof and the walls provides a important entry for daytime. This type of planing the roof reflects earlier plants of Le Corbusier’s: frequently, thin piles supported a big lodging block, go forthing the land floor hollow and unfastened. â€Å" Le Corbusier raises the roof for symbolic grounds associating to the Assumption. Levitation is amazing because it denies the Torahs of gravitation. Therefore, by denying our expectations—that roofs remain affiliated to buildings—Le Corbusier signals Ronchamp’s visitants that they are present at a marvelous supernatural event. † img alt="http://www.greatbuildings.com/gbc/images/cid_1213222047_Ronchamp23.jpg" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/0809992.002.jpg"Robert Coombs[ 5 ] Figure 2 The edifice has three towers and three doors, the one to the E for the pilgrims to entree the exterior chapel for mass folds on yearss of pilgrim’s journey. The towers are made of rock masonry and are topped with cement domes. There’s another light gaps in the chapel, which are the signifier of the chapel towers. The thought of the chapel towers is influenced by the studies of the Serapeum of Hadrian’s Villa in 1911, in which the chuckhole at its terminal is dramatically illuminated with visible radiation. The towers appear in the inside as apsiss, settled the enlargements of the room. These white painted apsiss are lighted with indirect visible radiation from above shed thaumaturgy visible radiation over the curving walls. img alt="http://ad009cdnb.archdaily.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/1288307698-ronchamp-elyullo.jpg" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/0809992.003.jpg"The light creates the consequence of enclosed infinite. Although the inside is non to the full illuminated, as it is, for illustration, the Jubilee Church by Richard Meier. The difference between the comparing of Notre-Dame-du-Haut and the Jubilee Church is the sum of visible radiation that pollutes the country. The Jubilee Church has both facade of north and south covered with glass panels leting the full strength of the natural visible radiation in the church whereas the Notre-Dame-du-Haut merely allows the light seaming from the spreads between the ceiling and the walls, and the familial visible radiation from the chapel towers. You read "Hitorical Theory and Design of Le Corbusier" in category "Essay examples" In footings of contrast, the Notre-Dame-du-Haut is dark, as some Gothic churches, foregrounding th e drama of visible radiation and underscoring the sanctity of the infinite. Figure 3 Light is a symbol of faith so in the past architectural designs of the Gothic churches took this construct to the extreme as visible radiation is one of the most of import component of any spiritual construction and besides it gives the infinite an aeriform quality. The type of visible radiation joined with verticalness of the infinite produce an ambiance of Highness, lift and magnificence, and this method of utilizing visible radiation has influenced the other designers such as Kenzo Tange in his Tokyo Cathedral and Tadao Ando in his Church of Light, for illustration. The similarity between the Notre-Dame-du-Haut, Tokyo Cathedral and Church of Light is that they all relied on deriving the natural visible radiation, whereas the visible radiation is its supporter. img alt="http://ad009cdnb.archdaily.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/1288287366-ronchamp-pieter-morlion-528x352.jpg" src="https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aaimagestore/essays/0809992.004.jpg"Another beginning of visible radiation is from the South wall, where the visible radiation penetrates through the little ports covered with stained colored glass that cast a great trade of reflected visible radiation into the dim room and from the outside these ports seemed to be merely bantam Windowss, but inside they open up into big white ports. The form of the ports in the midst wall is cut implicitly and widen, leting the visible radiation to gently melt indoors. Thus this shows that the visible radiation is in the laterality of the inside in the chapel and the visible radiation is its faith. Figure 4 The walls around the interior act as acoustic amplifiers, particularly in the instance of the eastern outside wall that echoes the sound out over the field from the out-of-door communion table moving as the speaker unit for the standing pilgrims. Le Corbusier wrote that the signifier of the chapel was designed in order to make the ‘psycho-physiology of the feelings’ , but non to carry through the demands of faith.â€Å"As in the Basilica at La Sainte Baume, it was Le Corbusier’s purpose to make full each visitant to Ronchamp with a sense of the transforming and renewing power of harmoniousness, as manifested through coloring material, sound and signifier in the belief that it was possible to alter behavior through impacting the feelings.†[ 6 ]Sound would play a critical function in transporting a sense of harmoniousness. The Chapel’s beginning is its laterality, the music – ‘music and architecture’ in Le Corbusier’s positio n ‘being two humanistic disciplines really near in their highest manifestations’ . It was Le Corbusier’s purpose that here ; â€Å"They will be able to do unbelievable music, an incredible sound when they have twelve thousand sand people outside with amplifiers. I said to the priest, ‘you should acquire rid of the sort of music played by an old amah on an old organ – that’s out of melody – and alternatively hold music composed for the church, something new, non sad music, a loud noise, an unhallowed din’ . Le Corbusier[ 7 ] The outside of the chapel and the milieus are both united in such a manner that the landscape is called in to lend in the religious work of architecture. From a distance, the pilgrims can see the white tower lodging out of the forests and the more the pilgrims climb up the hill the more of the white walls of the chapel will be revealed and this type of path is influenced by the path to the Parthenon, a temple in Athens. Knowing the fact that Le Corbusier was brought up as a Protestant and in ulterior life adhered to no peculiar religion but Le Corbusier stated:â€Å"I have non experienced the miracle of religion but I have frequently known the miracle of unexpressible infinite, the ideal of plastic emotion†[ 8 ], transforming spiritual architecture into the material of his modern architectural vision. Shortly before the dedication in the summer of 1955, Alfred Canet, who was the secretary for the local edifice commission, wrote to Le Corbusier, stating that a little brochure was to be prepared for the gap, explicating the narrative of the edifice. He asked the designer for a statement, but the answer was indirect, inquiring Canet alternatively to make the account of the 5th volume ofOeuvre complete; â€Å"I have no more complete account to give, since the chapel will be before the really eyes of those who buy the brochure. That is better than most facile speech† . Le Corbusier[ 9 ] Ronchamp has ever troubled international architectural critics particularly Modernists and Rationalists. Its popularity and profusion of degrees of communicating merely swamp expostulations about its aberrance from Modern Movement beliefs about truth to stuffs. In his ain testimonies, Le Corbusier recognised that it was an exceeding brief:‘1950-55. Autonomy: Ronchamp. A wholly free architecture. No programme other than the jubilation of the Mass – one of the oldest of human establishments. One respectable personality was ever present – the landscape, the four skylines. They were the 1s in command†¦a pilgrim’s journey topographic point on specific yearss, but besides a topographic point of pilgrim’s journey for persons, coming from the four skylines, coming by auto, train and airplane.Everyone’s traveling to Ronchamp.’[ 10 ]( L.C. , Textes et Dessins pour Ronchamp ) . Charles Jencks ( an American architecture theoretician and critic ) considers that the Notre-Dame-du-Haut was the first edifice with the Post-Modernism manner and has caused jobs for Modernists and Positivists such as Nikolaus Pevsner ( a British historiographer of architecture ) , quoted ; â€Å"The edifice that blew apart the Modernist colony was Le Corbusier’s bantam church at Ronchamp, designed in 1950 and opened in 1955. This really first Post-Modern iconic edifice drew an iconoclastic tantrum of gunshot from every side, particularly fastidious Modernists and Positivists such as Nikolaus Pevsner. They looked on every aberrance from the right-angle as a sin.† Charles Jencks[ 11 ] The citation described the Notre-Dame-du-Haut as the edifice with no right-angles in every â€Å"corner† . Modernism architecture follows a â€Å"form follows function† and â€Å"truth to materials† impression, intending that the consequence of the design should come from its intent and that none of the stuffs should seek and be concealed as something else. Although Post-Modernism follows same doctrine but uses more cylindrical and unprompted forms opposed to purely rectangles, and horizontal/vertical lines. Within the twelvemonth of the dedication, James Stirling wrote the evasive remark sing the Modernism and Post-Modernism of the Notre-Dame-du-Haut chapel ; â€Å"It may be considered that the Ronchamp Chapel being a ‘pure look of poetry’ and the symbol of an ancient rite, should non hence be criticised by the principle of the modern motion. Remember nevertheless that it is a merchandise of Europe’s greatest designer. It is of import to see whether the edifice should act upon the class of modern architecture†¦ , and surely the signifiers which have developed from the principle of the limited political orientation of the modern motion are being mannerised and changed in a witting imperfectionism† James Stirling[ 12 ] Two months after the completion of Ronchamp in June 1955, Le Corbusier wrote letters to Alfred Canet, the cure , and Marcellin Carraud, a attorney from Vesoul and a outstanding member of the local edifice commission and the words scribed are more than the common courtesy of an designer composing to his client ; â€Å"After being off for two months I greet you and inquire if you are pleased. It seems that after all this great attempt by a batch of people things have succeeded. You are doing a base, defying a great many assaults and answering to a great many inquiries. You must hold been worried at times. However you have been one of the brave people in the escapade. I wanted to state thank you to you, for Notre-Dame-du-Haut is understanding and that of the Committee this roseola endeavor could hold come up against the obstacle† Letter from Le Corbusier to his client[ 13 ] Giving some grounds why Le Corbusier was chosen as the designer, a member of community, Father Belaud, has explained ;â€Å"Why? For the beauty of the monastery to be born of class. But above all for the significance of this beauty. It was necessary to demo that supplication and spiritual life are non bound to conventional signifiers, and that harmoniousness can be struck between them and the most modern architecture, supplying that the latter should be capable of exceeding itself.†[ 14 ] Bibliography [ 1 ] – Geoffrey H. Baker ( 1984 ) . Le Corbusier An Analysis of Form. Hong Kong: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Page 211. [ 2 ] – Bonbon. ( 2003 ) . Notre Dame Du Haut. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //everything2.com/user/Bonbon/writeups/Notre+Dame+Du+Haut. Last accessed 10th February 2014. [ 3 ] – Flora Samuel ( 2004 ) . Le Corbusier Architect and Feminist. Great Britain: John Wiley A ; Sons Ltd. Page 119. [ 4 ] – Arthur Ruegg ( 1999 ) . Le Corbusier. Switzerland: Birkhauser. Page 103. [ 5 ] – Bonbon. ( 2003 ) . Notre Dame Du Haut. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //everything2.com/user/Bonbon/writeups/Notre+Dame+Du+Haut. Last accessed 10th February 2014. [ 6 ] – Flora Samuel ( 2004 ) . Le Corbusier Architect and Feminist. Great Britain: John Wiley A ; Sons Ltd. Page 119. [ 7 ] – Flora Samuel ( 2004 ) . Le Corbusier Architect and Feminist. Great Britain: John Wiley A ; Sons Ltd. Page 120. [ 8 ] – Le Corbusier ( 2000 ) . The Modulor. Germany: Birkhauser. Page 32. [ 9 ] – Russell Walden ( 1977 ) . The Open Hand Essays. USA: MIT. Page 300. [ 10 ] – Michael Raeburn and Victoria Wilson ( 1987 ) . Le Corbusier Architect of the Century. Great Britain: Susan Ferleger Brades with Muriel Walker. Page 249. [ 11 ] – Charles Jencks ( 2012 ) . The Story of Post-Modernism: Five Decade of the Ironic, Iconic and Critical in Architecture. Great Britain: John Wiley A ; Sons Ltd. Page 187. [ 12 ] – James Stirling ( 1956 ) . Le Corbusier in Perspective. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.arranz.net/web.arch-mag.com/5/recy/recy1t.html. Last accessed 10th February 2014. [ 13 ] – Russell Walden ( 1977 ) . The Open Hand Essays. USA: MIT. Page 301. [ 14 ] – Geoffrey H. Baker ( 1984 ) . Le Corbusier An Analysis of Form. Hong Kong: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Page 212. Illustrations [ Figure 1 ] – Notre Dame Du Haut Front Facade ( hypertext transfer protocol: //ad009cdnb.archdaily.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/1288287321-ronchamp-528Ãâ€"352.jpg ) [ Figure 2 ] – Notre Dame Du Haut Interior confronting East Wall ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.greatbuildings.com/gbc/images/cid_1213222047_Ronchamp23.jpg ) [ Figure 3 ] – Notre Dame Du Haut Aspe ( hypertext transfer protocol: //ad009cdnb.archdaily.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/1288307698-ronchamp-elyullo.jpg ) [ Figure 4 ] – Notre Dame Du Haut Interior confronting South Wall ( hypertext transfer protocol: //ad009cdnb.archdaily.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/1288287366-ronchamp-pieter-morlion-528Ãâ€"352.jpg ) 1 How to cite Hitorical Theory and Design of Le Corbusier, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Strategy and Leadership of Organisation

Question: Describe about the Organizational Strategy and Leadership Answer: Introduction: An organization is always defined by its mission, goals and objectives that need to be clearly provided in the organizational context. It should be clearly understood in terms of its business which is provided by the organization. Organizational Strategy can be defined as detailed assessment of tasks that is to be done and that has to be assimilated with proper planning and executing the plans thereof. There has to be a strategy that could state a benchmark for organizational effectiveness. Organizational strategy also involves implementation and evaluation of the strategies and to build on the weaknesses thereof (BusinessDictionary.com, 2015). Organizational strategy helps to achieve the objectives of an organization and also allocates resources to implement them. Leadership is a part of the Human Resource aspect where a leader takes initiatives to build on the accomplishment of task. A leader is a person who is followed in an organization by other employees. A leader has the ability to understand organizations strategic goals and can link daily performance to long term perspectives. A leader should also possess the ability of developing strategies to support the mission of the company (Jstor.org, 2015). Company profile of APPLE: Apple Inc. is a leading mobile communications company that was initiated in the year 1977 on 3rd January by Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs. This company basically deals with designing and manufacturing of mobiles, personal computers, laptops, media devices, software services, peripherals. Some of its products include iPod, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Tv and other software applications based on OS and iOS. It also provides with various accessories and service support offerings. The company is headquarterd in Cupertino, California. In 1980 Apple II was introduced in the market for higher prospects in the market. Apple was tried to come up with Apple III but it failed because it could not compete with IBM. Apple was the first company to launch mouse driven computer called Macintosh. But it could not perform well and Apple lost its hold from the market (Apple, 2015). In 1998 Apple launched a new computer called IMac which gave a huge impact to the company and sold 800,000 units within five months instantly. Later on they came up with digital music player called Iphone. Today Apple has 317 retail stores that consist of 233 stores in the US and 84 stores across other parts of world. It is also drawn that Apple consists of 34300 full time employees through Apple 2010 Annual report. Analyzing Business Strategy and External Environment When we discuss about an organizations business strategy we discuss about the progress, faults and success of Apple Inc and evaluate them on the basis of SWOT analysis. SWOT Analysis: Strengths: This relates to the capability of the company of using its resources, products and capabilities effectively in the market environment. One of the biggest strength of Apple is that it has able to position its brand name globally in the market in spite of presence of tough competition from the challengers. Apple has positioned itself to be the only brand developing products that are updated with latest fashion and technology. For example it introduced mobile iPhone , MAC and Ipad and Ipod in this industry. Apple is one of the companies that provide original hardware in the market for manufacturing its own products. This company develops its own internal subparts and other components to launch a product in the market. Apple cater to receive high customer satisfaction because of delivering very high end products in the market. Apple works with a strong Research and Development team (RD) who uses eco friendly techniques to develop a product. Inspite of highly priced the company has a strong preference in the minds of its customers who are loyal to the company. Weaknesses: There is a tough competition in the market from its competitors who are producing similar tablets, mobiles and computers. Therefore it is a weakness for the company that they have to deliver their best and maintain consistency. The company also failed to promote two of their products, one is Mac Mini and the other is Apple TV. Even it is a weakness that Iphone mobile is a single network operator gadget in this industry. Pricing is a very important aspect for Apple as all customers cannot cater to premium rated products for luxury means (Jurevicius, 2015). Opportunity: One of The biggest opportunities for the company is that the company is under telecom sector which in todays world is constantly growing and developing. Thus it helps in creating high demand for its products and services. Apple has taken initiatives to launch eco friendly and energy saving products in the market. Apple has also introduced new line of products in the market for price conscious customers. Intel chip has been introduced with operating system to develop iTunes and music player technology to venture into the software technology as well. Threats: Apple is facing enormous threat from its competitor like Dell, IBM, Samsung, HTC, Nokia etc in Indian and international markets as well. The company is also facing a threat of substitute products because taste and preference of the consumers are changing rapidly. Introducing new regulations and rise in the rate of trade barriers are also imposing threats to the company as a whole. There is a chance of global recession which can leverage as a threat to the company. PEST factors of Apple: Political: Half of the companys sales of their products and services come from America. We can infer that there are bad political relations between US and other countries which could provide bad output to the company. It was concluded that 52% of sales were not within America. Also we know that Apple produces many of its products which is not within USA. There were issues of political conflicts among places like Korea, Ireland, and China etc. Economic: UK has the worlds economic power in terms of prices going high and low. Therefore Apple got the added advantage with three main important factors: recession, currency and inflation. Customers gave low importance to Apples products because it was highly priced and catered to business level people of the world who could afford them. Also the value of US dollar keeps on fluctuating in the market therefore the economic effects on the company can be minimized. The economic depression can also pose an impact on the sales turnover and it could hinder the improvements of the company as a whole. Apple could increase its revenue only because the prices of dollar have gone down in current market scenario. Socio-Cultural: With globalization Apple has been able to socialize itself around the world. Today because of latest technology Apple has able to withstand its current position as one of the leading brands in the market. Apple has also penetrated its brand into the music segment and cyber world which is a very essential part in everyones life. There are classic examples of leaders from all over the worlds who portrays Apple as a class apart brand in individuals mind. Also recently the purchasing power of people have gone up which have shifted the peoples preference over Apple most likely. Thus Apple is considered as a status symbol in todays world (Ukessays.com, 2015). Technological: Apple needs to keep its pace along with its competitors and continuously upgrade their products with the latest technology. Over the past years Apples technologic al environment has synonymously increased in the globalized market. Today people give more preference over the latest modern gadgets and this factor is continuously encouraging the competitors for further improvement and Apple is doing so. Moreover Apple is sitting with most strong Research and Development team which no other brand has. There are well known engineers, technical personnel and IT professionals associated with this brand since years. Leadership and People Theories: Leaders associated with this company are considered to be major risk takers. They have the vision to account for companys profitability and hold a strong presence over emotional stability. They are adapted to change and are very highly focused in their work and open to experience such challenges easily. They are passionate towards their work and are fully dedicated to give best to the company. Analyzing the resources and capabilities of the company: The company discussed upon has a very healthy bunch of resources. Apple Inc. has many resources tangible as well as intangible. The resources that accounts for tangible resources are:1. The Human Resource: The human resource of the company comprises of the world class people with a great deal of experience as well as expertise in the job. Apple is known for its excellent design and its innovative and creative engineers.2. The hardware: The hardware that they use in their gadgets have brilliant show and its beauty adds to the value of the software that they use.3. The Software: Apple is known for the sophistication of its software, which is not available anywhere in any product. The software is of immense quality and has a long lasting feature without any corruption.4. Retail stores: Apple has many stores worldwide; these stores carry forward its reputation and make it more popular amongst the customers (Inc.com, 2015).Intangible Resources:1. Expertise of the employees: The employees of Apple Inc. are world-class engineers and developers who have innovation and creativity in mind. They design all the products in such a fashion, which can never be created by any other company. The company takes the pride of being the seller of the most beautiful gadgets in the world.2. Powerful Brand image: The name of the company is its biggest asset. The company is known in every nook and corner of the world. It is matter of high pride to own a Apple gadget.3. Customer Database: Customer is a matter of high priority to the company. They take care of the employees and maintain a strong database. They have outsourced the customer care facility available to the customers. So that the queries of the customers are solved very easily and they dont face much problem with the product.4. Unique design capability: As mentioned above the company manufactures very stylish and strong gadgets. These gadgets are well known in the world for their unique designs and these are why they have cult customers. These customers do not buy any other product once they start using Apple gadgets.5. Cash: The gadgets are the most expensive gadgets in the market. It is as if they sell value, some sort of state of art, which has no match with any other gadget. The company has generated huge revenue in the last one decade. The buying capacity of the people has increased and luxuries are dwelling in all sections now. People tend to buy products that are more luxurious and maintain standards. The internal capacities of the company: These threshold internal capabilities have made Apple the most desirable product in the market. In the absence of these capabilities, it is impossible for any company to exist in the market. Apple has the smartest engineers of the world. The unique style of the ex-CEO and founder of the company Mr. Steve Jobs has curved a different way to manufacture the products. The products are not only very beautiful but also very competent. The company itself designs the software. The engineers have produced products like OS X operating system. The products like iphone and ipod exploded in the market, the Macs are the excellent personal computers in the world. The Apple app has more than 300,000 applications in the app store. Apple store located anywhere are its distribution centres as well as they act as advertisements. The stores are wonderful place and they bring the best to the customers. Apple retail stores are the main sources of their success. Competitive edge of the company: The unique capabilities make the company gain an edge over other companies in the market. Other resources matter to the company but the core competency of unique designing makes Apple very desirable in the market. They target upper segment of the market who can afford it. Apple has its prime focus on the quality and demarcation for attractive products. The functionality of the products goes through many tests and the company spends a lot of capital in Research and development. Innovation with quality is the main objective of the company. Some years back Motorola, Nokia, Samsung acquired the cell phone market, but when Apple hit the market with its innovative products, the shine of all other product faded away. Apple creates more value to its customers and enhances the market growth with its product and services (Contents, 2015). Acquisition and Alliances of Apple Inc.: Apple has acquired as many as 21 companies till now. The companies that it acquires are mostly software companies. The company believes in developing technology within the house and takes no risk joined with integration of other companies. It is necessary for the company to believe in acquisition because they are producing more technologically advanced products. The reasons of strategic alliances of Apple are to gain knowledge from its competitors, managing the risks involved and to exploit the economies of scales. Apple also has its alliance with ATand T in the production of the Apple iphone. There were risks involved in the alliance of maintaining secrecy but the companies took the alliances and the market exploded with those beautiful and mind blowing phones. Market also saw the strategic alliance of Apple and Microsoft in developing software for Mac books on which Apple offered to put internet explorer to its computers. Apple also has its alliances with Intel for their core proce ssors into their products. It was for those customers who preferred Intel over windows processors. In the year 2004, Apple started its alliance with Hewlett Packard and developed software for its ipods. That software is itunes (Merriam-webster.com, 2015). Conclusion: After doing this intense study on the competitive strategy of Apple Inc. it is seen that the company does every possible function to make the product look very beautiful and technologically advanced. These products are much received and it has an inbound capability to produce cult customers. These customers do not go to any other product in the market once they start using the apple products. The apple product is a chain of values that are sold in the market. People are ready to buy the product with a high value, much more than all other competitors product. The customers find a satisfaction that no other product can deliver. The deliverance of the product is so high that it serves more than what is expected. Meeting the customer`s expectation is what the company does. The high end products of apple are targeted for the esteemed class of the society who are ready to pay the price for its functioning. The future of the company is assumed beautiful and successful. It has many alliances and acquisitions that have helped to come up with some of the best and innovative products of the world. The best part of Apple is that it believes in learning, learning with every pace. The company does not believe in stagnancy and is always in motion of its development. The development of Apple Inc is motivated and influenced by the leadership of its Ex-CEO and founder Mr. Steve Jobs. References: Apple, (2015).Apple (India). [online] Available at: https://www.apple.com/in/ [Accessed 18 Feb. 2015]. BusinessDictionary.com, (2015).What is organizational strategy? definition and meaning. [online] Available at: https://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/organizational-strategy.html [Accessed 18 Feb. 2015]. Chandler, A., Hagstrom, P. and Solvell, O. (1998).The dynamic firm. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Contents, S. (2015).Strategic Analysis of Apple Inc. Table of Contents. [online] Academia.edu. Available at: https://www.academia.edu/7023858/Strategic_Analysis_of_Apple_Inc._Table_of_Contents [Accessed 18 Feb. 2015]. Inc.com, (2015).Welcome to Inc.com. [online] Available at: https://www.inc.com/welcome.html?destination=https://www.inc.com/karl-and-bill/3-strategies-to-adopt-from-apple.html [Accessed 18 Feb. 2015]. Jstor.org, (2015).Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process on JSTOR. [online] Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/257544?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents [Accessed 18 Feb. 2015]. Jurevicius, O. (2015).Apple SWOT analysis 2015 | Strategic Management Insight. [online] Strategicmanagementinsight.com. Available at: https://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/products/swot-analyses/apple-swot-analysis-2014.html [Accessed 18 Feb. 2015]. Merriam-webster.com, (2015).Definition of Acquisition. [online] Available at: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/acquisition [Accessed 18 Feb. 2015]. Ukessays.com, (2015).PESTEL five forces and SWOT analysis of Apple. [online] Available at: https://www.ukessays.com/essays/marketing/pestel-five-forces-and-swot-analysis-of-apple-marketing-essay.php [Accessed 18 Feb. 2015].

Friday, November 29, 2019

Technology Innovation The Theft Prevention Chip Enterprise

Introduction The present world has witnessed increased competition, which has initiated pronounced levels of marketing, and consumer-focused approach in business. Consequently, increasing instances of insecurity and theft amplify the need to have effective theft prevention services.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Technology Innovation: The Theft Prevention Chip Enterprise specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite the fact that several service providers provide tracking services, few focus on personal properties such as laptops, phones, or wallets.  The Theft Prevention Chip enterprise is an enterprise that provides security services using an application customized in a smartphone. Remarkably, the application customized in a smartphone of individuals raises an alarm when one takes the property away from the device. The competitive environment of security service providers using the application is less c hallenging, but it is subject to the determinants posed by Porter’s five forces model. Therefore, the research paper describes the competitive environment of the technology innovation named Theft Prevention Chip, which is customized for Smartphone application. Overview of a Competitive Environment A competitive environment represents the environment within which a business operates and the level of competition evident in the subject location. Business outlets, which sell similar or substitute products usually determine the magnitude of competition in a region. As such, an increase in the number of sellers in a region leads to a high competition in the competitive environment. Consequently, when the outlets selling similar or substitute products are few, the level of competition in the environment is minimal. Blythe (2013) explains that competitive environment depends on the number of competitors present in a given market. Therefore, in the context of a Theft Prevention Chip, the competitors represent those businesses that offer similar or substitute goods or services. The business outlets determine the competitive environment within which the business selling the security chips operate. Competitive Environment of Theft Prevention Chip Enterprise Theft prevention service is a business that modern consumers are increasingly demanding. The rising cases of theft, especially of personal properties such as wallets, phones, and laptops, amplify the essence of the service in contemporary societies. Notably, the current marketing environment is not competitive since few companies provide the service. As such, the implication of the service providers in the marketing environment is minimal because few service providers, which provide theft prevention chips, dictate the competitive environment. By providing theft prevention chips that produce alarms when the property moves away from the customized Smartphone, individuals enjoy enhanced security for their personal properties. While some companies pose as direct competitors for the Theft Prevention Chip business, others are indirect competitors.Advertising Looking for research paper on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Direct Competitors The competitive environment associated with service providers that provide theft prevention chips is minimal. While several companies provide tracking services, their services focus on fleet management and single properties. Therefore, the companies secure properties that have their GPS trackers (Orthmann Hess, 2012). Consequently, mobile companies such as Samsung, Techno, Apple, and Nokia put trackers in their smartphones, which protect them from theft. In as much as these companies provide theft prevention services for singular properties or fleets, they pose as direct competitors for the Theft Prevention Chip business. Direct competition is evident because some companies offering flee t GPS tracking services have diversified to incorporate security of the personal property.  Companies such as LiveViewGps have diversified and currently provide theft prevention services of the personal property using customized chips. Moreover, companies such as SpyBike and BikeSpike are among the major direct competitors for the Theft Prevention Chip service provider. Although the present services offered by SpyBike and BikeSpike are focused on bikes, there is a tendency that they may diversify in future and provide theft prevention services on other personal belongings. Pride (2004) asserts that direct competition leads to selection of a product over another offered by competitors in the marketing environment. Therefore, by choosing security services from companies such as LiveViewGps or SpyBike, consumers forego services from the Theft Prevention Chip service provider. Indirect Competitors Indirect competition is another type of competition, which is evident in a competitive e nvironment dictated by service providers offering theft prevention services. Unlike the direct competition, indirect competitors compete with the Theft Prevention service provider by offering substitute services to the consumers. In Pride (2003) explanation, indirect competitors offer substitutes over the actual products. As such, consumers choose the services from indirect competitors and substitute them with those of the Theft Prevention Chip service provider. Some of the indirect competitors for the service provider include companies, which provide credit cards, locks, and customized alarms. By providing credit cards, indirect competitors minimize the contents of a wallet and cash that one carries. The implication of minimized contents and cash in a wallet leads to decreased instances of theft. Consequently, by offering good locks, which are superior quality, individuals can leave properties such as laptops in their vehicles or areas that have the locks without the worry of theft .Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Technology Innovation: The Theft Prevention Chip Enterprise specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Orthmann and Hess (2012) elaborate that customized alarms, which work on locks or cars, are also some of the services that pose indirect competition for the Theft Prevention Chip enterprise. The indirect competition takes place because potential consumers of the enterprise may opt to have the alarms installed in their cars or locks so that they can reduce instances of theft on their personal belongings. Determinants of the Competitive Environment The competitive environment of security service providers is highly dependent on the marketing microenvironment. Porter’s five forces model provides an in-depth elaboration of these determinants. The determinants comprise threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products, as well as bargaining power of buyers and suppliers. S ervice providers, which offer security services to clients, need to be aware of the forces and their effect on their operations. For instance, an increase in the number of service providers offering theft prevention chips means that the competitive environment heightens. According to Elkarmi and AbuShikhah (2012), an increase in the number of service providers is a concept represented by the threat of new entrants. Moreover, the Theft Prevention Chip enterprise needs to understand that the competitive environment is subject to substitutes, which are trendy and dynamic. The concept representing the determinant is the threat of substitutes. As such, the enterprise needs to be on the lookout for substitutes posed by indirect competitors in the market. It is fundamental to highlight that Porter’s five forces model is essential in understanding the determinants that affect the competitive environment of Theft Prevention Chip enterprises. Conclusion The competitive environment is a very important concept that businesses cannot underscore in their operations. In addition, Porter’s five forces model is requisite in understanding the determinants that affect the competitive environment. Businesses need to understand the concept and the model so that they provide products that are in line with the environment. Theft prevention chips are very important in security, and thus, the introduction of a business selling the chips can lead to high returns if the business utilizes the concept and the model effectively. With a good understanding of the competitive environment concept, the business can outsmart its competitors and increase its consumer baseAdvertising Looking for research paper on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Blythe, J. (2013). Consumer Behaviour: SAGE Publications. New York: SAGE  Publications. Elkarmi, F., AbuShikhah, N. (2012). Power System Planning Technologies and  Applications: Concepts Solutions, and Management. Hershey: Engineering Science. Orthmann, C., Hess, K. (2012). Criminal Investigation. New York: Cengage Learning. Pride, W. (2004). Marketing. New York: Cengage Learning. This research paper on Technology Innovation: The Theft Prevention Chip Enterprise was written and submitted by user Asher Sheppard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Qué hacer en cita migratoria cuando no se habla inglés

Quà © hacer en cita migratoria cuando no se habla inglà ©s Si no se siente cà ³modo hablando en inglà ©s y tiene que realizar alguna gestià ³n migratoria en ese idioma o presentarse a una entrevista o vista no se preocupe, ya que existen soluciones sencillas segà ºn el caso. Este artà ­culo trata de cà ³mo resolver el problema del poco conocimiento de inglà ©s que puede surgir en  cuatro situaciones: traduccià ³n de documentos al inglà ©scitacià ³n ante el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)citacià ³n para una Corte migratoriay cita para entrevista en un consulado o Embajada de los Estados Unidos en otro paà ­s. Cà ³mo traducir un documento al inglà ©s para el USCIS o un consulado Excepto en los casos muy concretos en los que se pide una traduccià ³n realizada por un traductor jurado y/o notarizada es suficiente una traduccià ³n certificada.   Esto quiere decir que es buena una realizada por cualquier persona que habla y escribe con fluidez el inglà ©s y el idioma del que traduce, generalmente el espaà ±ol. Este es un modelo de carta que se puede seguir para certificar dicha traduccià ³n. Esto es importante porque puede facilitar importante ahorro de dinero. Cita en una oficina del USCIS cuando no se habla bien inglà ©s Son muchos los ejemplos en los que el USICS puede citar para una entrevista. Como por ejemplo: Residencia permanente definitiva o condicional, en este caso por razà ³n de matrimonio.Entrevista por caso de  AsiloExamen para adquirir la ciudadanà ­a americana por naturalizacià ³n en los casos muy concretos en los que al solicitante se le permite rendir el examen en su idioma materno y no en inglà ©s, etc En estos casos, aunque puede que el oficial a cargo de un caso sea bilingà ¼e, eso no tiene que ser necesariamente asà ­. El USCIS no proporciona intà ©rpretes para traducir del espaà ±ol al inglà ©s y viceversa. Por esta razà ³n si se ha sido citado y no se siente cà ³modo hablando en inglà ©s, usted puede llevar a un intà ©rprete para que traduzca las preguntas y tambià ©n sus respuestas. El USCIS permite realizar la labor de intà ©rprete para las entrevistas a: Un familiar o amigo del entrevistado siempre que tenga  un conocimiento alto en los dos idiomas.Un traductor profesional. Los hay incluso con la especialidad de asistir a ese tipo de entrevistas a los que, là ³gicamente, hay que pagar por sus servicios profesionales. Lo ms conveniente es que el traductor sea un ciudadano americano o un residente permanente legal, y no un amigo que est en Estados Unidos temporalmente con una visa de turista, por ejemplo. Ya que en estos casos es posible que el oficial de inmigracià ³n decida que no lo acepta como intà ©rprete. Asimismo, los inmigrantes indocumentados deben abstenerse de pisar voluntariamente un edificio federal, particularmente los de inmigracià ³n, ya que pueden ser detenidos. Por lo tanto, no es conveniente que brinden sus servicios de traductor a un familiar o amigo. Adems,   otro requisito es que la persona que ha de traducir del inglà ©s al espaà ±ol y viceversa tiene que tener como mà ­nimo los 18 aà ±os de edad cumplidos. Por à ºltimo, tener en cuenta que aunque no hay una regla definitiva sobre el asunto, lo cierto es que en los casos de entrevistas a matrimonios el oficial de inmigracià ³n puede no permitir que un esposo bilingà ¼e traduzca para el que no habla inglà ©s. La razà ³n es que harà ­a ms difà ­cil detectar si se trata de un matrimonio de conveniencia. Cuando se tiene una cita en una Corte de Inmigracià ³n En este caso, la Corte sà ­ que brinda un servicio gratuito de intà ©rpretes. Es posible que la persona que va a realizar este servicio està © presente en la sala o, muy probablemente, està © en otra parte y la comunicacià ³n se tenga que realizar por telà ©fono. Por el contrario, las cortes migratorias no facilitan la presencia de abogados de oficio para defender a los migrantes. Son estos los que deben procurarse uno o defenderse a sà ­ mismos, quedando claro que las estadà ­sticas demuestran que hay una gran diferencia en resultados siendo mejores cuando los migrantes son representados por abogados. Cuando se est detenido o arrestado por autoridades migratorias Es muy importante no firmar ningà ºn documento que no se entienda. Este es un derecho de todas las personas, incluidos los migrantes indocumentados. Si hay algo que no se entiende, solicitar un abogado.   Entrevista en consulados y embajadas No es necesario llevar traductor ni a las entrevistas para solicitar visas no inmigrante como a las de visas de inmigrante. La razà ³n es que todos  los consulados y Embajadas de los Estados Unidos cuentan con trabajadores bilingà ¼es. En resumen, la falta de conocimiento de inglà ©s se puede arreglar de las formas explicadas en este artà ­culo. Este artà ­culo es sà ³lo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago Assignment

Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago - Assignment Example Sara, and Li, Hu, which is titled â€Å"Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago† and published in Advances in anthropology 1.2 (2011): 19-25. The article explores the origin and diversification of East Asian populations, specifically the Japanese people. The origin of the current population on the island of Japan remains unclear to date (Ding et al. 1). According to archeological evidence, â€Å"there might have been two waves of migration to the Japanese archipelago in prehistory: the Paleolithic and Neolithic Jomonese and the Aeneolithic Yayoiese† (Ding et al. 1). However, Ding et al. affirm that the contributions of these two groups to the â€Å"contemporary Japanese population remain unclear† (1). Ding et al.’s work anticipates providing evidence from human genetics as a new approach to addressing this topic. Ding et al.’s research specifically examines the Japanese human population, a key contributor to East Asian population s. The migration of the Japanese population to their present island remains debatable, a feature that inspired Ding et al. to carry out this research. The investigation carried out by Ding et al. anticipates shading more light on the origin of the Japanese population. Japan forms a substantial proportion of the East Asian population. Controversy still rages as to how the Japan population arose. Two major waves of migration to the Japanese archipelago in prehistory have been proposed. Despite the fact that other theories exist, this research focused on the two major ones. â€Å"The first wave of migration began 50,000 years BP and reached a climax about 10,000 years BP, giving rise to the Jomonese culture† (qtd. in Hisao et al., 1998 ). Considered as the most recent, â€Å"a second wave of migration traveled to the Japanese archipelago at 23,000 years BP, giving rise to the Yayoi culture† (Ding et al. 1). According to fossil records and human remains, the Yayoiese appar ently dominated the Japanese archipelago finalizing their expansion at about 300AD (qtd. in Chard, 1974). However, â€Å"the evidence from cranial morphology does not support a complete replacement of the Jomonese by the Yayoiese† (qtd. in Hanihara, 1984). Several theories explaining the origin and diversification of the Japanese exist (qtd. in Mizoguchi, 1986). The research done by Ding et al. used DNA and Y chromosome analyses to conclude the origin of contemporary Japanese from both maternal and paternal lineages. Molecular anthropological evidence seems more reliable when compared to historical, archeological or osteological studies, since the genetic material used in molecular anthropology tends to be continuous and maintains its integrity as its passed on from generation to generation (Ding et al.1). Historical, archeological or osteological studies are unreliable. When compared to other materials used in molecular anthropology studies, â€Å"Y chromosome and mtDNA pro ve to be the most powerful because of their abundance and ease of extraction† (qtd. in Zhang et al., 2007). By combining Y chromosome single nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs) and Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) information, none recombining region of Y chromosome (NRY) can be used to reveal the population migration and expansion history of modern human (Ding et al. 20). Studies have also shown that mtDNA has a maternal inheritance protocol and the population genetic characteristics of mtDNA resemble the NRY (Ding et al. 20). The investigation carried out by Ding et al. seems to present new data which support an existing theory. The research also re-analyzes existing data. The key objective aimed at illustrating the origin of the East Asian populations and specifically the Japanese people, using

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

History of Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Communication - Essay Example Following the emergence of the recent technological innovations such as the cochlear implants, issues of community, language, unification and identity keep on becoming rampant. (Deaf Culture: Introduction) Following various efforts, the ultimate achievement was witnessed with the establishment of the Columbia Institute for the Deaf at Washington, DC in 1864. The later portion of the 19th century saw the growth of the oral theories of deaf education. Even though a lot of these theories persist, they have in common a stress on the value of acquiring oral skills, i.e. reading and speech in the educational training of the deaf children. It is very important to note that a major supporter of technique of oral methods was Alexander Graham Bell whose mother and wife had problems in hearing. The first important oral school in the U.S., Clarke School for the Deaf in Northampton, Massachusetts was opened in 1867. This variation in philosophy between the supporters of conventional sign language and those who are in favor of oral language formed a vital division across the second half of the 19th century as well as the 20th century. The differences were sometimes strong, resulting in intense divi sions within the deaf education community. (History of Deaf Education in America) The capability to educate in oral skills depends largely on the extent of hearing loss, the age in which the student lost his/her hearing ability particularly if it was prior to or following acquisition of the sign language and other factors as well. Thus there is broad array of achievement and failure dependent, which is not on intelligence, rather on these factors. During the history of development, oral skills are not generally very helpful for communication among deaf persons, and the application of the oral techniques really prevents the deaf from careers as teachers. The American School for Deaf at this time, tried out students in oral classes initially, and in case they did not get results, placed them in manual classes as an alternative, under a philosophy known as the Combined System. A lot of other schools meant for the deaf accepted the oral method to a greater degree. The 20th century witnessing a scenario wherein the oral method was losing its popularity to the sign met hod which was gaining increased acceptance. (History of Deaf Education in America) The difference between spoken language and sign language, while crucial for researchers, is a sweeping statement for most real-life situations. It is exceptional that deaf children are subjected to spoken language or sign language, even if this is the purpose of their parents or teachers. As per data relating to the year 1999, roughly 55% of deaf children in America are officially enrolled in programs which state suing of sign language solely just more than 5% or signed and spoken language in combination just more than 49%. (Albertini; Lang; Marschark 89) One more aspect observed in the Ralph Fasold authored publication entitled "The Sociolinguistics of Society" gives an account of the essence of sociolinguistics that is dependent on two facts regarding language. First of all, that language changes which is to state that speakers have more than a single means to speak roughly the same thing. The second aspect is that language serves a widely inclusive objective just as important one of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Environment Hormone Mimics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Environment Hormone Mimics - Assignment Example They may result in developmental disorders such as birth defects and cancerous tumors. Scientists and medical experts have established that environmental hormone mimics cause cognitive and brain developmental problems, such as severe attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. They can also cause physical deformations of various parts of the body such as limbs, and can cause sexual, developmental problems including the feminization of males or producing of masculine characteristics in females (Colborn, Saal & Soto, 1993). Hormones control most of the human body’s functions. They range from the maintenance of body heat, to growth and reproduction. For example, the pituitary and adrenal glands each secrete several hormones. Once released, these hormones travel to their target cells through the blood, where they bind to their receptors in a ‘lock and key’ fashion. Their binding triggers intracellular machinery, which brings about the desired response from the cell. Although hormones are quite large and complex molecules, they interact with their receptors in a rather simple way which simpler chemicals can emulate. However, only the hormone can elicit the normal response that result from binding to its receptors. The mimicking molecules only bind to the receptors, but do not trigger the desired response associated with the hormone. Thus, it prevents the hormone from binding to the receptor and elicits an undesired response. Some hormone mimics act by latching onto the hormone receptor and triggering a spurious response which may send associated body functions into overdrive. Consequently, the essential body function the hormone mediates alters in an adverse way. Ultimately, pathological states result which interfere with the life of the affected person or may even be lethal. The first of such hormone mimics to be identified had a tendency to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Seven Dimensional Model of Religion

The Seven Dimensional Model of Religion This essay examines Smarts seven dimensional model of religion against six main world religions. I shall then examine how other belief systems fit into the same model. I shall consider other models briefly attempting an analysis of whether Smarts model is successful. When I mention religion I mean the Christian religion; and not only the Christian religion but the Protestant religion; and not only the Protestant religion, but the Church of England. (Henry Fielding: TomJones) The first consideration when attempting the definition of religion is that a straight forward definition such as Fielding attempts in his classical work excludes the world view of religion. He speaks of Christianity excluding some traditions we will examine. Each religious tradition within itself embodies numerous belief systems. Many philosophers and theologians would insist that religion is not definable. Smart recognises that religion: is partly a matter of convention as to what is counted under the head of religion and what is not. (Ninian Smart: ThePhenomenon of Religion p10) In setting out his model Smart attempts to find one that is inclusivistic of global religion whilst confining the definition to that which can be classified as of religion. The seven dimensions are: InowExperiential; Doctrinal; Mythical; Ritualistic; Institutional and Ethic I now  propose to examine these key areas explaining briefly what Smart meant by them attempting to apply it to the six world traditions. Experiential Smart explains the experiential dimension as the emotions witnessed by the founder of the tradition and its followers. Rudolf Otto describes it as the numinous experience, that is, the feeling one experiences when the senses of man are aroused as a result of paranormal or special places. Examples of this are Moses and the Burning Bush; Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. The second aspect of the experiential is that of mysticism. This is an inner seeking of that which is unknowable. Examples of this would be the whirling dhervishes and the Hasidic tradition within Judaism. Doctrinal Smart explains this as the formulation of a system to encapsulate the tradition. For instance, Smart gives Aquinas philosophical explanation of creation an authoritative feel compared with the story of creation in Genesis. There is also the doctrine of theTrinity going some way to explain Jesus as God within Christianity. Within Buddhism, the Buddha explained himself the path to salvation whereas other traditions have left that to the succeeding institution to develop. Mythological Smart explains this as sacred history or sacred story rather than the term we are familiar with today. The great religions have stories to tell of their founders such as the Enlightenment of the Buddha or the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. There are also stories to explain difficult concepts for example evil. Many faiths strengthen these stories by writing them down as in the Torah or the Quran.Oral traditions also evolve such as the Catholic tradition of relying on various saints for help. Ritual Smart explained this as a method by which religion expresses itself. Humankind uses rituals worldwide as a form of communication, for example, the handshake. There is a binding together of people who recognise these rituals. Examples of these will be: the ancient Jewish tradition of ritual sacrifice in the Temple; Baptism withinChristianity. Ethical Religions usually follow a code ofethics they expect their followers to adopt. This concerns not only the individuals behaviour but also that of the society. Examples of this are: the ten commandments; the 613 commandments of Jewish Law; Vatican Edicts on birth control. Institutional Smart describes this as the tangible visual embodiment of religion that can be seen on two levels through groups of people as in the Church, or the Sangha. The second level is through the buildings such as the mosque, the mandir, the cathedral. Also within this category can be places of religious significance such as Benares, the River Ganges and Jerusalem. Visual/Artistic These aspects of religion can be translated into works of art; architecture; music. This aids ritual or understanding sacred story for example hymns, rosary beads. In Smarts book Religious Experience and Mankind he argues that this model works as closely as possible to discovering the nature of religion. He struggles however in that other world philosophies such as Humanism and Communism closely follow the model. For the purpose of brevity, I shalloutline the model against communism to illustrate the comparisons. In the ritual dimension, communismhad set in place ceremonies performed in praise of the philosophy for examplethere were annual celebrations of the revolution. In the experiential dimensionKarl Marx was held as the prophet and founder of wisdom. His revelation of anew system created the wow factor. In the mythological dimension oraltraditions were developed of the revolution. Das Kapital became the sacredtext. In the doctrinal dimension, edicts were passed down explaining howpeople were now meant to work and live. In the ethical dimension moralbehaviour and the laws of society were adjusted to make credible the communisttradition. For instance, it was acceptable to murder if the criminal was apolitical agitator and the authorities executed. In the institutional dimensionthe communist party became the church and the mission was communism. In thematerial dimension places such as Lenins tomb became a shrine, a focal pointof worship. Yet, communism could never be considered a religion but more anideology. Yet it fits within the model quite confortably. The social dimension isquestionable. It also relates to politics and racism as an identity, a label,a badge of allegiance of a group. This is how Richard Gombrich terms modernworld religion. For him, the key to defining religion is what you do, notwhat you think. Hans Kung demonstrates thatreligion can be classified in terms of family. Indian religions tend to followa mystical route with a mystical leader; Chinese religion with a wise sage; andNear Eastern religion with a wise figure. It is not possible to put a narrowdefinition on the religion but I can accept that they belong together infacilitating humankind with its humanity. Bibliography Fielding Henry: Tom Jones Oxford World Classics Oxford 1998 Gombrich Richard: TherevadaBuddhism: A Social History from Ancient Benaresto Modern Colombo RoutledgeLondon 1988 Kung Hans: Tracing the Way:Spiritual Dimensions of the World Religions Continuum 2002 Otto Rudolf: Mysticism(East) RA Kessinger Publishing 2003 Open University: A5 Religion Block4 units 14-15 pp 36-38 Smart Ninian: The Phenomenon ofReligion London and Oxford 1978 p10 Smart Ninian: ReligiousExperience and Mankind Collins New York 1971

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sweden’s Position on Personal Privacy in Cyberspace Essay -- Swedish S

Sweden’s Position on Personal Privacy in Cyberspace The Internet and computer age has enabled people to work faster and more efficiently, with practically unlimited access to information. As much as the technology boom has made our lives easier, as with most good inventions, there is some negativity that must be dealt with. The dissemination of information on the global network has put personal privacy at risk. Obviously, we are not going to give up new technologies that enrich human life for the sake of maintaining our privacy; however, measures must be taken to keep the public, or government, from abusing the Internet and computer databases for malevolent reasons. Every country in the world has its own policies on human rights to personal privacy and will deal with the threat the Internet has presented. In this paper, we will explore Swedish laws and regulations and its viewpoint on safekeeping privacy in this Internet age. A recent survey called â€Å"Digital Life Index†, which is conducted year by the Jupiter Research group, concluded that Swedes were the most digital-savvy people amongst 17 Western European countries. This title essentially means that Swedes are more prone to trying out new technologies when they first come out on the market. Swedish households are more likely than their Western European counterparts to own digital handheld gadgets, satellite dishes, mobile phones, and high-speed Internet connections.[1] We can assume that this translates into more time spent using the Internet and transferring information across databases, which requires Sweden to be considerably more conscious of preserving its people privacy. Sweden, historically, has held personal privacy in very high regard compared to other cou... ...Data Directive", <http://dsv.su.se/jpalme/society/eu-data-directive-revision.html> [15] Palme, J.; â€Å"Swedish Attempts to Regulate the Internet†, <http:/dsv.su.se/jpalme/society/swedish-attempts.html> [16] Privacy Exchange, â€Å"Summary of the New Personal Data Protection Act for Sweden†, <http:/www.privacyexchange.org/legal/nat/omni/swedensum.html> [17] Palme, J.; â€Å"Critical Review of the Swedish Data Act†, <http:/dsv.su.se/jpalme/society/data-act-analysis.html> [18] Palme, J.;â€Å"Swedish Law on Responsibilities for Internet Information Providers†, <http:/dsv.su.se/jpalme/society/swedish-bbs-act.html> [19] Swedish Data Inspection Board, <http:/www.datainspektionen.se/pdf/arsredovisningar/eng_1999.pdf> [20] Arrision, S., 23 Oct 2003,"Perspective: Privacy Lessons from Europe", CNet News, < http://news.com.com/2010-1069-962993.html?tag=lh>

Monday, November 11, 2019

Corporate Sponship in Event

Thanks to increases in leisure time and discretionary spending nowadays, community groups as well as individuals are becoming enthusiastic in events according to their interests. Events have occupy our newspapers and television screens as well as much of our free time and enrich our lives (Bowdin et al. , 2011). Moreover, events have a substantial contribution to the national economy. In UK, the event industry generates over ? 36 billion every year, which sustain at least 530,000 full-time jobs (Bladen et al. 2012). Under the trend, the business sector has take events and events’ sponsorship into consideration when making their marketing strategies. Globally, expenditure on event sponsorship has been escalating each year – from USD 44 billion in 2009 to an estimated USD 51. 1 billion in 2012 (IEG, 2013). The overall sponsorship spending in the UK each year is around ? 934 million, made up of sports (51%), arts and business (18%), broadcasting (20%) and others (10%) (Mer miri and South, 2009).Before analyzing the relationship between sponsorship and event, the two concepts should be clarified first. An event can be defined as â€Å"an organized occasion such as meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, etc. an event is often composed of several different related functions† (Getz, 2005, p. 16). According to International Events Group (IEG, 1995), sponsorship is â€Å"a cash and/or in-kind fee paid to a property in return for access to the exploitable commercial potential associated with the property†.In this essay, the scope of the event industry and main types of sponsorship will be introduced at first. Then, the importance of corporate sponsorship in the event industry will be examined by considering the benefits to both sponsors and events. Next, the essay will critically analyze the risks of corporate sponsorship and discuss other sources of event funding. Finally, the conclusion can be drawn as corporate sponsors hip plays a significant role in the event industry but potential risks such as ambush marketing should not be ignored.In addition, other sources of funding are essential to successes of events. The event industry has a large scope; here, only some key components will be presented. Event organisations, staging or hosting events, are core element of the event industry. Besides, professional groups or individuals who organize events on behalf of their clients are called event management companies are emerging with the event industry. There are also various suppliers covering staging, lighting , transport, accommodation and security of the event industry.External regulatory bodies and publications have tight relations with the event industry as well (Bowdin et al. , 2011). As for types of sponsorship, cash is the most common source provided by sponsors to support the event (Wagen & Carlos, 2006). Sponsors can also offer ‘value in kind’ by providing free goods and services t o events (Wagen, 2007). Other sponsorship may cover the media coverage, IT support, entertainment speaker sessions and etc.From the sponsor’s perspective, sponsors have objectives that fit into one or more of these areas: to increase product or brand awareness, to develop corporate image, to drive sales, or to develop market strategy (Yeoman et al. , 2004). To begin with, sponsors can gain benefits from marketing area through sponsoring the event industry. Sponsorship is acting as a more effective way of market promoting, sales driving and reaching the target market (Bowdin et al. , 2011).Among various traditional marketing promotion methods such as advertising or personal selling, sponsorship is argued to be one of the most effective means of communicate and form relationships with consumers and business partners (Grey and Skildum-Reid, 2003). Siegel (2001) investigated the sponsorship of tobacco industry and found that despite a federal ban on tobacco advertising on televis ion, tobacco companies achieve the equivalent of more than $150million in television advertising per year through their sponsorship of televised motor sports events.From 1997 through 1999, tobacco companies achieved 169 hours of television advertising exposure and $410. 5 million of advertising value for their products by sponsoring motor sports events. In addition, events provide sponsors with an environment where consumers are relax and better accept marketing message; therefore, sponsorship is key driver of product sales (Bowdin et al. , 2011). There are two main ways for companies with products achieve high sales goals including an exclusive in-game presence at sporting events or exclusive rights in their product ategory at a festival. For instance, Tiger Beer sponsors the Tartan Asian Extreme Festival and distributes samples of their beer to attendants as part of an integrated marketing campaign which also included the launch of The Tigers’ awards to celebrate Asian film s in the UK (Anon, 2005c). The Stongbow Rooms, an online game company, launched the Scottish Courage Strongbow Rooms concept resulted in an estimated increase in 12% monthly sales gain (Scottish Courage, 2005). The sponsorship of the event industry is an emerging new channel of sales driving for sponsors.Moreover, events also help sponsors get access to specific niche/target markets. For example, O2 sponsored music concerts to appeal to a youth market and establish itself as the biggest mobile network in the youth market (Carter, 2004). Saudia Private Aviation (SPA), an affiliate of Saudi Arabian Airlines, has renewed its sponsorship of the 6th edition of EXCS International Luxury Motor Show. The company believed that the event offer a platform for them to reach prominent people and the high-class segment of the community, who SPA targets through its marketing programs. (AMEinfo, 2012).Next, brand awareness and brand image of sponsors’ can also be created and developed throug h sponsorship, especially for companies expanding into new international markets (Noordin et al. , 2011; Bowdin et al. , 2011; Yeoman et al. , 2004; Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000; Cornwell et al. , 2001). Perceptions of a brand are increasingly linked to consumers’ experience with the brand. Thus, in brand strategy, delivering a comprehensive brand experience is becoming paramount, whereby ‘‘marketing and external communications help build the brand, but nothing is more powerful than the customer’s actual experience’’ (Berry, 2000, p. 36). The case of Vodafone entering New Zealand mobile telecommunications market is a suitable example to illustrate the effectiveness of brand awareness and image building in the new markets through sponsorship. The initial step of Vodafone setting into the New Zealand mobile telecommunications market was in 1998, and it had dominated 45% of the market until 2003. Sponsorship was an integral component of Vodafon e’s brand strategy. Vodafone sponsored Rugby, New Zealand’s national mass-audience sports, in order to quickly and effectively reated brand awareness among target groups when entering the new market. Then Vodafone use sponsorship as a platform to let customer experience products and develop emotional connections. Thus, it not only create broad awareness alone but also build brand personality among consumers and create links to popular youth culture, facilitating much closer bonds between customer and the brand (Cliffe & Motion, 2005). Besides obvious financial benefits, sponsorship allow sponsors to build up corporate images Bowdin et al. , 2011. Corporate image and brand image are two different concepts.Corporate image may or may not be related with its products or services and usually be associated with corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Godfrey, 2006). Usually, companies support charity events to create goodwill in the community. For example, NPower became headl ine sponsor for Macmillan Cancer Relief World's Biggest Coffee Morning improve to its brand perception (Anon, 2004). Wu (2002) added that companies such as petroleum, tobacco and weapon industries whose image need some polishing were likely to offer sponsorships to arts, culture and charity events to leave good impressions to the public.Furthermore, sponsorships are also used as incentives for a company’s workforce and create better employee relations IEG (2008). Companies often perceive event sponsorship as a way to offer their employees access to the events or corporate rewards to motivate them. For example, Royal Bank of Scotland’s and Edinburgh International Festival secured New Partnership funding from Arts ; Business which enabled the bank’s staff to take part in ‘Royal Bank Turn Up and Try It’ workshops.By involving staff in the arts sponsorship, the bank wanted to form more creative thinking, dealing effectively with customers or colleagues of their employees (Royal Bank of Scotland, 2003). The business involving staffs events aims to creating more intensive inter-staff relationships and loyalty to companies as well as staff moral and the like (Godfrey, 2006). From the event’s perspective, the financial investment, in-kind support and media exposure are three main benefits that event organizers seek from sponsors (Watt, 1998).Watt (1998) argued that events could not be successful happen without adequate financial support. Financial investment is the most obvious and direct income for events. The 2004 Edinburgh International Festival received around ? 1. 73 million from sponsors and donator, accounting for 27% of the total income (Bowdin, 2006). Except for cash, in-kind support is vital to event organizers as well. Crompton (1994) summarize four main types of in-kind services including product support, personnel support, communication resources and expertise and intangible benefit of â€Å"institutional cloutâ⠂¬  conferred on the event.According to the research done by Cultural Ministers Council (2002) on cultural sponsorship in Australia, in-kind support approximate 83% of organizations’ sponsorship commitment. Over 60% of respondents provide in-kind services covering legal and financial advisory services, IT support, auditing, marketing and management expertise and etc. (Richards ; Palmer, 2010). As for â€Å"institution clout†, if an event links to a sponsor with a strong, positive public image, then sponsorship may help legitimize the event and improve its public profile (Crompton, 1994).In addition, media exposure is also beneficial for events by not only promoting events to the public but also securing financial sponsorships easier (Crompton, 1994). In addition, media exposure is also beneficial for events by not only promoting events to the public but also securing financial sponsorships easier (Crompton, 1994). In 2000 Sydney Olympics, Nike, one of official sponsor s, launched its pre-Olympic advertising campaign, which not only promote its own brand but also the Sydney Olympic Games (Tripodi and Hirons, 2009).In spited of all the benefits brought to both sponsors and event organizers, there are still a number of potential risks associated with implementation of sponsorship, which should be paid enough attention to (Wagen, 2007). For the sponsors, first and the foremost is the â€Å"ambush marketing† issue. McKelvey (1994) describes it as â€Å"a company's intentional effort to weaken or ambush its competitor's official sponsorship and seek to confuse the buying public as to which company really holds official sponsorship rights. Ambush marketing reduces the effectiveness of the sponsors message as well as pose a threat to sponsorship agreements (Meenaghan, 1996). In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the torchbearer was Li Ning, a former gymnast and now the chairman of Li Ning company, which easily made the greatest 2 or 3 minutes of fre e advertising for Li Ning company. Although Adidas was the official footwear sponsor other than Li Ning, 67. 4% respondents incorrectly recognized Li Ning as the official footwear sponsor (Pitt et al. , 2010). Moreover, the ‘fit’ between a sponsor and an event is vital for the success of the sponsorship (Wagen & White, 2010).Not every company is the potential sponsor for every enent (Decker, 1991). Inappropriate sponsorships not only cannot achieve the desired outcomes of sponsors’ but also waste time and money or may even negatively influence their brand images. For example, Southland Corporation, the former owner of 4,000 7-Eleven convenience stores, sponsored cycling events. There was no obvious link between the stores and cycling so that the target audience did not get the marketing information of the company thus no significant increase in sales(Crompton, 1994).For the event organizers, it is well worth remembering sponsors are temporary and unstable for var ious reasons such as economic recession or government ban. For example, the government ban tobacco sponsorship in sport; thus, event organizers will lose all sponsorship from tobacco companies immediately (Bowdin et al. , 2011). In addition, sponsors are a stakeholder that event organizers have to make additional efforts to satisfy their requirements (Crompton, 1994). Sometimes, sponsors can be more trouble than they are worth.Significant time can be spent in servicing sponsorship and sometimes this time would be useful to the event if it were devoted to other forms of support (Watt, 1998). Finally, the image of sponsors’ may also leave bad impression on audience due to unpredicted failure, which may result in jeopardize the event itself (Crompton, 1994; Walker et al. , 2011). Therefore, other types of funding are essential to success of events. Ticket sales are one of the major revenue generating strategies for the event organizer to adopt in the modern events market (Raj et al. 2009). In the 2012 London Olympics, the ticket sales was reached 587,294 million (London 2012 Organising Committee, 2012). Moreover, government grants are keen to provide support to events not only for financial reasons but also expert advice and information (Raj et al. , 2009). Selling merchandises, broadcasting rights, perceiving donations and other types of funding can also act as financial support for the event industry. In conclusion, corporate sponsorship is important in the event industry for both event organizers and sponsors receive benefit from it.On the one hand, event organizers gain finical support, in-kind services and media coverage from sponsor, which can secure the income of events. In addition, intangible benefits such as positive influence from sponsors’ brand images are also pointed out. On the other hand, sponsors invest on events in exchange of more effective marketing strategy for financial purposes, brand building, better corporate image and facil itating employee relation. However, some pitfalls associated with sponsorship for both sponsors and event organizers are also critically discussed.The ambush market and â€Å"fit† theory between sponsors and events are two main issues that sponsors should take into consideration before investing on events. The unstable feature and sponsors’ influence on events’ performances are critical to event organizers when seeking for corporate sponsorships. Last but not the least, other sources of funding such as ticketing and government grants are vital financial support for events. It can be conclude that corporate sponsorship is important in the event industry, but the drawbacks should not be neglected and other types of funding are also necessary.